
darrenp1518's NBA 2k9 realistic sliders (extremely realistic midrange game)

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Old 03-05-2009, 03:54 PM   #1
OVR: 5
Join Date: Oct 2003
darrenp1518's NBA 2k9 realistic sliders (extremely realistic midrange game)

Before i give u guys the sliders i have to tell u that these are very challenging despite being on the rookie level. The main reason 4 this is because in the tendencies there are alot of sliders that do something completely different from what you would expect them to do. For example these sliders are triple threat, use hookshots(maxing out makes it extremely easy to get by defender), use fadeaways(minimizing makes the ballhandler extremely quick!), attempts putbacks, and look for post players.

Secondly, the way you MUST play is with ALL team tendencies set too: 1.) defensive pressure @ 50 2.) run plays @ 100 3.) Help defense @ 50 4.) close shot tendency @0 5.) medium shot tendency @ 0 6.) 3pt tendency @ 0 7.) attack basket tendency @ 50

Third, the players need to have midrange shooting tendencies between 90-100 if they regularly shoot them. And the overall shot tendency should not exceed 70 (with lebron and kobe having 70's and a player like daniel gibson with a 32). So for example the cavs players midrange shooting tendencies would be : [[[[[[[ 1.) Lebron-96 2.) Ilgauskus-99 3.) west-92 4.) gibson-90 5.) mo-97 6.) szcerbiak-90 7.) varaejao-86 8.) pavlovic-93 9.) kinsey-88 10.) hickson-85 ]]]]]]]]]

I first found out about this midrange change from another poster a few weeks ago and i cant remember his name sorry about that, but its saved the game 4 me in conjunction with the sliders im using for incredibly realistic results.

As i said b4 it is a must to change all the team sliders that i mentioned and you can leave everything else at its default. But with run plays maxed out it slows the game down to a realistic pace and drastically cuts back on backdoor passes and quick drives to the hoop by both the computer and the human user.

Another thing i like about these settings is that the computer is extremely unpredictable and for the first time i feel like they are actually assessing the situation rather than being programmed to shoot the same type of shot every time given a certain amount of space. For the first time im seeing players like wade and kobe iso out to take a last second midrange shot off the dribble instead of passing it off.

Now the problem that i think some of you will have is that you wont want to do these roster changes on ur own and i wont be done with them for another week so all i can do is just give you guys those basic guidelines. So if anybody has the time to test this out on 2 teams that they would like to play with i guarantee you will be thoroughly suprised with how well this game can play on the rookie level.

Difficulty: Rookie
Quarter Length: 12 Minutes
Fatigue: On
Injuries: On
Clutch Factor: ON
Real Player FT%: On
Game Speed: 50 for best gameplay
Free Throw Difficulty: 50 (I use realistic ft percentages)

User Settings/CPU Settings

Close Shot Success: 35/50
Mid-Range Success: 42/60
3PT Success: 46/50
Layup Success: 44/44
Dunk Success: 48/48
Dunks in Traffic: 100/100
Screen Success: 0/0

Steal Success: 40/100
Help Defense Strength: 0/0

Stealing: 50/50
Blocking: 50/50
Ball Handling: 40/50
Dunking Ability: 40/50
Offensive Awareness: 50/50
Defensive Awareness: 50/50
Offensive Rebounding: 0/0
Defensive Rebounding: 0/0
Clutch Factor: 100/100
Speed: 39/50
Strength: 50/40
Stamina: 50/50
Durability: 50/50
Vertical: 50/50
Quickness: 39/50
Hustle: 50/50
Hands: 50/50
On-Ball Defense: 50/50
Injury Severity: 25/25

Take Close Shots: 0/50
Take Mid-Range Shots: 100/50
Take 3PT Shots: 0/43
Attack the Basket: 0/50
Finish Strong Inside: 0/100
Look for Post Players: 0/100
Use Triple Threat: 100/0
Use Fadeaways: 100/0
Use Hookshots: 0/100
Attempt Putbacks: 0/0
Throw Flashy Passes: 5/5
Commit Fouls: 50/50
Play Passing Lanes: 100/100
Go for On-Ball Steals: 100/50
Contest Shots: 25/90
Use Sizeup Moves: 100/0

Charging: 100
Blocking: 85
Reaching: 65
Shooting: 70
Loose Ball: 100

Please give me feedback if ur willing to give these a try. And i will try to post some stats from my games when i get a chance because i work a lot
darrenp1518 is offline  
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Old 03-09-2009, 05:11 PM   #2
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2004
No one has tried these yet?
trockz2000 is offline  
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Old 08-06-2009, 06:30 PM   #3
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: darrenp1518's NBA 2k9 realistic sliders (extremely realistic midrange game)

would you upload this on 2kshare please
adie870 is offline  
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