
NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-24-2010, 01:27 PM   #2145
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Thaen
Man I don't want to take this off topic, but I have to reply to this being a full blood Apache and attending a native school. I've gone to a lot of pow wows across the nation, and talked to a lot of different members of tribes, and just for the record it doesn't really bother me @ all if teams use Native names/mascots, but I'm in the minority on thinking like that at least to the other natives I have talked too, and even the non traditionalists are upset at it. Think about the Washington Redskins that would be like the San Diego Padres being lets say the San Diego Spics instead. Chief is a very sacred and honorable position in almost all native tribes it isn't something you make a mascot out of very few people in the history of their tribe have had the honor of wearing the title chief, and you think it is honoring them by making people like Larry Johnson or Charlie Weis "Chiefs"?

As for the FSU Seminoles the few Seminoles I have talked too don't really like FSU because of a lot of bad relations between them and their tribe. FSU basically disrespected their tribe and gave them a big legal FU in the 90s, and ironically most Seminole fans I meet are Gator or Cane fans because Gainesville/Miami is closer to their tribal lands than Tallahassee the only thing in their eyes they have in common with FSU is them coining their tribe's name.

I certainly don't speak for every native, but from the ones I speak to daily and the new ones I meet daily. I would say 75% of them dislike the whole mascot business. It doesn't really bother me at all, but I can certainly see the disrespect.

Okay I'm done rambling I hope I didn't sound hostile because I wasn't trying to be. I just had to a ten page paper over the whole tribal mascot issues for my Tribal Law class, and I had to jump on it.

Onward to the Demo impressions.

I read the "fixed stuff thread", and if they do indeed deliver with those fixes. Then I truly believe this game will be a high 80 meta score. I'm thinking 88ish. I'm really excited because with locomotion and the new offensive styles and the presentation improvements this game has a lot of replay value in my eyes. The new dynasty stuff from online looks really neat. The recruiting sliders etc. I'm officially on the hype train now.

The only glaring issues I'm seeing is the no huddle only looks to the sidelines when you audible very minor in my eyes, and easy as heck to fix for me I'll just audible to a run play then switch back to get the animation if it bothers me that much. INTs are high, but sliders can fix that, and the one thing I'm interested in that isn't getting much talk is the SIM stats in dynasty last year they were pretty FUBAR hope they got them on the right track this year.
No offense, but **** is a derogatory word towards Mexicans, and redskin is how the natives considered themselves when white men were first seen. My Grandpa's mother was full blooded Miami, and he loved the fact that so many teams had the tribal names but not the goofy mascots. I to have been to many tribal meetings within the Miami nation, but I feel most are okay with the way teams are named, including the Chiefs. Most I have spoken with are pleased with the fact that the true native people of this land are still acknowledged, and at most play great parts of America's team sports. And back when FSU was looking for a team name and mascot they approached the tribal leaders of the Seminoles and agreed on terms. They also allowed the tribe to select the colors and images for the team. Seminoles came to the defense of the FSU Seminoles when the announcement came out that they along with others would have to change, so I never heard of any law suit.

Last edited by CYST2000; 06-24-2010 at 01:55 PM.
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Old 06-24-2010, 01:39 PM   #2146
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CYST2000
No offense, but **** is a derogatory word towards Mexicans, and redskin is how the natives considered themselves when white men were first seen. My Grandpa's mother was full blooded Miami, and he loved the fact that so many teams had the tribal names and even the goofy mascots had a native connection. I to have been to many tribal meetings within the Miami nation, but I feel most are okay with the way teams are named, including the Chiefs. Most I have spoken with are pleased with the fact that the true native people of this land are still acknowledged, and at most play great parts of America's team sports. And back when FSU was looking for a team name and mascot they approached the tribal leaders of the Seminoles and agreed on terms. They also allowed the tribe to select the colors and images for the team. Seminoles came to the defense of the FSU Seminoles when the announcement came out that they along with others would have to change, so I never heard of any law suit.
There's a difference between referring to a Native American as Sioux or Seminole (based on their tribe) and referring to them as a Redskin (based on the color of their skin).
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Old 06-24-2010, 02:03 PM   #2147
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by HokieB
There's a difference between referring to a Native American as Sioux or Seminole (based on their tribe) and referring to them as a Redskin (based on the color of their skin).
This is the last post I will make.
What do Native Americans themselves think?
This is where it gets kind of odd. In actuallity, less than 18% of Native Americans are offended by Indian Mascots in pro sports. In a March 4, 2002 Sports Illustrated 7 page editorial entitled "The Indian Wars", a poll was conducted amongst Native Americans. Surprisingly, the following information was gathered:
"Asked if high school and college teams should stop using Indian nicknames, 81% of Native American respondents said no. As for pro sports, 83% of Native American respondents said teams should not stop using Indian nicknames, mascots, characters and symbols."
This begs the question: If it doesn't bother Native Americans, why are so many non Indians taking up a fight against Indian mascots in [COLOR=#009900 !important][COLOR=#009900 !important]pro [COLOR=#009900 !important]sports
[/color][/color]? The answer is rather odd, but could be attributed to the misunderstanding of the real meaning of Redskin, or it could simply be moral guilt. This is our attempt to make amends for something we were never a part of and could not control. The compaign against the Native American by the United States was a dark part of our nation's history. Perhaps this is the reason for today's offense towards the use of Indian mascots.
Most Native Americans are not only not offended, they're actually fans!
The odd thing is that not only are most Native Americans not offended, but they a large number of them are actually fans. For a number of Native Americans, the Redskin image itself is of a proud chief and it bestows pride and accomplishment. It is not a caricature of an Indian. In fact, what truly offends Native Americans are caricatures, such as the big nose of the Cleveland Indians logo, or the tomahawk chop of the Altanta Braves.
There is an interesting angle on how Native Americans view indians as mascots. In Montreal Canada, McGill university is one of North America's most prestigious educational institutions. Between 1982 to 1992, both its football and hockey teams had an Aboriginal Chief in full head gear as their Mascot. An Aboriginal in Canada is simply a Native American in the United States. The team name is "Redmen". The university decided to stop using the mascot at the request of a non-Aboriginal student. Before the decision was reached, the University consulted with the Chief of the First Nations in Canada and with an Aboriginal team member, Both were fine with the use of the mascot and actually wrote letters attesting to their support.

