
WTF Microsoft????...Simply put Xbox One delayed Patch updates....

Posted 12-17-2014 at 07:40 PM by ruggedrum
To all of my XB1 users who have patiently waited for these NBA 2k15 and NBA live patches....Microsoft WTF are you doing and why such a long wait. Are you waiting til all of the issues are addressed with the patch so you do not get your users frustrated over the patch or are you fine with the frustration of silence. Silence makes me as a consumer very angry as I log on day after day and look on this site to see if there is an update and nothing. WTF...are you telling me I purchased the wrong system, that I have to purchase a PS4 if I want to play the most updated version of a game. Please let me know what is the hold up this is getting a little silly, just provide an update why don't you. It doesn't take much to say hey guys thanks for your patience we are working with the developers to make sure that the patch does not cause further issues and we do not want to put something out to you that will cause more frustration. I mean is that too much to do, hell I can create the response for you, hit me up so we can discuss. I am really getting a little tired of this as I keep reading these posts and cannot see for myself...Do something why dont cha!!!!
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C'MON EA (NBA Live Screen shots)

Posted 08-30-2014 at 11:56 AM by ruggedrum
At this point in time and in this day and age, showing me screenshots of arena's just isn't to satisfying. It is time to put up some game play footage and I'm not talking about random up close footage neither. I'm talking real game play, I want to see the intro, I want to see some drives to the lane some fouls some dunks some crossovers something, enough of the arena screenshots. Haven't the faithful who have followed you and fended off numerous 2k haters year after year after year...haven't they we who have supported you with our hearts blood sweat and tears earned the right to at least see some game play clips by now. I mean Madden is amazing and so are NHL and UFC, so Live has to be official this year. Stop playing with our emotions and put the game play out there or do what Beyonce did and just drop a demo without any notice, you said you are going to put the demo out earlier then normal this year how about now, how about a demo drop for all to play before we get a game play clip if you are not going to give us game play clips.. EA you owe us the few that have had your back through the next Gen disasters of futures past...C'MON EA Sean O'Brien this one is for you sir..PLEASE SHOW ME SOMETHING!!!!!!!!
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WTF EA sports NBA Live13

Posted 07-29-2012 at 12:48 PM by ruggedrum
Updated 07-29-2012 at 12:59 PM by ruggedrum
Truly I think we have all lost our patience with the no news on this game."WTF", I mean this is getting a little ridiculous. "WTF" you (EA) cannot continue to wet the tastebuds of your fans and then provide us little to no details of the game. "WTF" the community is owed something and something now. Tell me that the game is pushed back,all the rumors and the game sites not showing a release date, the EA season pass not listing NBA Live and then not one gameplay screenshot or video at this point. You have this advisory board and they havent provided any details to at least let us know that the game is still coming out on schedule. "WTF" the game should be called smoke and mirrors 13,nothing but reindeer games being played by EA, "WTF" Im ready to stand outside EA with pickett signs demanding some information on this game...LOL just kidding, but "WTF" EA...Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are really giving your true hardcore fans no choice but to move to the Darkside (2K sports) "WTF" x's infinity!!!!! Please do us all a favor and stop with the Top secret crap.
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A message to EA sports NBA Live 10

Posted 07-11-2011 at 07:27 PM by ruggedrum
Ea, As a true and loyal fan to you as a company, why can't you do us a favor and put a team together with the task of making some updates to NBA live 10 and patch it on through for this year and call it NBA live 10.75. I still play Live 10 and love it, but come on please throw us a bone man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me something to tide me over until Live Elite 13 or whatever you are going to call it. This is just not fair and I think you guys owe it to us who have been there since the start. I mean NBA Elite was a sad game compared to LIVE 10 you guys owe us something...Who is with me lets start to make some noise on this give us something a look in on the progress or something....Somebody anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ESPN broadcast for NBA Elite..WOW

Posted 06-30-2010 at 07:39 PM by ruggedrum
Oh how I have longed for an NBA Live game that actually had presentation, I guess the wait is finally over. I hope...This year I can truly say that it is going to be the deciding year on which company 2K or EA has the best basketball game, with both games at their peak this year will be the tell all and I can't wait.. Now having the ESPN broadcast can mean having the ESPN brand name flash during cut scenes that would be a huge dissapointment..I need Stu Scott, Magic Johnson, Jon Barry and Mike Wilburn Pre, half and postgame reports..I need Dynasty mode that includes NBA Fastbreak with Tim Leglar, Jalen Rose and Jamal Mashburn...I need the online leagues to have the same look and feel as if you were viewing ESPN's website and you are looking at the schedule or statistics..I hear we have 3 commentators and they are the best at what they do, please give me an abundance of sayings what about updating what the commentators can say as the season goes on as players jockey for position in the scoring, rebound, assist Rookie of the year and MVP races. Lets have double headers where online with a friend you each select 2 teams and set to play back to back online games against your opponent, lets have sound bites of the coaches lets do everything that ESPN broadcast does and give us the option to bypass for those that dont want to watch.. Lets make sure that the introductions are like the introductions in the NBA not just the 5 starters standing there. Incorporating ESPN can push this game over the top, but just having ESPN logos is not going to cut it.
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