
NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

This is a discussion on NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3 within the EA Sports UFC forums.

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Old 12-26-2016, 04:17 PM   #1
SUGATA's Arena
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NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

What is the most important feature in cyber sport game after good gameplay, tuned balance and lag free network code? PRACTICE mode with all practice tools which allows you to learn and evolve your game.

How human MEMORY works:

When i was in Medical college (psychophysiology) i spend much time on on study how human mind and memory works...

There are rules to learn fast and to have a live knowledge:
i must to want learn the game

the best way to learn something forever is to discover it by yourself via your mind work

3) FUN:
emotions is the fuel of your memory processes

is the result of previous 1-3).

With all these 4) elements you will memorize anything easily quickly and forever.

Now tell me how much time your spend in Practice mode? i think the best 10% of your session time.
Why? EA UFC 1-2 practice mode is not so interesting, does not have many practice (exploring ) tools and gauges, is not fun because no 2P human controls and lack of AI patterns.
> So, the progress and evolution of community skill level is low and slow > poor challenge and cyber sport.

This is my concept about how to fix this by revamping the entire Practice mode (i have nearly all fighting and wrestlers games and took the best from them in EA UFC points of view):

- for Practice mode ONLY (again and again, not for ranked or quick match!)
- options to toggle on/off every gauge
Which gauges:
1. Stamina/Endurance bar (the only gauge which is possible in ranked and quick match)

2. Grapple advantage bar (we have it now)

3. Damage bar (or Combo multiplier bar)

4. Striking advantage bar - is the bar which shows your frame advantage/disadvantage over the opponent:
more about it is here:



This bar better to make by table for 1P and 2P:
- Execution
- Hit stun
- Damage
- Advantage
(descriptions of these names are in my thread above)


as i said in "New Striking mechanics thread" this frame data must to be not fixed but dynamically changed (aka realistic movements) based on some factors like Stamina advantage, Health conditions, etc...


UFC has huge numbers of Clinch and Ground positions.
We need the ability to select any position (sub or dom) in practice setting and launch it immediately for practicing it it.
UFC 3 undisputed has it like many other useful practice tools.



We need the ability to
1. Record any actions for CPU
2. Record 2nd and 3rd actions for CPU
3. Then the possibility to launch its replay with random selection of 1-3 actions - for practicing against Mix-ups

4) 2P MODE:
We need the ability to play with our friend OFFLINE and ONLINE, i.e. 1P VS 2P in Practice with ALL gauges and ALL practice tools enabled.
For practicing difficult multilevel tactics which are difficult to recreate by CPU.


Not only:
- its animation
- command input
- move level
- stamina cost
but also:
- its based damage
- its based frame data (execution/startup, hit phase, recovery phase)
- its hit effect frame data (Striking advantage on hit, on counter hit, disadvantage on Block and whiff).
I am sure all these numbers already exist even now in devs program code, but it is possible to implement it to the Move list.

- we have now very few scenarios for CPU (striking, wrestling, basic, advanced)
- we need an ability to make CUSTOM scenarios, to create our own AI CPU:
make a table with all possible actions during the fight and check/uncheck them to add/remove from scenarios.
Examples of actions:
Dashes, sides steps, sways, parries, risky but rewording signature moves or safe basic strikes style, kickers, punchers, clinchers, BJJ, submission or GnP maniacs, etc.
> allow to SAVE this CPU profiles, so we could to create and sparring with ant type of fighters (alter ego) whatever we want to spar.


- we need the ability to launch any health event or status conditions (damaged leg, broken block, gassed, etc) from the game in Practice to train how to work or survive in it.


8) Ability to SAVE REPLAY of any MATCH with full HUD tools for analysis:
- Give us the ability to save any replay in post match menu or autosave fpr ex 5 replays with rotation
- then allow us to launch the Replay, with ability to Pause it, fast FWD/BWD, slow FWD/BWD, frame-by-frame FWD/BWD.
- plus very important with ability to turn on all Gauges and diagrams/tables from 1) - for analyzing our game, our mistakes and opponent's tactics to find counter tools.

9) Create a section EA UFC 3 LIVE:
- which contains replays from the last matches of every player especially of top fighters, allow us to use search to find players and their last replays.
- allows us to download them and analyze them with playback and HUD analyze tools.
- for ex. SFV has it and EA UFC 3 need it too.

