04-28-2008, 02:08 PM
Re: Tiger Woods 09 Wishlist
1. Agree on the putting, although I tend to set the putts to a higher distance than it recommends to make it more challenging and give it more of a natural feel, i.e. I set the putter to 20 feet for putts 10 feet and under (10 ft. for really close putts), and 40 feet for putts over 10 feet. It's not perfect, but I like it much better.
2. I would like to create a player, give him attributes of my choosing, and go on a customizable PGA Tour season or career (I can set the number of events, number of rounds, and difficulty). I bought the game, I would like to play it, not fiddle around with challenges for a month. This kind of design, which is present in nearly every EA game (I spent 40 minutes simming NHL 08 seasons this weekend so I could play the AHL playoffs with updated rosters -- and I still don't have any control over the other playoff teams) is mind-numbingly dumb. In nearly every other realm of technology and entertainment, the options for customization have skyrocketed in recent years. EA makes me play the par 5s at Pebble Beach so I can hit the ball farther than 220 yards. That's idiotic. I understand having the player development stuff in the game, but as a choice, not a requirement. I don't have a lot of time to play games, I want to cut to the chase when I sit down.
3. I hope to god they don't reduce the sensitivity on Tour mode. Other than the organization of the game (design, I guess) I think this game is pretty fantastic. I like the difficulty. I think the physics are pretty much spot-on (I guess you can always improve ball physics, but they're good enough that I can't complain). And, I enjoy the graphics, although there's a little slowdown in the opponents' swings I've noticed.
Looking forward to 09. And happy to hear in thinly veiled ways that the developers are looking to appeal to a mixed audience, but do it without ignoring the sim crowd. It's time for someone to make a truly great PGA Tour golf season simulation.