
Will Longer Cycles Help Shut Up Complainers?

Posted 12-23-2011 at 09:09 PM by truintellectplaya
UFC has gone to using more than one year for development cycle and the same goes for the Fight Night series. EA NBA basketball is doing the same and maybe not on there own will and it is more than likely that they will not continue that as the norm and will revert back to every year after they possibly get back into the goodwills of some.

The biggest question is how will this help at the end of the story? Will it actually make games better and more playable by adding to the value? On...
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XBOX 720 Arriving in Late 2012 Rumors

Posted 11-10-2011 at 03:08 PM by truintellectplaya
I am looking at a lot of rumors that say the product will arrive Holiday next year, 2012. What do you think? Do the rumors get you excited? Do you think this will be the end of bad graphics?


Just one place I saw it but it is all over the net
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The State of Video Games is Sad and Sickening: Part 1 MLB 2K Baseball

Posted 11-03-2011 at 11:56 PM by truintellectplaya
I am going to make this one short and sweet. Go look at the Bigs 2, then come back and tell me that MLB 2K is the best product that 2K could put out. The Bigs graphics are not that far off from those of the Show while MLB 2K is light-years behind. I don't care that they are not exactly the same studio because it is quite obvious that 2K has access to the developers of the Bigs and it's engine. I really think 2K needs to look into merging the two to finally make that game that people are yearning...
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Warning NBA 2K, they would like for you to be seen in the same light as Madden

Posted 10-13-2011 at 06:10 PM by truintellectplaya
First off, this is not a silly EA vs 2K discussion on my part. I have scrolled online various sites and I have seen the trend unfold before my eyes. There are some who make claims that 2K is getting away with things that EA would never get away with. What do they point to? Online off course. What games do they usually point to. NBA 2K and Madden off course. Why is 2K not receiving the same heat Madden receives some say.

2K has a reputation for having subpar online to put it lightly....
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