Thoughts on sports gaming.

NCAA Football 11 Title Update #1

Posted 07-14-2010 at 05:15 PM by Bahnzo
For those that don't have Xbox Live, here is the first update for NCAA Football 11
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How to use with USB stick
It is now very easy to apply updates to games using only an Xbox-formated USB stick. First you need a windows program to allow you to view the stick. Get it HERE. Just place this program anywhere (I recommend on your desktop).

Now, take your USB stick (it's already been formated by your Xbox,...
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Make your own PitchFX database.

Posted 05-05-2010 at 09:50 PM by Bahnzo
Get it HERE.

Ever wanted to have a database of MLB's PitchFX data, but found it too daunting to use any of the Perl scripts available on the net? Well here it is.

GetPitchFX is a windows program that will automatically retrieve the PitchFX data from the web, and insert it into a database. It works for either Access 2007 (with the empty database included, it's needed if you intend to use Access) or SQL. I use MySQL, so I know it works with that, I can't verify other...
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23 Strikeout Online game w/MLB 10 The Show

Posted 03-06-2010 at 06:43 PM by Bahnzo
Updated 03-06-2010 at 07:37 PM by Bahnzo
So I was up late looking for a game of MLB The Show. Someone sends me an IM in the room asking if I wanted to play....

The result?
A 23 strikeout, 1 hit ball game. I used Scott Baker of the Minnesota Twins against the New York Mets. All-Star level with Meter pitching. Not a perfect game, but close. The video below show the strikeouts as well as the lone hit I gave up...I should've had it but I hesitated before realizing that I hadn't gave up a hit yet.

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MLB 09 The Show: Just how real is it really?

Posted 04-27-2009 at 05:51 AM by Bahnzo
*** Updated with stats from 20 games of All-Star level***

I don't know how many people will find this interesting, but some of you might..so this is for you (and me).

Last year I wanted to see how I could use MLB data and averages in an attempt to make MLB 2K8 as realistic as possible. Now I'm using that same data with MLB 09 The Show. Some background on what this is and how I used it.

What I did was write some perl scripts that downloaded all the available...
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Jason Rupert's Answers Part 4- From the EA Forums thread

Posted 02-03-2009 at 01:42 AM by Bahnzo

> have the dev team considered a practice mode for the
> eashl?

Yep, the idea is about.

> hey Jason:
> thanks again for your time it is seriously
> appreciated by this community.
> quick one for ya, is there anything you can tell us
> about the issue where one team has two yellow
> triangles over...
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