
My grades on each NFL team's nike uniform

Posted 04-04-2012 at 07:50 PM by kg54mvp1
Updated 04-04-2012 at 07:52 PM by kg54mvp1
The new Nike uniforms have been released and I want to give grades and thoughts for each team

49ERS: They look about the same, but with Nikes's tighter fitting treatment. Before Nike: A- After Nike: A-

Bears: Moved the sleeve numbers to the shoulders, but the numbers don't look right for some reason. Before Nike B+ After Nike: B

Bengals: This is one where Nike really helped them out. The collar really works with this, and the sleeves look great Before...
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Madden 13 from a graphics standpoint part 1

Posted 04-03-2012 at 07:44 PM by kg54mvp1
Hello fellow operation sports members, I have decided to write out my personal thoughts about some improvements madden 13 could make graphics wise. I never owned the game but played it multiple times at friends houses and by renting it too, so I have an idea of what it is like. While some things like the crowd and faces could always be improved, something that I don't think people think about is the lighting, especially in domes.

For this example, I put two pictures of Mcnabb at...
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Which NBA game!!!!

Posted 08-05-2011 at 03:08 PM by kg54mvp1
Ok so I am writing this blog to get you guys to help me out on which NBA game to get. I have played 2k11, and live 10 and am not going to wait for
NBA 2k12. So please don't suggest any
Of these. I decided because
Of the lockout to try an older one out.
So here is what I am looking at

NBA 2k9: Pros: good graphics, nice gameplay from the demo.
Cons: don't like the commentators, not the biggest fan of the gameplay, are
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What I hope NBA 2k12 brings

Posted 06-18-2011 at 09:47 AM by kg54mvp1
NBA 2k11 is a great game. With it's great graphics to fun my player mode and more. But it seemed like it missed somewhere...... Association mode.

I am not someone that will bash a game, just give it constructive criticism because we all want the game to be better.

The association mode is fun in 2k11, but it felt almost shallow in my opinion. Part of it was that I don't really like playing the mode with the current rosters, because I don't wanna give away...
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I just don't know what to do

Posted 06-17-2011 at 11:13 PM by kg54mvp1
This is my first blog so sorry if it is shoddy.

I am huge sports fan. When I'm not thinking about sports, I think about sports video games! I like almost every sport, but can only really follow a couple because those are the ones I like the most. I love basketball the most, but then I seem to like alot more equally. This is where it gets tough when I can really only get about 1 or 2 sports games at a given time, because I have to trade in games if I am not playing them! But...
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