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Stumbling through Thursday, September 30, 2010

Posted 09-30-2010 at 11:16 AM by MassNole
Wow September is over already, wasn't it just Labor Day?

1. [URL="http://gawker.com/5641243/koran-hero-will-have-a-high-time-this-weekend"]Koran Hero Will Have a [I]High[/I] Time this Weekend[/URL]

You know what really grinds my gears (I saw that Family Guy yesterday) about this guy, legally speaking he stole the Koran from the would-be burner which makes him guilty of petty larceny (assuming a Koran doesn't go for more than $250-500 depending on the state). So basically he is a hero for being a thief and infringing on another person's First Amendment rights? Only to a stoner can that make sense.

2. [URL="http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/the-strangers-2010-back-to-school-guide/Content?oid=5000222"]The Stranger's 2010 Back to School Guide[/URL]

Yes I agree a back to school guide on September 30th doesn't make much sense, but in my defense the guide was posted on 9/28/10, so it seems fair game if still a month or so late.

3. [URL="http://3.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/d/8/2f4cf15d4104f2e568125bd8eeba59f9.jpg"]Awwwww, nerd love[/URL]


4. [URL="http://www.funnyordie.com/stories/bb0a323731/justin-bieber-vs-kurt-cobain?=twitter"]Justin Bieber vs. Kurt Cobain - FunnyorDie.com[/URL]


If you really feel like Kurt Cobain please emulate him in [I]every[/I] way possible. Start with his final work and work your way back please.

5. [URL="http://www.accuterm.com/15-truly-bizarre-mental-delusions.html"]15 Truly Bizarre Mental Delusions[/URL]

It is fascinating how mental delusions evolve with technology and society.

<a href="http://www.misconceptionjunction.com/index.php/2010/09/10-common-misconceptions-dispelled/‎"> <img src="http://www.misconceptionjunction.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/MJ-Infographic-Final1.jpg" alt="10 Common Misconceptions Dispelled" width="550" border="0" title="10 Common Misconceptions Dispelled" /></a><br />

7. [URL="http://blog.cagle.com/2010/04/21/teachers-in-1960-and-2010/"]1960 vs. 2010[/URL]


8. [URL="http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-8-manliest-images-on-the-internet/"]The 8 Manliest Images on the Internet | Cracked.com[/URL]

9. [URL="http://www.cramster.com/"]Homework Help from Cramster | Math, Algebra, Physics, Chemistry, Science, History, Accounting, English[/URL]

10. [URL="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=e&tid=15036329"]Harry Potter vs. Twilight[/URL]

Total Comments 1


If Justin Beiber feels like Kurt, he should start by trying to make good music.... and end it by killing himself in the realization that he opened the artistic door for all tools... I like Nirvana, just sayn
Posted 09-30-2010 at 06:04 PM by nickjamesm7 nickjamesm7 is offline

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