
Fictional Rosters 2012

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Old 03-13-2012, 01:20 AM   #1
sluggbugg's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2003
Smile Fictional Rosters 2012

*************THE ROSTERS ARE OUT************************

And now V2.3 is listed as OS Fictional V2.3 in the vault under sluggbugg
And a version of the rosters with some Past Video Game Greats added is in the vault under FTIrish93
And a version of the rosters with some personal changes is in the vault under wvucrq1, listed as crques fictional 1.1
*************GO GET'EM AND ENJOY*************************

Ok, its that time again!

I did a lot of work on the rosters last year and am ready to start again this year. Hopefully we can get some help on these, because it is a ton of work for one person. It will take me a couple months to do this by myself. The more that help the faster we get to play with these rosters that we had so much fun playing with last year!

I have completed one team at this point and it took me a full day to do.

One of the best things so far is that when you copy over a MLB Player this year his stats don't carry through! That means NO MLB Ghosts this year!

Here is how I would like this to work.

First: I will send you the spreadsheet. Use the spreadsheet that I will provide to you! Don't make random guys or use random(or real) names. If you want to have a roster full of celebrities or video game characters you can do that to your own personal save when we are done. All the players are in the spreadsheet and ready to be input into the game!

Second: I will upload the roster file on the Vault feature of MLB The Show 12 under my user name of "SluggBugg". You will then download that roster.

Third: You will need to find a player (both a pitcher and a fielder) for each of the potential ratings and "Export" those players to your hard drive. Just name them "Pitcher A" and "Fielder A", etc. "A", "B" and "C" should be the only ones you need, so that's only six players you have to "Export". If you end up needing a "D" or "F", do those too.

Fourth: Go through the team(s) you are working on and "Import" over each player that has ANY MLB "Experience". "Import" over an "A" potential player with the "A" potential "Exported" player you made earlier, etc. If they don't have MLB "Experience" then they are an SCEA creation, so there is no need to copy over them. Please don't adjust the number of "A", "B" or "C" potential players for the team(s) you are working on! The number the team has is the number that the teams get.

Fifth: Once you have "Imported" over all the MLB "Experienced" players, go to the spreadsheet and find the next player on the list that has the "Potential" rating that matches the player you are editing. The spreadsheet is ordered by "Potential" rating. All the "A's" are listed, then the "B's" etc. Once you have created a player from the spreadsheet, highlight his row so I and the next person will know which players have been used. PLEASE, JUST GO DOWN THE LIST. Don't skip around, this will add variety to the teams. We don't want everybody trying to stack their favorite team(s). You can always do a fantasy draft after the roster is complete anyway.

Sixth: The appearance and accessories of the player is completely up to you, just please make them realistic and not freaks or aliens. lol Everything else is in the spreadsheet for you to input directly into the game. The only adjustments that need to be made are that the defense ratings need to be adjusted. Those adjustments are this: To "A" potential players add 20 to the four defensive ratings. To "B" potential players add 15 to the four defensive ratings. To "C" potential players add 10 to the four defensive ratings. If you have to make a "D" potential player add 5 to the four defensive ratings. Add nothing to an "F" potential player. Though I can't imagine you would ever have to create an "F" potential player.

Seventh: Once you are finished editing your team(s), send the spreadsheet back to me. Upload the roster to the "Vault" and let me know what your username is. Make sure the players you created are highlighted on the spreadsheet so everyone knows which ones you used. This will keep us from making duplicates of the same person.

*Things you might run into*

Some of the names on the spreadsheet won't match a name that is recognized by MLB The Show 12. If that happens just change the players name to something similar but still highlight the player on the spreadsheet.

By going directly down the list of players on the spreadsheet, you may end up with two "A" potential players that are roughly the same level player and roughly the same age. Don't worry about that! I can always make changes later or add/delete/adjust players later. One team may be stacked at LF for instance and have nothing at SS. Don't worry about that at this stage, it is an easy fix and I already have a plan for that.

