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More Madden 11 and Gus Johnson

Posted 05-21-2010 at 04:13 PM by TreyIM2
This is from an article on ESPN

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Total Comments 3


announcers sound great... but the game looks the same
Posted 05-22-2010 at 01:12 AM by Redskinsfan26 Redskinsfan26 is offline
they need the crowd to be louder and have better camera angles. The intensity of the announcer was great just everything else didn't match it
Posted 05-22-2010 at 01:31 PM by raidersbball20 raidersbball20 is offline
Redskinfan26 - Yea, I feel u but looks can be deceiving. Also, that was pre-alpha footage which means VERY early game footage where not even close to everything is in the game. I think once we get our test drive of the game, some of the similar aesthetics to last year's game could be out of our minds, by then...hopefully.

raidersbball20 - Well, it was said and posted on the actual Madden footage that it was "Pre-Alpha" so we can't go by that. The actual commentating by Gus and the other guy was done live, on the spot, at that time. It wasn't in game commentating because the game was pre-alpha. They wanted to give people a taste what to expect. We'll see if they come close with the final retail version.
Posted 05-22-2010 at 05:04 PM by TreyIM2 TreyIM2 is offline
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