
Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

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Old 08-11-2024, 05:58 PM   #1
Collegefbfan's Arena
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Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Now that the game has been out a bit, and updates, patches, whatever you wanna call have been done, share what you do that appears to work in this game. I will share mine. Any others, ask your questions and share your tips, strategies, knowledge that works or appears to work.

For me:
1) Sliders!!! Find a set of sliders and tweak to your liking.
2) Custom playbook and always have a passing play that has a checkdown.
3) Moving TE's over to help block on running and passing plays.
4) Choose a defensive playbook that works with what personnel you have. I was going to run some form of 3-3-5. Nope, didn't have the right players. Okay, let's try the 4-2-5. Nah, same reason. Ok, the old boring 4-3. Yup, that worked better than anything else.

My questions:
1) I know that a lot of you all user an LB or FS. I wish I could. I have tried, and the outcomes are not good. For any of you that user a DE or DT, what are the best moves to get past your opposing defender? Spin, Club, Swim, Rip? Do you press sprint right when the center hikes the ball?
2) Do you set your zone drop distances the same amount each game? Do you leave them at default? Mess with them multiple times during game? I have read that if you set any of them, the "Match" defensive plays don't work like they are supposed to.
3) I have also read to shift your defensive line the opposite way the opposing team's RB is lined up on. Do you do this? Is there ever a time not to do this?
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Old 08-11-2024, 06:25 PM   #2
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Originally Posted by Collegefbfan
Now that the game has been out a bit, and updates, patches, whatever you wanna call have been done, share what you do that appears to work in this game. I will share mine. Any others, ask your questions and share your tips, strategies, knowledge that works or appears to work.

For me:
1) Sliders!!! Find a set of sliders and tweak to your liking.
2) Custom playbook and always have a passing play that has a checkdown.
3) Moving TE's over to help block on running and passing plays.
4) Choose a defensive playbook that works with what personnel you have. I was going to run some form of 3-3-5. Nope, didn't have the right players. Okay, let's try the 4-2-5. Nah, same reason. Ok, the old boring 4-3. Yup, that worked better than anything else.

My questions:
1) I know that a lot of you all user an LB or FS. I wish I could. I have tried, and the outcomes are not good. For any of you that user a DE or DT, what are the best moves to get past your opposing defender? Spin, Club, Swim, Rip? Do you press sprint right when the center hikes the ball?
2) Do you set your zone drop distances the same amount each game? Do you leave them at default? Mess with them multiple times during game? I have read that if you set any of them, the "Match" defensive plays don't work like they are supposed to.
3) I have also read to shift your defensive line the opposite way the opposing team's RB is lined up on. Do you do this? Is there ever a time not to do this?
I am pretty illiterate when it comes to knowing how defenses work, so I wouldn't know where to start as far as knowing if I had the correct personnel for a particular defense.

I am interesting in learning the basics and how schemes work so that I can become a better player and just naturally understand the sport better. As well as learn offensive plays to call versus certain defenses.

If anyone has any suggestions on books/articles or YouTube videos to help learn this, I would be grateful!.
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Old 08-11-2024, 07:34 PM   #3
Collegefbfan's Arena
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

I am going to go with what was shared with me a few years ago. I was in the same boat as you. I am not saying that this is the be all, end all. It is very basic.

If the offense comes out in 2 WR's call your base defense whether it be the 4-3, 3-4, etc.
If the offense comes out in a 3 WR set, go with nickel.
Use dime if they have more than 3 WR's.

I am pretty sure there are more advanced ways of calling defense. I know there is one, I THINK, if the offense has 3 WR's on one side of the field, you need to possibly flip your defense because you want someone faster than a LB covering a WR (I think this is correct).

As far as offense goes, I generally call a run first and most of the time. If I come out in a run play, and there is a player on defense that is lined up way outside, I will either go to the other side or bring a TE over to block. Last resort is audible to a passing play. Also, if I come out in a run play, and the defense has one high safety, and the defensive secondary is pressing, I have at least a shot for a long pass.

Now, if you think the defense is blitzing, (a lot of it in CFB 25) I might bring a TE over to block or send an RB on a flat for a quick escape throw.
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Old 08-11-2024, 08:48 PM   #4
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Originally Posted by Collegefbfan
Now that the game has been out a bit, and updates, patches, whatever you wanna call have been done, share what you do that appears to work in this game. I will share mine. Any others, ask your questions and share your tips, strategies, knowledge that works or appears to work.

For me:
1) Sliders!!! Find a set of sliders and tweak to your liking.
2) Custom playbook and always have a passing play that has a checkdown.
3) Moving TE's over to help block on running and passing plays.
4) Choose a defensive playbook that works with what personnel you have. I was going to run some form of 3-3-5. Nope, didn't have the right players. Okay, let's try the 4-2-5. Nah, same reason. Ok, the old boring 4-3. Yup, that worked better than anything else.

My questions:
1) I know that a lot of you all user an LB or FS. I wish I could. I have tried, and the outcomes are not good. For any of you that user a DE or DT, what are the best moves to get past your opposing defender? Spin, Club, Swim, Rip? Do you press sprint right when the center hikes the ball?
2) Do you set your zone drop distances the same amount each game? Do you leave them at default? Mess with them multiple times during game? I have read that if you set any of them, the "Match" defensive plays don't work like they are supposed to.
3) I have also read to shift your defensive line the opposite way the opposing team's RB is lined up on. Do you do this? Is there ever a time not to do this?
On #3 for your questions, yes I set my line opposite of the back. Almost every single play (other than obvious passing situations where I want guys on the edges to stop QB scrambles.)
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Old 08-11-2024, 10:09 PM   #5
iliveaboveasubway's Arena
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Originally Posted by somecoach
On #3 for your questions, yes I set my line opposite of the back. Almost every single play (other than obvious passing situations where I want guys on the edges to stop QB scrambles.)
When a RB is going off, I won't shift my line, but have them slant to the direction the back would be going. Leaves you open for counters and jet sweeps real hard though
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Old 08-11-2024, 10:40 PM   #6
King Nothing.
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

I have six words for you:
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
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Old 08-11-2024, 10:58 PM   #7
Collegefbfan's Arena
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Hey. I know there are a lot of you that can weigh in on this issue. I like to run HB Stretch, HB Toss, Lead Toss, etc. I can see the lane open up because there is a tiny bit more time for the blockers to set up the holes for the RB.

Now, tell me about running Inside Zone plays. First off, I don't even have any idea what that means. I think I do but I'm not sure. I have tried running them and usually get stuffed. What do I need to look for pre-snap? Are these mainly for power backs or elusive backs? Any other tips appreciated.
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Old 08-12-2024, 12:24 AM   #8
iliveaboveasubway's Arena
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Re: Share What You Have Found That "WORKS"...

Originally Posted by Collegefbfan
Hey. I know there are a lot of you that can weigh in on this issue. I like to run HB Stretch, HB Toss, Lead Toss, etc. I can see the lane open up because there is a tiny bit more time for the blockers to set up the holes for the RB.

Now, tell me about running Inside Zone plays. First off, I don't even have any idea what that means. I think I do but I'm not sure. I have tried running them and usually get stuffed. What do I need to look for pre-snap? Are these mainly for power backs or elusive backs? Any other tips appreciated.
Run right at the linebacker, and once he's blocked, sprint left or right of him and BOOM.
Just never sprint from the hand off!
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