
Honest Opinions Wanted

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Old 04-06-2009, 11:46 AM   #1
starship's Arena
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Honest Opinions Wanted

I currently have the Xbox 360 and MLB 2k9. I am an avid lifelong baseball fan and my primary interest is in playing franchise. I've come to the conclusion that 2k9's franchise mode is hopelessly broken/unplayable and is not going to be fixed.

For the first time I am actually considering buying a PS3 just to play The Show. In reading the various threads here, especially the one on bugs/glitches, I am wondering if it really does play as good of a game as claimed or if I'm being taken in by all the hype.

I understand that what I'm talking about is a subjective thing and that I will have to make the ultimate decision myself. However, I have never even seen The Show and have to rely on the thoughts and opinions of others to help me make my decision.

So, is The Show's franchise mode really that good? Can I play a realistic game of baseball and get decent results without freezes, dumb AI moves, and incorrect scoring? Is it really worth $400+ to play this baseball game?

Thanks for your help.
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Old 04-06-2009, 11:54 AM   #2
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

Being worth $400 is a decision only you can answer. The PS3 has other games you can get too, plus you can make the switch over to blu ray movies.

But there is a reason why it gets so much hype and attention. It's the best baseball video game ever. I played 2k9 at my friend's place the other weekend, and I was amazed at the lack of polish and total arcade feel of it (amazed how bad it was ). But to stay away from 2k9 bashing, yea, The Show is the better game.

Gameplay is pure, yet a little challenging. The first time I played 2k9, I was able to knock about 22 hits and 12 runs, lol. The first time I played The Show 09, I was shut down by Jake Peavey and scattered 5 hits or so, and loved it.

The AI is smart and punishing.

It has it's share of bugs, just like any game, but none are gamebreaking. Don't forget that those threads you are referring to are for people experiencing bugs..so obviously it will sound like the majority.

You can also head up to your local Gamestop and play the Show demo. Most of them have a PS3 setup with some demos.
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Old 04-06-2009, 11:54 AM   #3
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

You didn't know SCEA hired all of us to post good things about their game?

I honestly purchased a PS3 just for The Show and I have no regretted it for one second. If you can afford it then go for it.
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Old 04-06-2009, 11:58 AM   #4
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

I bought the PS3 over the Xbox just for the Show, and it's the only game I've had in my console since I bought the PS3 4 months ago. Best sports game I've ever played, despite some bugs.

In your situation, given you already have an Xbox, it's a more difficult decision. But if you love baseball, and want a realistic portrayal of the sport, and can afford the price tag - then I'd definitely give it a long look.
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Old 04-06-2009, 12:11 PM   #5
Scooter3's Arena
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

Honestly if you love baseball, I recommend that you take the plunge!

I grantee you one thing this is the best baseball sim ever, and it gets better every year.

You won't get more dedicated developers than the people at SCEA, they eat sleep and drink baseball...

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Last edited by Scooter3; 04-06-2009 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 04-06-2009, 12:19 PM   #6
bigjake62505's Arena
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

I just sold my 360, and some other stuff just to make the switch. I am still a little short, the difference in the price is just a little irritating. But if you enjoy a good baseball game this is the only way. I am a huge baseball fan and I have suffered through 2k7, 2k8, and 2k9. I was on the border of getting a PS3 last year but I waited, this year I put in 2k9 played it for a while and turned it off. I was a little ticked when my outfielder stood there in suspended animation, slow motion, then let the ball fall right beside him. Then I put the game back in and created a player played with him through a majority of the minor leagues then the next season I brought him up and every time my player would come up to bat the game freezes no matter what I do. As soon as that happened I unhooked my 360 and took pictures for ebay.
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Old 04-06-2009, 12:29 PM   #7
bigjake62505's Arena
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

Also just step back and evaluate your style, what games do you play, what bells and whistles are you looking for, are you a big online player, ect... I mostly only play sport games, and the playstation has the same sport games as the 360. The only game that is not on both is The Show. I do not get into online very much all I want it for is the patches, downloads, ect... The blue ray really does not matter much to me since all I want is to play games. I have heard that the xbox live is better than PSN but since I said I really do not play online that does not matter. In my opinion the xbox is at its maximum potiental, and I think that the PS3 still has alot left in the tank. I owned a 360 since launch and at the time that was the best system but now I think that the ps3 is closing the gap.
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Old 04-06-2009, 12:30 PM   #8
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Re: Honest Opinions Wanted

If your personal finances can bear it (and these are tough times for us all), this is a game you must own.

If you love baseball, this is the game for you. If you love sports gaming, this is the best game you will have ever played. It's simply an exquisite experience. It's that simple.
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