
BCS Will Continue as the Postseason Format For All Years of Dynasty in NCAA Football

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Old 04-25-2013, 05:02 PM   #9
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Originally Posted by BA2929
And there it is. The malarkey reason I was expecting.

Now I'm going to seriously consider not buying the game this year.
Why isn't it a legitimate reason? All that is known about the playoff is the location of games and that "a selection committee will be used". No one knows anything about the criteria that selection committee will use to fill the field of four teams. Whatever Tiburon implements to guess at the procedure would most likely be wrong and have to be re-done.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:04 PM   #10
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Sorry for the double post, but I need to rant here:

Seriously, EA. How hard would it have been to use your stupid BCS formula that never works and just have it pick 4 teams to play in the playoff?

Top 4 BCS points teams make it? HOW HARD IS THAT?

You KNEW it was going to rotate bowl games, that's been a fact for months now and just yesterday they declared which bowls it would be for the first year. So there's NO excuse for not having it in the game this year. NONE. It's not like you're going to implement a freaking selection committee IN the game to pick 4 teams every season, you'll use some algorithm (that probably won't work half the time) to figure them out.

I should have expected this, but deep down I was hoping EA would be smart enough to include it. Apparently I'm an idiot.

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Old 04-25-2013, 05:04 PM   #11
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

First off, I need to say that I do not believe this is a cash grab. EA would have implemented the Playoff had the NCAA allowed them to do so.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:08 PM   #12
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Why isn't it a legitimate reason? All that is known about the playoff is the location of games and that "a selection committee will be used". No one knows anything about the criteria that selection committee will use to fill the field of four teams. Whatever Tiburon implements to guess at the procedure would most likely be wrong and have to be re-done.

You think EA is going to implement an actual SELECTION COMMITTEE in their game to pick 4 teams? They'll use some sort of algorithm to pick them. Their BCS selection in the NCAA game is incorrect now anyway, so who really cares if it's correct this year? Use the BCS point system that's already in the game that's always screwing up for all I care. They don't have real Media members pick the Media poll in the game, but nobody seems to care about that. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate in the first year and nobody would care.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:11 PM   #13
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Wow. Just wow. I am running out of words to describe this.

And I'm not talking about EA not putting in the playoff system.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:12 PM   #14
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Originally Posted by BA2929
You think EA is going to implement an actual SELECTION COMMITTEE in their game to pick 4 teams? They'll use some sort of algorithm to pick them. Their BCS selection in the NCAA game is incorrect now anyway, so who really cares if it's correct this year? Use the BCS point system that's already in the game that's always screwing up for all I care. They don't have real Media members pick the Media poll in the game, but nobody seems to care about that. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate in the first year and nobody would care.
No, individual media members are not represented in the game. My point is that there is a certain methodology that the selection committee will use when making determinations as to who gets into the playoff. How much does rank matter? How much does strength of schedule matter? How much does strength of victory matter? How much does conference prestige matter? Will winning one's conference be a virtual requirement to appear in the playoffs?

Development of whatever algorithm Tiburon uses to implement the playoff selection is going to require input and research that hasn't happened yet. I'd rather they spend time to get something that's a grounded representation of whatever is going to exist rather than have something haphazardly thrown in.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:16 PM   #15
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
No, individual media members are not represented in the game. My point is that there is a certain methodology that the selection committee will use when making determinations as to who gets into the playoff. How much does rank matter? How much does strength of schedule matter? How much does strength of victory matter? How much does conference prestige matter?

Development of whatever algorithm Tiburon uses to implement the playoff selection is going to require input and research that hasn't happened yet. I'd rather they spend time to get something that's a grounded representation of whatever is going to exist rather than have something haphazardly thrown in.
I respect your opinion, but I will decline to agree with you. I'm going to slink off into the night now so I don't say something I'll regret later.

Like I said, I should have expected this but I guess I've been bamboozled by EA yet again.

Perhaps they'll release it as DLC once all the t's have been dotted and the i's crossed as to how they're going to pick the 4 teams.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:16 PM   #16
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Re: No Playoffs in NCAA 14

excitement for NCAA 14...

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