
Dynamic Player Performance (DPP)

Posted 05-09-2015 at 12:18 AM by PGaither84
Updated 05-09-2015 at 12:23 AM by PGaither84
Today I would like to post about Dynamic Player Performance, or DPP for short. In this blog, for postarity reasons, I will be posting the original blog by EA. I am doing this so it does not get lost to time, as many of their articles tend to do.

Dynamic Player Performance – Detailed Look

So the big news for today is Dynamic Player Performance in Madden NFL 12. This new feature was revealed yesterday by IGN, but the now EA has come out with a blog detailing
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DETROIT - Part 2: Cover 3

Posted 07-02-2013 at 05:29 PM by PGaither84
Updated 07-02-2013 at 05:32 PM by PGaither84
NOTE: If the images appear cut off to you, right click them and select "View Image" to see the full image

Now that we know what the DETROIT personnel package is, and what coverages we want to expect to call against it, now we want to take a closer look at the Stack Cover 3, or really a 4-3 Cover 3.We will look at Stack/4-3 "Rita" or "Linda" later.

Here is a far away shot of the DETROIT Cover 3 page. In a little bit we will take...
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DETROIT - Part 1: Personnel

Posted 07-02-2013 at 05:26 PM by PGaither84
In this installment we are going to talk about calling plays against DETROIT personnel. According to the 84 Giants Defensive playbook, DETROIT personnel are two Tight Ends, two Wide Receivers, and one Running Back. In a balanced set, Belichick has declared that the left side of the formation [video game right side] will be the default STRONG side of the formation unless otherwise game planned. Below is further explanation and a list of coverages that will be called against DETROIT personnel:...
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The 1984 Giants Defense - Bill Belichick

Posted 07-02-2013 at 05:24 PM by PGaither84
A while back I came across a PDF of the 1984 NY Giants Defensive playbook by Bill Belichick. It isn't a complete playbook, and it has some things that aren't aprt of his playbook, but rather a hand out bout defensive line stunts... but regardless it is packed with a lot of great information. This blog and some future blogs will refer to this playbook and more that I have found.

Here is a screen capture of the defensive fronts called:
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Learn Your Audibles!

Posted 10-29-2012 at 01:52 PM by PGaither84
This is more of a quick tip rather than an in-depth blog, but LEARN YOUR AUDIBLES!

I use custom playbooks for Madden 12, but it still applies no matter what version you are playing. I am not only talking about your normal audibles, but more specifically your formation specific audibles.

You see, it's not only good to know what you have at your disposal, but it also keeps you from picking certain plays in the huddle. For example, why would you call HB Zone in the huddle...
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