07-20-2010, 12:09 AM
OVR: 16
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Lubbock, Texas
Re: OD Dynasty Website SUCKS
I actually think you also lose points on the website when you recruit, because i know for a fact it should be impossible with 4 topics selected to only come out with 81 total points. On the console consistently get at least a base of 35pts even with the interest level low to least and when you are about to hard sell a pitch and it gives you a score range from like 35-60 or whatever shouldnt 35 be the point score you at least get without bonus points or pipeline points. so its kinda dissapointing to see like a 45-60 point range and it only gives you 30 and then your bonus points still dont get you to 45pts. On the concole I wouldve gotten a base of like 50 plus bonus points. Online recruiting great idea, bad execution.
Taylor Potts Gang or Die