10) NEW game mode in EA UFC 3 (like GM/Trainer mode):

AI tamagochi (chibi, clone) mode was in Virtua Fighter 4 (2001 year)
A.I. System mode - Here the player is responsible as coach of an A.I. Character, which simply consists of sparring with them and watch them improve through some dubious learning process. This might have been an interesting premise in the context of an elaborate career mode, where you train your dude from underdog to champion. But it's just that - sparring and watching them get better at sparring with you. This may have some merit for determined would-be pros, as it technically simulates a human character reaction to the player's prefered tactics.
So this might be like a GM mode for EA UFC 3.
- you spar with your AI tamagochi, which is learning from you
- you rate his actions
- he evolves match after match from you
- then he will beat you, by discovering your weak spots
- than you could stand him against the other player's AI tamagochi.
- learn from AI which is simulates you the best counter tactics against concrete opponent which you may be can not to discover by yourself.
- discover your weak spots.
Here is the tutorial and more details about this unique and revolutionary mode:

__________________________________________________ _______

EFFECTS from this new Practice and Fights analyze tools:

1) More interest
2) More exploring
3) More addictive gameplay and more diversity of the gameplay, more different tactics and styles
4) More fun
5) More skill and yomi layers
6) More evolution of EA UFC community. With enhanced practice and analysis tools the game will blow up the community and will have longer life cycle.

... more cyber sport!

__________________________________________________ _______

Top SFV player, Infiltration (like many other tops), spend the MOST of his game session time in TRAINING mode and he speaks about How to train effectively and what tools are required:

Last edited by SUGATA; 11-12-2019 at 05:21 AM.
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Old 12-26-2016, 04:29 PM   #2
EA Game Changer
Kenetic NRG's Arena
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

There isn't enough time or resources to be allocated for all of that.

GC'ers have already expressed their concern on an updated practice mode - I'm sure it will change a bit but not to the extent you posted.

If they had the same budget as Madden it would be no problem. Fact of the matter is, in terms of popularity (sales), the UFC games are at most in the middle of the pack for EA games. The more popular the franchise gets --> the more money they are allocated --> more detailed the game we get.

Last edited by Kenetic NRG; 12-26-2016 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 12-26-2016, 04:43 PM   #3
SUGATA's Arena
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by Kenetic NRG
There isn't enough time or resources to be allocated for all of that.

GC'ers have already expressed their concern on an updated practice mode - I'm sure it will change a bit but not to the extent you posted.

If they had the same budget as Madden it would be no problem. Fact of the matter is, in terms of popularity (sales), the UFC games are at most in the middle of the pack for EA games. The more popular the franchise gets --> the more money they are allocated --> more detailed the game we get.
1) All these features are not requiring many hours of programming because the most of them are in devs testing programs (gauges in numbers, positions selections, etc)

2) Yukes made it for 1 year for EA UFC Unsiputed 3 after Undisputed 2.
Yukes is much smaller team with much less budget.

3) The question: what now is the most weak spot of EA UFC?
UT? no
modes? no
graphics? no
quantity of fighters and moves? no
Network code? may be a bit but this is not about gameplay development team.

The answer is: Stand up Striking and Learning tools.

So, if EA wants to make EA UFC 3 the greatest ever UFC game they need these 2 things at least.

Last edited by SUGATA; 12-26-2016 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 12-26-2016, 04:48 PM   #4
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Your post is AWESOME, and I love it.

My favorite parts:

Originally Posted by SUGATA
We need the ability to
1. Record any actions for CPU
2. Record 2nd and 3rd actions for CPU
3. Then the possibility to launch its replay with random selection of 1-3 actions - for practicing against Mix-ups

- we have now very few scenarios for CPU (striking, wrestling, basic, advanced)
- we need an ability to make CUSTOM scenarios, to create our own AI CPU:
make a table with all possible actions during the fight and check/uncheck them to add/remove from scenarios.
Examples of actions:
Dashes, sides steps, sways, parries, risky but rewording signature moves or safe basic strikes style, kickers, punchers, clinchers, BJJ, submission or GnP maniacs, etc.
> allow to SAVE this CPU profiles, so we could to create and sparring with ant type of fighters (alter ego) whatever we want to spar.

8) Ability to SAVE REPLAY of any MATCH with full HUD tools for analysis:
- Give us the ability to save any replay in post match menu or autosave fpr ex 5 replays with rotation
- then allow us to launch the Replay, with ability to Pause it, fast FWD/BWD, slow FWD/BWD, frame-by-frame FWD/BWD.
- plus very important with ability to turn on all Gauges and diagrams/tables from 1) - for analyzing our game, our mistakes and opponent's tactics to find counter tools.

9) Create a section EA UFC 3 LIVE:
- which contains replays from the last matches of every player especially of top fighters, allow us to use search to find players and their last replays.
- allows us to download them and analyze them with playback and HUD analyze tools.
- for ex. SFV has it and EA UFC 3 need it too.

