
NCAA 14 2015-16 -- Guru's top teams to try for dynasty

Posted 07-27-2015 at 03:08 PM by thesportsguru11
Updated 07-29-2015 at 08:07 AM by thesportsguru11
As the PS3 community file is inching closer to having a playable dynasty file (and soon to be a Week 1 updated file around early September), I find myself in the same situation this year as I do every year. What team do I use for my dynasty? Great question. This is why I am here to provide (hopefully) a little insight if, like me, you can't find a team to try just yet. Below I examine 10 teams you might want to try in dynasty mode in 2015. 5 for the Power 5, 5 for the Group of 5. Enjoy!
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