
Your Guide to Better Sliders

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Old 04-14-2008, 03:46 AM   #17
spit_bubble's Arena
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

Originally Posted by kobefor3
while changing sliders in games i found out that by adjusting one slider also affects all the other sliders for both human and cpu... Can you confirm this?
I really don't know. If it's true, it certainly only complicates things, doesn't it?

Originally Posted by chestnutz6
Question: Do the user sliders apply to JUST the player you're controlling, or your entire user team.
I'm pretty sure it's the entire team. I say that because I thought I remember reading that in the TIP menu (press square on PS3).

Also, I have some more information:

First off, I don't think 16 minute halves is quite long enough. I'd recommend 18 instead. I wasn't paying close attention to that and was getting shot counts in the low 50s for my up tempo legacy team. Naturally I had to tweak a few other things, like fouls. But again, if you're tweaking sliders to fit legacy, then just refer to the simulation results that show the averages for five years that I posted above. And remember that those numbers are averages for the highest and lowest team in each category, so it's okay to sometimes go under or over in extreme situations.

Second, I read here on these forums that ALL CONFERENCE difficulty has it so no advantage is given to either the human of CPU controlled team, while if you go up a level the CPU is given the advantage, etc.

I'm starting to play more casually and am finding MOP to be absurd at times, with the CPU running circles around me. I played a few games on ALL CONFERENCE and thought it was too easy, and now think ALL AMERICAN is just right for me.

So if you're wondering what difficulty to play, here's my best attempt at describing the top three levels:

MOP- To play on this level you must have a very good feel for the controls, and that means knowing most of the animations and how to trigger them. You also must game plan pretty heavily and do things like: get to know your team's strengths, create a playbook suited for your team, know when to call timeouts, change strategy to fit the situation, and finally... You must be able to accept defeat by a better team.

ALL AMERICAN- This level allows you to play with less game planning. You can probably get away with leaving your coaching settings (crash boards/transition defense, etc.) the same throughout the season, and you probably can get away with little to no scouting of the other team. You still need a good feel for the controls and the animations, and it also helps to know your team's scorers.

ALL CONFERENCE- With this level I think the only real necessary thing is having at least a pretty firm grasp of the controls. You can play very loose and try different things without it hurting you too much. You also really don't need to do much strategy at all, though it'd certainly benefit you to do so in big games.

All ties severed...

Last edited by spit_bubble; 04-14-2008 at 04:30 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 04-16-2008, 02:24 AM   #18
bighoosier8's Arena
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

CooKoo have you made any other changes to your slider set since you went down to all American... Do you still get good compatible numbers with the computer simmed teams... I have been a little disappointed with my set of late, I'm going to give yours a try...
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Old 04-16-2008, 02:56 AM   #19
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

Originally Posted by bighoosier8
CooKoo have you made any other changes to your slider set since you went down to all American...
Yeah I switched to 18 minute halves to get more shot attempts... The CPU INSIDE SHOOTING to 50, BLOCKING FOUL to 90, and the following both HUMAN and CPU: DEFENSE HELP and DEFENSE RECOVERY both to 50, FATIGUE RATE to 52, and ATTRIBUTES: STEAL to 50.

I've only played a couple games and it seems okay.
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Old 04-16-2008, 09:21 PM   #20
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

Thanks, Cookoo I'll give them a go and see how well they fit my style of play...
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Old 05-29-2008, 12:37 PM   #21
cardinalbird5's Arena
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

Originally Posted by koshi
I'm starting this thread as a guide for people to learn about, further understand, and hopefully improve their OPTION SETTINGS so that they can enjoy College Hoops 2K8 to the fullest.

First off, I simmed five seasons of LEGACY MODE @ 20 minute sim length, and came up with these results on average ranging from worst in the NCAA to best:

(check the TEAM STATS at the end of your games to compare)

Points = 56-90
FG Attempts = 48-62
FG % = 37-48
3pt Attempts = 10-26
3pt % = 26-42
FT Attempts = 19-35
FT % = 55-78
Assists = 8-18
Turnovers = 9-21
Fouls = 15-26
Rebounds = 26-36
Offensive Rebounds = 7-11
Steals = 4-10
Blocks = 1-6

Second, every one is going to have their own skill level so rather than listing slider settings I thought it'd be better to list an explanation of what the sliders do. Here is what I've found so far:

(please feel free to expand on this, as there are things I haven't tested yet)


Style: Arcade of Simulation - You can choose Arcade and then turn back on the sim rules and fouls, but the intentional fouls still won't get called at the end of close games.

Difficulty - Not sure of the differences between the levels.

Half Length - 16 minutes seems to match up well to the 20 minute sim length.

