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Old 07-30-2017, 02:09 PM   #3313
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by Eiran
Mikey didn't look great to me, broner just didn't do SH**, as usual. His punch output was frustrating to watch, and after giving the first 7 rounds away i went to bed, and turned on an episode of Frazier.

Mikey will be too small for 147, Guys like Crawford is a NO, NO for him. Thurman, Porter, Errol Spence Jr. will all dog walk mikey at 147lbs. Come on now, be real you honestly see this guy beating Terrence Crawford!? you must be drunk.
Consider this a warning. Your attitude in this tread is ridiculous. If you can't engage in a conversation without insulting other members who's opinions you don't agree with OS isn't the place for you. Boxing Scene is probably more your speed.

JayBee even said "Mikey Garcia would take the Crawford fight for the right price tag, but I don't think he's quite ready to win." so you are clearly just here to argue and insult people who aren't in love with Broner and all Cincinnati boxers.


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Last edited by N51_rob; 07-30-2017 at 02:11 PM.
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Old 07-30-2017, 02:27 PM   #3314
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by N51_rob
Consider this a warning. Your attitude in this tread is ridiculous. If you can't engage in a conversation without insulting other members who's opinions you don't agree with OS isn't the place for you. Boxing Scene is probably more your speed.

JayBee even said "Mikey Garcia would take the Crawford fight for the right price tag, but I don't think he's quite ready to win." so you are clearly just here to argue and insult people who aren't in love with Broner and all Cincinnati boxers.

Man what the hell are you talking about, talking bout ridiculous attitude.
Who are you? you not checking no one, I'm a grown a** man, i can say whatever i want to say. this a public forum and we live in america, you sound silly thinking your reinforcing anything. What type of Grown a** man is a moderator of a Forum, don't you have a regular job or something besides being offended about another mans post that doesn't have anything to do with you in the first place.

Secondly, Man i can give less about a Damn Adrien Broner, that man not feeding my family or putting no money in my pocket, we having a open discussion about Boxing, and if you think everyone is supposed to have the same opinion then your living in fairy land my guy. Seems like just because i rooted for Broner I'm an outcast here and your trying to ostracize me because I'm not agreeing with you and your fanbase.

Last but no least, I'm not here to argue, and never was to begin with. I state my opinion just like everybody else and have that right. if you disagree so be it, be mad mf, that aint got nothing to do with me.

As for JayBee, i have no problem with him, we simply had a disagreement and thats that. Then you made a ignorant comment stating " insult people who aren't in love with Broner and all Cincinnati boxers." What are you even talking about dude? Because what i feel a person might say might be "silly" or "drunk" imo, you take that an an insult? are you serious? i would expect a grown man to have thicker skin than that. Grow some hair on your nuts and quit being so sinsitive. Sheesh.


Last edited by Eiran; 07-30-2017 at 03:22 PM.
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Old 07-30-2017, 05:09 PM   #3315
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Wow, that escalated quickly.....

Have to agree with the majority....I'm really not sure where Broner goes from here. It's clear he's not competitive at 147, and he's a cut below the top-flight at 140 based on what we saw last night...I don't know for sure but I suspect he will have a hard time making any weight below 140 at this point in his career. He's still only 29, so he can rebuild, but that will take a total re-commitment and re-examination of every aspect of his career. It would be a notable reclamation project if it comes to pass.

As for Mikey, I am excited to see him keep fighting, but I think 140 is the right weight for him. I'd be very dubious about him moving up to 147, as I think the competition there is a cut above where he is at this point. Although, depending on what happens with his career from this point, Mikey Garcia could be one of the all-time "what-if" guys, given his career trajectory prior to the 2+ year lay-off due to the contract dispute.
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Old 07-31-2017, 12:35 AM   #3316
sheredia's Arena
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by pietasterp
Wow, that escalated quickly.....

Have to agree with the majority....I'm really not sure where Broner goes from here. It's clear he's not competitive at 147, and he's a cut below the top-flight at 140 based on what we saw last night...I don't know for sure but I suspect he will have a hard time making any weight below 140 at this point in his career. He's still only 29, so he can rebuild, but that will take a total re-commitment and re-examination of every aspect of his career. It would be a notable reclamation project if it comes to pass.

As for Mikey, I am excited to see him keep fighting, but I think 140 is the right weight for him. I'd be very dubious about him moving up to 147, as I think the competition there is a cut above where he is at this point. Although, depending on what happens with his career from this point, Mikey Garcia could be one of the all-time "what-if" guys, given his career trajectory prior to the 2+ year lay-off due to the contract dispute.
yeah, it did....lol. anyways, he could be right about mikey, but we will have to wait and see how he grows into 147, if he ever does. as far as broner goes, he was rooting for him and went to bed to watch frazier for pete's sake....that's how bad it was.
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Old 07-31-2017, 10:23 AM   #3317
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by pietasterp
As for Mikey, I am excited to see him keep fighting, but I think 140 is the right weight for him. I'd be very dubious about him moving up to 147, as I think the competition there is a cut above where he is at this point. Although, depending on what happens with his career from this point, Mikey Garcia could be one of the all-time "what-if" guys, given his career trajectory prior to the 2+ year lay-off due to the contract dispute.
Yeah, 147 also may be too big for him at least for now. He was fighting at featherweight (126) only 4 1/2 years ago and super featherweight (130) just before his long break due to contractual differences. Still, Broner was feeling some of his power Saturday night so who knows? For the time being, I know he could make 135, but will that time expire before he could get Lomachenko or rising star Gervonta Davis to move up from 130?

That being said Garcia mentioned the possibility of facing Keith Thurman in very early 2018. "One Time" is currently recuperating from an injury.
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Old 07-31-2017, 10:29 AM   #3318
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Yeah, 147 also may be too big for him at least for now. He was fighting at featherweight (126) only 4 1/2 years ago and super featherweight (130) just before his long break due to contractual differences. Still, Broner was feeling some of his power Saturday night so who knows? For the time being, I know he could make 135, but will that time expire before he could get Lomachenko or rising star Gervonta Davis to move up from 130?

That being said Garcia mentioned the possibility of facing Keith Thurman in very early 2018. "One Time" is currently recuperating from an injury.
Not sure Garcia has enough for Thurman. That might be too early for that fight. For Garcia's side. I would love to see a Crawford vs Thurman fight. Or Thurman vs Spence. What do you think about Garcia vs Kahn?

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Old 07-31-2017, 11:56 AM   #3319
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

Originally Posted by gmac0322
Not sure Garcia has enough for Thurman. That might be too early for that fight. For Garcia's side. I would love to see a Crawford vs Thurman fight. Or Thurman vs Spence. What do you think about Garcia vs Kahn?
I could watch Garcia VS Kahn. Interesting fight.
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Old 07-31-2017, 01:13 PM   #3320
steelcityjames's Arena
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Re: Boxing Off-Topic

I'd like to see Garcia stay at 140 for the foreseeable future. The matchups will take care of themselves and fall into place. I think too many fighters move around in weight class too quickly and it sometimes causes their skills to diminish at a quicker pace than normal
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