This is the first ever Blog I have writen anywhere on the internet.

"Not this year."

Posted 03-03-2012 at 10:41 AM by PhillsPhan26
MLB 09 The Show was the first year with the game for my newly bought PS3. Later on in the year, lets say around September. I traded in MLB 09 because my anticipation for NHL 10 was built up pretty much and I thought I could put the trade in value from The Show towards NHL 10.

Come the end of November of that year I started to get the itch for baseball again and I only had the demo of MLB 09 The Show to fall back on. Anyway, my anticipation for the upcoming MLB 10 The Show was close...
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"A blessing in disguise,"

Posted 02-27-2009 at 01:23 PM by PhillsPhan26
Over a year ago just after Christmas of '07 I purchased a Xbox 360 Elite with the mistake of buying it at Gamestop rather then, lets say BestBuy, where I could of gotten an instore warrenty but I was so excited to be getting the Elite that where I got it from really did not matter, I was just happy to get it.

So lets fast foward to about two weeks after Christmas of '08. Now between this time I have had a hell of a time with the 360 experience. Xbox Live is great and I was so addicted...
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