
NFL Draft prospect Michael Sam comes out as gay

Posted 02-10-2014 at 01:17 AM by Ramboooo
One question. Why? Who cares what your sexual orientation is? What is the need to broadcast [I]everything[/I]?

My opinion: This entire internet generation have been the targeted generation of gay propaganda / brainwashing. It's just sad... This is just another step for gay organizations.... next mission: Infiltrate sports. Infiltrate the only non-politically correct environment left on the planet (seemingly). Infiltrate the locker room. Infiltrate brutal honesty where guys joke and use (God forbid!) curse language that might "offend" someone! omg! Find it interesting that Michael Sam "conveniently" decides to do this during the Sochi Olympics, where that whole gay thing in Russia took center stage.

In another news...

A dude decided to come out as the first polygamist / inbred / celibate athlete. gimme a break! can't be the only one sick of this politically correct horse***
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NBA 2K My Player Online Association

Posted 08-17-2012 at 12:53 PM by Ramboooo
Updated 08-17-2012 at 01:00 PM by Ramboooo
I'm sure this idea has been said before, but just wanted to post this idea in more detail.

Check this...
Step 1 --- Join an Online Multiplayer Association [/U]

a) Join as a crew (pick from a list of NBA teams)
b) Join as an individual player (pick a team or be entered into the fantasy draft)

* Association customizable settings -- number of teams (8 - 30), schedule, etc

[U]Step 2 -- Fantasy Draft by CPU (for individual player leagues)[/U]

a) Pool of players (8 teams with 5 players on each would be 40 players) drafted by the CPU. What team will you be drafted to, who will be your new teammates? Wait for David Stern to let you know...

[U]Step3 -- Start the Association[/U]

a) Play the games as 5on5 NBA teams
b) Make trades
c) Awards
d) etc... All the Association stuff

* A waiting list and/or able to invite replacements / free agents for when teams may need extra players.

Would love to play an NBA game like this with the best of both worlds (crew and association) :nchuck:
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