
NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

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Old 06-20-2012, 02:22 AM   #89
cparrish's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
Can't show them due to what licensing?! If they have the licensing to put them in the game in the first place, there is nothing preventing them from showing them.

Sorry, I don't buy that any more than I buy potential lawsuits as a reason why EA's default rosters aren't even remotely accurate. (For reference, I don't buy that one single bit).

And 240 new uniforms?! There are 123 teams, most of which haven't done a single thing to their uniforms. Am I to believe there are all of a sudden a plethora of uniform options available? Sorry, not buying it.
He is right though, a lot of schools want to release their uniforms in front of fans and media, and not through a screenshot of a video game.
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:24 AM   #90
Cane305's Arena
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Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
Can't show them due to what licensing?! If they have the licensing to put them in the game in the first place, there is nothing preventing them from showing them.

Sorry, I don't buy that any more than I buy potential lawsuits as a reason why EA's default rosters aren't even remotely accurate. (For reference, I don't buy that one single bit).

And 240 new uniforms?! There are 123 teams, most of which haven't done a single thing to their uniforms. Am I to believe there are all of a sudden a plethora of uniform options available? Sorry, not buying it.
The actual universities don't want certain uniforms displayed until they give the word...yes some we already know about but ea can't burn bridges by showing them off early otherwise universities won't allow them to use the new ones in the future...
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:25 AM   #91
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

they still can't comprehend this.

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Old 06-20-2012, 02:26 AM   #92
Cane305's Arena
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Originally Posted by cparrish
He is right though, a lot of schools want to release their uniforms in front of fans and media, and not through a screenshot of a video game.
What he said, and I'm just telling you what fat Ben said in the live stream....just the messenger man
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:31 AM   #93
PowerofRed25's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

Originally Posted by CHooe
If a year is not enough time for EA to deliver a game that meets the standards required for them to earn your $60 purchase, I'm in no position to argue that. Speaking strictly to the high-level business model, however, I'd imagine the game probably turns a profit for EA; else, why would they even bother developing a product that would hemorrhage money from the company annually?

The iterative nature of sports games development should be well-known and expected by now by all of us, and there's fat chance that EA, 2K, or any other annual sports game publisher is ever going to break that cycle for the sake of what we perceive as lack of polish or on-the-surface lack of substantial change year-over-year.
My idea in a previous thread was to have a two year development cycle but with two concurrent development teams. Meaning a game is released every year, but the team working on it has a two year cycle to really hit their game out of the park.

Each game would retain all of its basic DNA across both development teams, but we'd be able to make significant advances each year as teams focus their two year cycle and making big strides.

For example. Let's call the current NCAA team the red team, they worked on and released Heisman Challenge and an improved passing game for NCAA 13. Once NCAA 13 has dropped, they begin development on NCAA 15. Let's say the big NCAA 15 feature is Athletic Director mode within dynasties, allowing you to control finances, hiring and firing, stadium and practice field additions, etc. That gives them two years to install and perfect that system as well as the ability to patch problems with NCAA 13 should they arise.

Meanwhile, the blue team would be assigned to NCAA 14. They're mission would be to install the infinity engine and making whatever strides they can on animations, cut scenes, graphics and presentation. Frankly, I'm guessing that is all we will get in NCAA 14. Once they are done, they start work on planning for the next generation for NCAA 16.

By alternating side by side development teams, we'd have significant strides made in terms of features and polishing each year without sacrificing anything. It has been done before, although I don't believe it has been done for a sports title, but it could certainly work a lot better than the system we have now.

There are so many fundamental flaws in the way EA runs this franchise, most of the decisions made simply make no sense.
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:32 AM   #94
Cane305's Arena
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Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
My idea in a previous thread was to have a two year development cycle but with two concurrent development teams. Meaning a game is released every year, but the team working on it has a two year cycle to really hit their game out of the park.

Each game would retain all of its basic DNA across both development teams, but we'd be able to make significant advances each year as teams focus their two year cycle and making big strides.

For example. Let's call the current NCAA team the red team, they worked on and released Heisman Challenge and an improved passing game for NCAA 13. Once NCAA 13 has dropped, they begin development on NCAA 15. Let's say the big NCAA 15 feature is Athletic Director mode within dynasties, allowing you to control finances, hiring and firing, stadium and practice field additions, etc. That gives them two years to install and perfect that system as well as the ability to patch problems with NCAA 13 should they arise.

Meanwhile, the blue team would be assigned to NCAA 14. They're mission would be to install the infinity engine and making whatever strides they can on animations, cut scenes, graphics and presentation. Frankly, I'm guessing that is all we will get in NCAA 14. Once they are done, they start work on planning for the next generation for NCAA 16.

By alternating side by side development teams, we'd have significant strides made in terms of features and polishing each year without sacrificing anything. It has been done before, although I don't believe it has been done for a sports title, but it could certainly work a lot better than the system we have now.

There are so many fundamental flaws in the way EA runs this franchise, most of the decisions made simply make no sense.
This would be awesome, too bad it's just a pipe dream tho!
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:42 AM   #95
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

This wouldnt work now due to the game being so buggy. Maybe with the next generation system they could implement some kind of model where they can add/subtract features without affecting other areas of the game. That way the game can maintain some of its continuity throught the years. Otherwise, If they made two completely different games every other year i think the series would suffer greatly.
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:51 AM   #96
PowerofRed25's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Screenshots (91 of Them)

Originally Posted by Cane305
The actual universities don't want certain uniforms displayed until they give the word...yes some we already know about but ea can't burn bridges by showing them off early otherwise universities won't allow them to use the new ones in the future...
In the past though, uniforms that weren't shown off before a certain date never made it in the game. That has almost always been the case and has caused a lot of frustrated people. With DLC, EA is in the position to create things as they are unveiled, which should alleviate a lot of those problems.

However, in the case of these screenshots, uniforms that HAVE been unveiled already aren't shown at all. The one that sticks out to me is Missouri, which very obviously has their 2011 uniforms and 2011 roster (#26 presumably being the graduated De'Vion Moore). Missouri's uniforms have been unveiled for two months. Another one would be Rutgers, whose uniforms have been unveiled for nearly two months. We're not talking special uniforms either, we're talking their every day uniforms in both cases.

They may be holding back some uniforms, and I get the reasoning, but a significant number of these pictures have either old rosters, old uniforms or both. I'm not doubting it isn't NCAA 13 in these photos, but there are some pretty weird inconsistencies.
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