thescoop's Blog

MLB the Show has had it fair share of lost features. Some are remembered and still longed for today. Others left with little notice or complaints. I will do my best to go through these features. You can add to the list as well.
1. Online Franchise – The Show 19 I believe is the year the feature vanished. It has not returned yet and at his point, the odds are not looking good at it coming back. While I did not use the feature, many gamers did and are longing for its return. Maybe this will return, but at this point, I just do see the SSDS wanting to bring it back.
2. Year-to-Year Saves – In the Show 15, gamers were given a carryover feature. This was a loved feature that appears to be gone for good. Fans have been begging for its return since it was removed the first year the game came out on Xbox. I wish they would at least give year-to-year saves back to creations but it just seems another come and gone feature.
3. Sounds of the Show – Another mode lost when Xbox came into the picture. I really miss this one as I enjoyed having actual walkup signs, victory songs and custom sounds in general. It is sadly another feature that is not coming back. We do not know if it was pulled because of Xbox or current gen would have forced it out anyway. But every year it is sad that we cannot edit our sounds any longer. It went away for the first year of PS4 and made a comeback, but this time it definitely has felt more final.
4. Creating custom chants - This was a feature I had hours of fun with when they introduced it. And with the loss of SOTS, they really should consider bringing back. We could come up with our own team chants, player changes, etc. I had so much fun coming up with fun new chants or yells for rival players. I even would make some for my own when I played road games. It has been gone so long I bet many players do not remember it or never got to have fun with it. It could help with the SOTS blues but it just has been gone so long I cannot see it coming back. Having “cheater” chants for PED users was so much fun. My favorite of my creations was my “Ster-Rod” chant for A-Rod. This feature brought me far more joy than I would have thought.
5. GM team budgeting – I remember in older shows in franchise mode I could set ticket, hot dog and more pricing. I could pick promos and choose when to have “bobble head nights.” I could decide if the team road a bus to games or flew on a private jet. I made decisions that could have an effect on my team. I actually enjoyed this in Franchise and I have longed for their return. But the folks at SSDS just do not seem to feel the same way. Maybe it will return one day has the “hot new feature to Franchise” but I doubt it.
6. Season mode - Season mode was dropped and now they have “March to October”, a mode that feels like it is about to be drop as well. I am a franchise guy so I did not mess with a single season. But some really loved it. Doubtful we will ever see it back in the game.
7. 3D mode – This was cool feature but since 3D TVs died it is understandable this one went away. Still, if you ever gotten to play it in 3D you know it was done first rate for sure. Since there is not really 3D TVs, anymore this one is gone for good. But I can still long for it.
8. “Inside the Show” Radio Show – While this was short and more a daily recap, it did bring something to Franchise and it was removed this year. Several have said they do not mind it being removed but I do find myself missing it. Yes, it was stale, but instead of removing it, they should have done something to expand or improve. Maybe a weekly studio show or something to help and fill the void. Instead, it is just another dropped feature.
As you can see, I am mainly a Franchise guy so my features will tie to that one a lot. If you are a long time player of the Show, please add ones I have missed or just did not know about. I do not really play RTTS or DD so if there is something that has been pulled from one of those modes you miss please add it to the comments below.
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