You couple this with some good tutorials and you've got an amazing experience. And the tutorials have such an obvious path. Imagine a tutorial where Greg Jackson explains the concept of Momentum Transitions, demonstrates some scenarios and then puts you through various drills on executing and defending them. Or Ricardo Liborio explains and drills Grapple Advantage. Henri Hooft drills you on the Combo Multiplier. Endless coach/mechanic possibilities. And you don't have to watch the "lesson" every time, you could just go and do some drills.

Maybe only unlocking the teaching of certain techniques after certain achievements. Of course, if your a prodigy, or see your opponent do something and figure it out for yourself, you don't have to wait to unlock the training session to use the technique. You could have tons of hidden gems for players to discover, and discover officially, not hidden on some internet forum.
Testing.... Testing....

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Old 12-26-2016, 04:54 PM   #5
SUGATA's Arena
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by Generative James
Your post is AWESOME, and I love it.

My favorite parts:

You couple this with some good tutorials and you've got an amazing experience. And the tutorials have such an obvious path. Imagine a tutorial where Greg Jackson explains the concept of Momentum Transitions, demonstrates some scenarios and then puts you through various drills on executing and defending them. Or Ricardo Liborio explains and drills Grapple Advantage. Henri Hooft drills you on the Combo Multiplier. Endless coach/mechanic possibilities. And you don't have to watch the "lesson" every time, you could just go and do some drills.

Maybe only unlocking the teaching of certain techniques after certain achievements. Of course, if your a prodigy, or see your opponent do something and figure it out for yourself, you don't have to wait to unlock the training session to use the technique. You could have tons of hidden gems for players to discover, and discover officially, not hidden on some internet forum.
You have discovered and recorded so many hidden tactics and i am sure there are some still... but this is at the decreasing of interests to the game after 2 years are gone. With enhanced practice and analysis tools the game will blow up the community and will have longer life cycle

And thank you for kind words.
Those are important when you spend much time and energy to make (i hope) your lovely game greater!

Last edited by SUGATA; 12-26-2016 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 12-26-2016, 05:09 PM   #6
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Custom CPU Scenarios could also make better players by allowing us to emulate the AI. We could set it to fight like how we want to fight ourselves and see what it does. For example, set it for side stepping kickers, not only do you learn to defend that but it could demonstrate the best ways to use side steps to set up kicks. I've seen the AI chain together some grappling moves against me and have then used similar chains against live opponents. Assuming the AI is competent, it could show us alot.
Testing.... Testing....

Youtube:Generative James's Games's
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Old 12-26-2016, 05:28 PM   #7
SUGATA's Arena
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by Generative James
Custom CPU Scenarios could also make better players by allowing us to emulate the AI. We could set it to fight like how we want to fight ourselves and see what it does. For example, set it for side stepping kickers, not only do you learn to defend that but it could demonstrate the best ways to use side steps to set up kicks. I've seen the AI chain together some grappling moves against me and have then used similar chains against live opponents. Assuming the AI is competent, it could show us alot.
This may be a good idea for NEW game mode in EA UFC 3 (like GM mode):
AI tamagochi (chibi, clone) mode was in Virtua Fighter 4 (2001 year)
A.I. System mode - Here the player is responsible as coach of an A.I. Character, which simply consists of sparring with them and watch them improve through some dubious learning process. This might have been an interesting premise in the context of an elaborate career mode, where you train your dude from underdog to champion. But it's just that - sparring and watching them get better at sparring with you. This may have some merit for determined would-be pros, as it technically simulates a human character reaction to the player's prefered tactics.

So this might be like a GM mode for EA UFC 3.
- you spar with your AI tamagochi, which is learning from you
- you rate his actions
- he evolves match after match from you
- then he will beat you, by discovering your weak spots
- than you could stand him against the other player's AI tamagochi.

- learn from AI which is simulates you the best counter tactics against concrete opponent which you may be can not to discover by yourself.
- discover your weak spots.

Here is the tutorial and more details about this unique and revolutionary mode:

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Old 12-26-2016, 05:56 PM   #8
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Re: NEW fight's ANALYSIS tools and PRACTICE mode for EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by Kenetic NRG
There isn't enough time or resources to be allocated for all of that.

GC'ers have already expressed their concern on an updated practice mode - I'm sure it will change a bit but not to the extent you posted.

If they had the same budget as Madden it would be no problem. Fact of the matter is, in terms of popularity (sales), the UFC games are at most in the middle of the pack for EA games. The more popular the franchise gets --> the more money they are allocated --> more detailed the game we get.
UFC in general has gained more popularity since the release of UFC 2. The only way you're going to start seeing more money is if you make a really good game that people love and buy the crap out of. Making games like UFC and UFC 2 that are getting middling reviews isn't helping their cause.

Madden sales have been on a decline for years, yet it'll always sell pretty well because it has brand recognition. UFC games don't have that brand recognition because they're yet to put out a game that has knocked it out of the park.
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