
mCable for NCAA

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Old 08-12-2019, 10:19 AM   #1
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VTPack919's Arena
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mCable for NCAA

Hey guys, just a heads up on a product I had no idea even existed.

I bought an mCable for my 360 after reading some reviews. I play A LOT of NCAA and College Hoops on my 360; however, the jaggies and shimmering drive me up a wall. I realize the cable itself is expensive ($100) and definitely not for everyone, but for me it has been a god send. The games look SO much better on my 4k TV and the cable tones down the jaggies and shimmering a TON without introducing any lag into game play. Those really plagued NCAA 14 especially. According to the product page on amazon, the cable:

Upgrades content up to 4K

Fixes jagged edges and removes shimmers without blur

Improves detail, depth and color

Delivers advanced anti-aliasing

Again, YMMV, but it's worth a look for a lot of you.

If you have got some cash laying around and want to get the game looking better before the season arrives, I would recommend the purchase. I imagine it probably works well on the ps2, wii and gamecube if you are into playing older games. I have also read on reviews that it works magic for a Nintendo switch, which has resolution issues on the big screen.

You can find the product with a quick search on amazon. Make sure to look at the page for the "gaming mCable" and not the "cinema mCable".

Link for Amazon:

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Old 11-13-2019, 05:18 PM   #2
gametime25's Arena
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Re: mCable for NCAA

I have NCAA Football 14 on the PS3 and it looks like a mess full of aliasing on my gaming monitor. I want to buy the MCable/MClassic but I’m afraid it won’t help much. I wish I knew someone who had the MCable or MClassic for the PS3 version so I can find out if it improves the PS3 version.
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Old 11-13-2019, 10:46 PM   #3
Rieux's Arena
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Re: mCable for NCAA

You might wanna err on the side of caution and disclose the affiliate link. I don't think there's anything wrong with transparent affiliate linking, and this is obviously a sincere recommendation for a product that's of high quality by all accounts. So while I definitely don't think you were trying to be deceptive at all, you just never know how other folks are gonna interpret it! So it might be for the best to throw in a little disclaimer and avoid any potential issues before they come up. Just speaking from my own experience, so hopefully I'm not coming across as pedantic or snobby!

Last edited by Rieux; 11-13-2019 at 10:52 PM.
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