
First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

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Old 03-15-2011, 05:53 PM   #313
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Old 03-15-2011, 05:54 PM   #314
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
No one cares about your preferences. Even more so after you've spent so much time whining after one freaking photograph.
Interesting that you stooped to insulting when you couldn't logically argue your point. Bravo.

And, just so you know, I was teasing about AU cheating and not trying to start a "flamewar". I should have put a smiley. I apologize. I was rooting for AU in the NCG ... I always want the SEC to represent.

Originally Posted by SynShadowzz
See, the problem here is you're trying to state this as a fact, when it's not.. yet. This could very well be the case, but YOU DON'T KNOW and you won't know until you play the game.
Correct, while it may very well be fact, I don't have confirmation of this. I have the presupposition and belief that EA will continue to do what they've done since the start of this generation.

Maybe I'll be thoroughly surprised and they've carefully hidden the fact that this is a brand new physics engine and they've created diversity among the players using their rating system and successfully mastered the jobs of the OL/DL.

Seriously though, it's not "I'm right, you're wrong". I think people are inferring that I feel that way. I do not. I simply feel that under the current engine, no significant game improvements can or will be made. I want the graphics to be as sharp as humanly possible. The debate that's raging is me responding to people that have misunderstood me really. But each response puts me further in the trench and my point becomes more rigid because I keep having to make it or justify it. My original post was simply that it surprises me that dreads create that much commotion. Everything spiraled from that innocuous statement.

As for the "one screenshot" thing, I believe I made the point that there were things significantly wrong - from a football standpoint - from this image and pointed to them. I'm sure I could point to more if given a wider view of the field.

Originally Posted by coogrfan
And yet...you seem to think that there is a chance that the suits at EA would sign off on trashing an NCAA game engine that has moved 3 million + units every year in order to start over from scratch and "do it right".
Actually, I believe I stated the exact opposite. I said from a business standpoint I DON'T believe they would make any massive changes.

But that's okay, there has been a lot of back and forth. Sometimes jumping in the middle of a debate leaves you without all the facts at your disposal.

In fact, the point that you were making a contention about was in reference to (potentially) being told that I didn't understand the gaming industry. Which in turn came about from my point on the misguided notion that the artistic team and the development team are not interrelated.

Last edited by Bama83; 03-15-2011 at 06:02 PM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 06:00 PM   #315
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by Bama83
Actually, I believe I stated the exact opposite. I said from a business standpoint I DON'T believe they would make any massive changes.

But that's okay, there has been a lot of back and forth. Sometimes jumping in the middle of a debate leaves you without all the facts at your disposal.

In fact, the point that you were making a contention about was in reference to (potentially) being told that I didn't understand the gaming industry. Which in turn came about from my point on the misguided notion that the artistic team and the development team are not interrelated.
If that's so, then I have to wonder why the heck you care at all?

You've made it fairly clear that you can't find any enjoyment in the game as it is, and you seem to understand that the core engine isn't going to be changing to something more to your liking any time soon. Call me crazy, but if I were you I would be looking for another hobby.
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Old 03-15-2011, 06:08 PM   #316
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by coogrfan
If that's so, then I have to wonder why the heck you care at all?

You've made it fairly clear that you can't find any enjoyment in the game as it is, and you seem to understand that the core engine isn't going to be changing to something more to your liking any time soon. Call me crazy, but if I were you I would be looking for another hobby.
Like I said, welcome to the life of a tormented NCAA fan.

I'm like an abused woman coming back for more. Or maybe a horse rushing to the burning barn.

Despite the fact that I don't think EA will halt production to create the perfect engine (or even a really good one) for fiscal reasons, I do believe (based on NHL and NBA) they have plans to slowly introduce physics to their engines. It's not the perfect solution, but it's something, right?

It's just I think that's one hole. I guess I just wish that the execs would let them come forward and say: "Okay, we screwed up. We know there are some massive holes in the gameplay and we here's the roadmap to how we are going to address them. If you see any others, please bring them to us as we want to make the best product." Right now, it feels like an "us/them" situation at times and they don't really acknowledge that there are significant issues.
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Old 03-15-2011, 06:19 PM   #317
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My head already hurts and it's only one photograph. This cat has already whined for about 10 pages. Some of you need to find a new hobby. Video games aren't for you anymore.

One picture. One. Ugh.
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Old 03-15-2011, 09:10 PM   #318
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one of the of the lineman has on white tights
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:02 PM   #319
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

Originally Posted by illwill10
They probably have new faces.
I wanted them to have new faces. The faces that they have seem too old for 18-22 year olds. They need younger looking faces. I hope they change it from where you have a 210lb guy+ with lineman faces.
Very annoying. I doubt that has been fixed.

Hopefully we see more long hair though, not just one set of dreads
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:15 PM   #320
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Re: First NCAA Football 12 Screenshot, Dreads Are Back - What Else Can You Spot?

I'm not sure why some people people say it just dreads or just a helmet. If this stuff was given to us from the get go we wouldn't be arguing. Just imagine if they had given us all the equipment and accessories in let's says a couple of years...they could spend the rest of the time fixing other issues. Just my $.02

Edit: I wonder if Adidas and Underarmour got some more love this year

Last edited by ConVick; 03-15-2011 at 10:24 PM. Reason: Post count?
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