When editing pitchers: If a pitcher has 6 pitches listed (you can only have 5 in the game), eliminate a similar pitch or their weakest pitch. That decision is yours. If a pitcher only has two pitches listed, add a pitch that makes sense and give it comparable ratings. When you get to the individual pitches' ratings, the first number is the MPH of the pitch NOT the rating. (Ex. Four Seam Fastball 95/75/50) Make the MPH of the pitch equal the first number. Don't ask me why they did it this way. lol

I'll add more as I think of them or if any problems arise.

*Areas of consideration*

The speed rating for the players is under review. They may seem low on the spreadsheet, and that is an area we are looking at. For right now, just use the rating as it is. If we decide for sure that it is an issue, it can easily be adjusted later by me.

What I have done with Sec Pos is giving them something that the cpu can use to make out lineups if the need arises.

Basically all the OF's have OF as there secondary. That allows the cpu to move them around a little bit and make sure the best 3 OF's are in the game.

C's and 3B's I usually give 1B as a secondary. If its a real good fielding 3B I'll give him IF.

SS and 2B I usually give IF for the same reason as stated above with the OF's. Sometimes 2B's have weak arms though and I won't give them anything.

1B's I usually give LF if they have decent fielding stats.

If you are interested in helping with this project(Please, Please, Please!) let me know and we can get this thing done a lot quicker. I am excited about this project, but really don't want to have to do as much as I did last year.

The Official TEAM so far
Mr. Random

Last edited by sluggbugg; 06-07-2012 at 09:10 AM. Reason: Added crques to the team and listed his roster version at the top.
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Old 03-13-2012, 08:40 PM   #2
hbk_wess's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

I don't have time to volunteer on this...I don't even know how to import over a ML player in the game...BUT...I was just about to ask if anyone was going to make fictional rosters up...I had a blast last year with them and even started to edit those rosters for practicing on another fictional set with some old Basesloaded 2 guys...I have the BL2 book with rosters in the back of the book and did 4 of the teams before 12 came out and they were looking and playing great...So I will be keeping an eye on this set for sure
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Old 03-13-2012, 10:34 PM   #3
Bruin26's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

I was very appreciative of these rosters for last years games. Played with them right up until my gf bought this years game for me.

I am disabled so probably have more time than most to help so will gladly volunteer to help out.
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:36 PM   #4
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

Thanks for the volunteer Bruin26! I am finishing up the second team tonite. I'm just going down the list as they appear on the team management screen. So after tonite BAL and BOS will be finished.

When I finish I will drop you a PM and we can get together on the details.
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Old 03-13-2012, 11:39 PM   #5
Bruin26's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

Sounds great as I tend to be up most of the night anyway so would be good to get started. Very happy to help out!
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Old 03-14-2012, 12:50 AM   #6
sluggbugg's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

Ok Bruin26, I sent you a PM.

Do a team or two and then you can pass it back and I'll do a couple. Hopefully we'll have someone else volunteer too.

I know of at least one other guy that's gonna help, I just have to hollar at him.

Just follow the guidelines above and everything should run pretty smooth.
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Old 03-14-2012, 11:53 AM   #7
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

Quick update: Bruin26 has the file and is working away. At this point we have three teams edited and Bruin26 is working on the fourth today.
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Old 03-14-2012, 01:14 PM   #8
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Re: Fictional Rosters 2012

This is great slug!!!

Just to piggy back on what you said to everyone else. Everyone please please please stick to the rules that slugg gives. It saves everyone time. You can personalize all you want when they are done. What we want to accomplish is a solid fictional league that is a blank slate if you will. Balanced and realistic.

I think it's cool (if it is with slugg) to be creative with equipment and player build and such. That makes it fun to see the unique things that come up. Like the overweight closer with the thick side burns. Just dont go overboard. Again thats sluggs call. Just leave the names normal and keep ratings and potentials by the book. Then mess with them in your personal leagues. Other wise slugg or me or whoever has to go back through and fix all that. It may be boring now...but the pay off (as those who played last year know) is huge!!!! Think of Knights MLB rosters and all their detail. That's the model...just with no preconceived ideas of what's going to happen. That's the fun part.

Thanks again slugg for leading the charge. Looking forward to getting my turn on them.

All my best.
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