
Steering Wheels and Grid and Grid 2

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Old 05-10-2013, 10:12 PM   #1
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: New Orleans
Steering Wheels and Grid and Grid 2

I know I'm very late to the game when it comes to getting a steering wheel. I just shelled out $130 for a Logitiech Driving Force GT... The wheel is fun with Midnight Club and is virtually unplayable with Grid 1.. I've found some settings that seem to work and will probably mess around with it and learn the game with the wheel but in my searches around the net, I've found that some people have given up on using a wheel and using a gamepad instead?

So going forward with Grid 2, what are your plans? Gamepad or Wheel?
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Old 05-16-2013, 04:21 PM   #2
Leftygroove's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jul 2003
Re: Steering Wheels and Grid and Grid 2

I know what you're going through; the learning curve with a steering wheel on Grid 1 was unbelieveably long. It took me at least a month to get the hang of it; I only stuck with it because it was an anniversary gift, and I didn't want to disappoint my wife! But, after playing with the settings, I found one that worked for me, and with practice, I was soon winning races on the highest difficulty.

That said, I also think Codemasters has gotten a LOT better with utilizing the wheel. I use the Microsoft wheel on the PC, and although Grid & Dirt were nearly impossible, Dirt 2 was much easier, and Dirt 3 is comparatively a dream. I fully plan on using a wheel for Grid 2; there is no better way to play, imo. The immersion factor skyrockets when you can use a wheel set with pedals. I just don't feel like I'm racing a car with a controller, but to each their own, of course.

In short, don't be discouraged that the wheel sucked with Grid 1; it's going to be a completely different experience.
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