I just achieved the right balance for myself by tweaking a bit your v3.25 sliders and you're releasing a new version

Lucky me. But thank you for your dedication either way, you're doing a great job!
By the way, if you interested to know what were main tweaks I made for your 3.25 version, I lowered a bit players speed and acceleration to match my feeling from real games (used true broadcast camera to get the right feeling).
I also significantly lowered save reaction time for goalies (from 85 to 40). I still get realistic save percentages (above .900 usually), but goalies don't look so robotically fast. The main pain for me in NHL 25 is that goalies overreacting to shots often. They raise their arms too fast which leads to "leaky" goals when the puck sneaks under an arm. I saw the same problem in NHL 07. Lowering save reaction time really helps to eliminate those leaky goals and makes overall goaltending more realistic. I also decreased cross-crease reaction by 5 points.
And I set CPU pass accuracy to 0. CPU tends to have ridiculously accurate passes. Even with it at 0 they still usually have better pass percentage than me (above 80%). But now I at least see icings from CPU here and there.
I also lowered puck control to 20 and bouncing puck reception ease to 30 (tried 25, but players really struggled with some pucks real NHLers shouldn't have any problems with) to make the game sloppier and hitting power to 5 to eliminate unrealistic hits (hits are still present but more realistic).
After those tweaks I really enjoy the game, the flow, the feeling, the stats, I'm content with everything.
That said, I'm a bit hesitant to try the new version of your sliders, but I'll probably give it a shot some time later.
Either way, big thanks to you for your sliders! They helped me to find the joy of playing this game again.
And sorry for my sloppy English, it's not my native language.