Game Speed and Player Speed - The TIP menu actually tells you what these do.

FT Difficulty - Not sure if this has no effect if REAL PLAYER FT is on.

Real Player FT % ON or OFF - I'm not sure if this means that a player's FT ability effects the difficulty, or if your release makes no difference at all when it's on.

Player Lock - Doesn't alter the game, just locks you onto one player. If you haven't tried this I recommend it. Just choose '85 St. John's and bomb 3s with Chris Mullin all day. It's cool too because you can call for the pass and even control when other players shoot.

Team Unity, 6th Man, and Clutch - I keep these all on even though some may say they are artificial. Not sure of all the effects they have, but I think they better help capture the feel of college basketball.


Charging - Charges are few and far between. In fact, are they even in the game???

Blocking - I think this needs to be low to make sure there are charges called too.

Reaching - Finding a balance with this one really just depends on how well you've learned when to go for the steal.

Shooting - The sim results I listed above say 19-35 FT attempts per game, so keep that in mind here.

Loose Ball - Over the back calls, and... Not sure what else.


SHOOTING - All these are pretty self explanatory. Changing the TENDENCIES on the COMPUTER really alters the game. If you boost the CLOSE it'll feed the post more, and if you increase the DRIVE it'll attack the basket more if you leave an open lane. The trade off on DRIVE is that if it's too high it'll try to drive even when there's nothing there. Also, if the computer isn't shooting enough 3s, or is shooting too many, you'll want to make changes here.

GAMEPLAY- Here you can adjust the TEAM UNITY effect, though again I'm not sure exactly what it does. Raising DUNKS IN TRAFFIC will trigger more dunk attempts. SCREEN will alter the effectiveness of screens, while boosting SCREEN STRENGTH will have screens knock guys to the floor more. STEAL SUCCESS is self explanatory. Boosting HELP DEFENSE and HELP RECOVERY will generally make guys play better team defense, helping more and getting back to their own man better... I'm not sure if this effects double teams and doubling the post by the computer.

ATTRIBUTES- All of these are pretty self explanatory. If you need more turnovers lower OFFENSIVE AWARENESS and boost DEFENSIVE AWARENESS. BALL HANDLING will make isomoves more, or less, effective.


If you play on 16 minutes you may want to remember to alter it so guys will get tired slightly faster, so that rotations remain in proportion to the 20 minute sim length.
I probably average 0.5 charges/ game online and offline. It should be easier though.
Check out my livestreams and youtube channel where I showcase sim basketball and baseball @ Twitch

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Old 01-02-2009, 06:18 PM   #22
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

I just started a closed legacy with my alma mater, S.C. State, using your sliders koshi. I'm anticipating good results in coach mode. Our first game is @ South Carolina. Will report back.
F-L-O-R-I-D-A! S-T-A-T-E! Florida State! Florida State! Florida State! Wooooo!
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:34 AM   #23
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

Lost the game by about 8. Both teams shot under 40%. It was a good game. Led at the half and through the first few minutes of the 2nd half but it got away from us in the end.
F-L-O-R-I-D-A! S-T-A-T-E! Florida State! Florida State! Florida State! Wooooo!

Last edited by NoleFan; 01-03-2009 at 08:38 AM.
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:05 AM   #24
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Re: Your Guide to Better Sliders

0-2 to start the legacy. Lost to Old Dominion, 47-64

SC State
Points: 47
Field Goals: 14/42
Field Goal %: 0.333
3 Pointers: 7/18
3 Pointer %: 0.389
Free Throws: 12/14
Free Throw %: 0.857
Assists: 13
Turnovers: 9
Team Fouls: 11
Total Rebounds: 28
Offensive Rebounds: 2
Steals: 1
Blocks: 0

PTS: C. Bennett: (24)
REB: C. Miller-Williams: (11)
AST: J. Burton (6)

Old Dominion
Points: 64
Field Goals: 22/51
Field Goal %: 0.431
3 Pointers: 5/15
3 Pointer %: 0.333
Free Throws: 15/20
Free Throw %: 0.750
Assists: 14
Turnovers: 1
Team Fouls: 11
Total Rebounds: 28
Offensive Rebounds: 6
Steals: 7
Blocks: 5

PTS: B. Henderson (17)
REB: B. Finney (8)
AST: B. Johnson (6)

Another good game. I need to step my coach way up because we could've won if I had any idea how to coach from behind. We went scoreless that last 3:30 of the game.
F-L-O-R-I-D-A! S-T-A-T-E! Florida State! Florida State! Florida State! Wooooo!

Last edited by NoleFan; 01-03-2009 at 12:50 PM.
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