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/19581...#ixzz0rn65VHjo
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Old 06-24-2010, 02:37 PM   #2148
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

CYST2000 - great post. But for those who are PC you can quote facts all day but their moral guilt trumps anything.
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Old 06-24-2010, 03:02 PM   #2149
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Man if I hadn't just finished that paper I would of just ignored it an never posted! My paper/research was informative not a persuasive, so I have read a bit on both sides look up some polls on the name "Fighting Siouxs" you will get similar %#s, but it will be flipped it just depends who you poll. I looked at a lot of stuff and the differences in polls were quite funny always a landslide for either or usually parallel with what the article was trying to suggest to the reader.

FSU tried to keep a Seminole burial ground to it's self instead of informing the Seminole nation which by federal law they have to do, but the state and university made it hell for the Seminole tribe to get that land.

Proclamation of 1755 debate(how the redskin name came to be) is very good, and if you read between the lines and actually do a bit of research on it you will probably come away with it being true the only credible refute to it really never quotes the proclamation they just say how they interpret it. Really undermining their argument since they do not deny it exists, but claim to know what it really says, but does not want to quote it for us to see? Really odd way of convincing me.

Anyways I'm done posting about Native Rights I regret even doing so in the first place.
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Old 06-24-2010, 04:36 PM   #2150
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Hmmm......everything looks good year in and year out with the NCAA series,just like a new electronic device or computer update.... EA does the same with us an we buy into it year in and out. Now dont misunderstand me im a loyal purchaser of the series but when will we EVER get multiple motions in the backfield? i mean its in the game right? Ive had people challenge that you cant put players in motion multiple times in College football?! Ahh yea you can. An for that matter if you watch NFL football there is multiple motion there also. An i do believe that you can have multiple motions there. As Qbs it helps to distinguish man or zone or create a mismatch when he sees a favorable matchup for one of his players . I could almost predict that next year you'll see a feature where the offense will show one formation initially then move out to another before the ball's snapped(watch both saturday and sunday its common).EA tries to mimmick the real gameplay an to us their doing a good job, but what do we actually have to compare it too? But if theyre saying it s in the game.....put it in the game!
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Old 06-24-2010, 08:05 PM   #2151
TallyBoi7's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

I've been having a lot of fun with the demo...posted my impression a couple of days ago, HOWEVER, I just saw three things that worry me.

1. I remember I mentioned how receivers don't magically speed up to catch the ball, well I saw that animation(only ONCE). I called a slant pattern using Oklahoma, though I had led the receiver slightly to far and he kinda sped up and the animation slid him into the catch. I haven't seen this happen too much in the demo, so I'm gonna shrug it off for now.

2. In the same game, Texas' DE was either playing MLB or dropped back into coverage(couldn't replay it), BUT he made this awesome one-handed interception...the ball looked like it was waaaaaay to high for him to grab. I've never seen a BIG D-lineman jump that high and look like a defensive back.

3. Again, in the same game...Texas threw a pass downfield to a WIDE OPEN receiver for what should've been an easy touchdown or catch...the receviver decided to turn around and look like he was playing zone defense...he let the ball sail right past him without making an effort to catch the ball.

Those are the only issues I've seen...OVERALL, the game is still looking pretty awesome and much better than any of the other next gen NCAA Football games.
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Old 06-24-2010, 11:46 PM   #2152
Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Fellas, drop the Native American/racial talks IMMEDIATELY.

First and last warning.
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