
Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

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Old 07-14-2012, 11:21 AM   #1
KuruptOwnz's Arena
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Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

...is this even worth it?

I can't remember a time when I haven't bought an NCAA Football game, but s this one I should go without?

Has coach mode improved? Can DE's in a 4-3 or LB's in 3-4 get sacks now?

Those things alone would be worthy of a purchase from me.

Honest thoughts?
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:26 AM   #2
8mileroad's Arena
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

They've been getting a lot of coverage sacks in my dynasty, and I can get good pressure if I user control them if that answers your questions. I definitely think it's worth buying. I've been having a lot of fun so far. Check out the poll on this site: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...s-quality.html
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:30 AM   #3
b2th3m1th's Arena
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

I like it as well. I run a 4-2-5 and get sacks with the DE's cause that's what i use. I love the new recruiting and scouting system.
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:37 AM   #4
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

Don't do coach mode myself so couldn't even begin to answer that one for ya.

As for the rest...

Have you liked the NCAA games from 2009 through to last year's release? If you answered yes then yes, this is most likely worth the pick up. 2013 isn't perfect but it's the best playing of this development cycle (2009 to present) IMO.

Are you looking for a "new" college football experience from last year's release? If you answered yes then wait until next year. You'll get to see how eyefinity works in Madden and how they can tweek it for next year's releases.

Hope that helped.

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Old 07-14-2012, 11:40 AM   #5
RumbleCard's Arena
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

I'll give you an honest opinion. I think the game is good. Probably the best playing game in the series. Generally smooth gameplay despite a few areas that are a bit redundant (animations). Over all I think its one of their better efforts.


This is easily and I mean far and away the most bugged and glitched game I have ever played. And I'm one of those guys who typically just looks past the few flaws and truly spends time enjoying the game. Even an optimist like myself can't get past the numerous and widespread freezing issues. And of course all the other bugs like players moving in slo-mo on the field, shotgun glitch, recruiting issues and a dozen or so more that are present.

Its simply unavoidable. If you plan to play a Dynasty be prepared for a series of workarounds to get past the 4 or 5 varying freeze issues and make a second and third back up save because even with those solid workarounds sometimes you lose your Dynasty no matter what you do. At times you may have to sim over games that are glitched just to keep the Dynasty alive.

I hate sounding like a whiner but you gotta know what you're getting into.

Maybe a post patch purchase or a ton of patience.

Last edited by RumbleCard; 07-14-2012 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:52 AM   #6
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

Thanks to a gift card and Amazon, I got the game for only $25 and I think it's worth that. No way it's worth full price, like others said it's pretty damn glitchy and still has the same annoyances as past versions.
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:58 AM   #7
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

My opinion, I like it. I didn't buy 12, so if it's 12.5 then its ok with me. But there are things that you will see/experience that will make you scratch your head..

- QB gets sacked and celebrates
- Some bad AI defense
- Some bad blocking
- Random freezes (UGHH!!!)

And there's way more than that.

But, the dynasty this year is the best I've played. It's the first time I'm actually putting recruits on my board and taking them off. It's also the first time I'm running a new offense/defense style, so recruiting is gets me excited. Playing games and prospect pitches go hand-in-hand.

You can nit-pick at the game, but you can also find some fun with it if you want...
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Old 07-14-2012, 12:05 PM   #8
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Re: Wow, with all the negative to fair reviews out there...

It's an improvement to NCAA 12. Not a big one, but it's there.
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