
Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

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Old 07-31-2013, 07:25 PM   #41
cusefan74's Arena
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

Originally Posted by MTF2486
I casually placed the controller next to me on the couch and stared at the tv silent lol

That's what I do to when something happens, except I usually add a few really bad words to it. Then my wife looks at me like I have lost my mind.
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Old 07-31-2013, 08:36 PM   #42
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

I don't know if this actually fits in the thread, but I've never shared it and feel the need to get it off my chest. I was playing NCAA 06 on PS2, when they introduced Road to Glory or Race for the Heisman, or whatever it was called at the time. I created myself as a scrambling QB and went to Oklahoma State, and what followed was an awesome career as far as stories go. My freshman year sucked and the team finished 4-8. The next year began the path to redemption. I don't remember the record but we went to a bowl game that year. Then, my junior year was where it all came together. We went undefeated on the way to the National Championship against Georgia Tech. I won the Heisman and fell in love with my player. Not wanting his career to end, I even went out and bought Madden 06 so I could continue it in the pros. My plan was to win the championship and leave a year early. I'd already won the Heisman, so what else was there to do?

So, the championship game becomes an epic battle and I'm about to start a late drive to try and win the game and what happens? My guy gets injured and knocked out of the game. So, the backup comes in, I can't get it done, and we lose in the championship game.

Undeterred, I think, "How perfect is this? One last shot at redemption my senior year after a devastating injury." Well, by now, Oklahoma State's a powerhouse and I just wanted to get to the title game, finish the career and export my player to Madden. So I decided to sim through the season. I was too young to concern myself with cheesing or any such thing. But, after a late season loss, the message popped up saying there were changes made and asking if I wanted to save. I'd seen this thing hundreds of times and always hit "No," but I reacted too quickly and hit, "Yes." Immediately recognizing what I'd done, I panicked, lunged for the back of my PS2, and flipped the power switch. And then I learned why they told you not to do that. The file was corrupted. I was devastated. One of favorite dynasties and/or careers, and I had effectively taken my player behind a shed in the prime of his career and shot him dead.
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Old 07-31-2013, 11:28 PM   #43
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Post Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

Situation: Receiving a Kick-Off from Arkansas 2 minutes left in the first half. Playing as TAMU. I'm up by four points.

I was three yards back in the end-zone, waiting for the kick and accidentally nudged the stick forward putting my player out of position. Now I know with all certainty, due to past experience that I should never (ever) try to reposition my player as I've never been skilled enough to recover and catch the ball.

I thought two things simultaneously, "Maybe this time!" and "Get out of the way, moron!" Well I played the hero and muffed the catch and watched as the ball rolled out to about the 1/2 yard line. At this moment the situation is ugly but salvageable.

Then much to my horror, I notice one of my players streaking back to save the day and get to the football. He reaches the ball first and proceeds to perform the seven basic ballerina moves while trying to pick it up and maintain his footing - failing spectacularly. He tumbles five yards back into the end zone for a safety and giving the ball back to Arkansas, now down by only two.

As I can't seem to figure out playing defense yet, (almost every play a receiver is wide open or there's a 6-10 yard run) they proceed to march down the field and score as time expires to go up by five at the half. They get the ball first in the 2nd half and again proceed to score and my fourth consecutive game where the defenses should have just stayed home eventually ends in a nine point loss.

Any other game I don't think this play causes the loss - but this year, at least for me for now - it started the downward unrecoverable spiral. All out of a desire to be the hero. Yay me.

Last edited by Zalym; 07-31-2013 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 08-01-2013, 01:39 AM   #44
allhailben7's Arena
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

My dad and I used to play Madden and NCAA all the time. We had some epic games along with years of co-op dynasties and franchises, so we were both pretty good.

Anyway, in Madden 2005, I think, we were playing against each other... O think I was the Eagles...
I'm up by 6 with under 20 seconds to go with the ball at his 15 or so...
I decide to try and run up the score by passing the ball...
I realized it was a stupid decision and tried to run out the clock, evading his DE until I got outside the tackle box and tried to throw it away. Another DE crashes and hits my QB as he lets go of the ball and a nearby CB picks it out of the air and my dad returns it for the winning touchdown...
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Old 08-01-2013, 02:31 AM   #45
allhailben7's Arena
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Exclamation Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

Sorry for the length of this in advance... But it had so much backstory that I felt was necessary:

Another one: Super Bowl in Madden 13 on Heisman. It was one of the most brilliant games I have ever played and still leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

First off I'm in college and I got a job this summer to help build up money for next semester and possibly a new console, so I'm at home for now. My sister moved in with us this summer and she works until about 7 and my parents also work during the day. My summer job just finished, so I was at home that day and decided to play a game while my parents are out and before my sister got home.

In my fourth season with the Kansas City Chiefs, I am trying to repeat as Super Bowl champions after several good drive safe and good free agent moves. I finish the season 15-1 and made the playoffs, winning the NFC Championship Game and making Super Bowl against the now powerhouse Detroit Lions who went 14-2.

The game tonight to being at the back and forth battle with each of us fighting to score on each drive. At the end of the 3rd quarter in this close-fought battle, I am up 17-10.
In the 4th quarter, I score another TD with 4:30 to go to build myself a cushion, but I hear my sister (several months pregnant and short on patience) come through the door, so I--trying to be considerate--decide to Super Sim the mundane and skip through cutscenes, fastforwarding to get straight to defense.

They drive down the field on the ensuing possession and stall out on the 25 with just about 2:30 to play, settling for a field goal with 3 TOs left.

They kick it off and I almost take it to the house, being knocked out of bounds just past their 45. I can't manage a first down, so I kick it and go up by 2 touchdowns again.

On their next possession, they score with 27 sec to go on 4th down to pull within a TD.
I'm fine, right?
They get the onside kick, too!
After a quick out along the sidelines, Stafford hits Calvin Johnson for a TD with 15s to go...
So, I'm going to OT, right???
No. The first SUPERSIM play several paragraphs ago?? Missed PAT.

Like that, I lose by one in the single best, most competitive game I have played against the AI. Haven't played since.*

Last edited by allhailben7; 08-01-2013 at 02:37 AM. Reason: Fixed a few--but not all--errors. I tried to see if I could do it with speech-to-text on my phone.
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Old 08-01-2013, 07:22 AM   #46
HadlerT's Arena
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

On NCAA 13, I was the Huskies, and my brother was playing as the cougars. I was playing a 1P dynasty as the huskies and my brother would play a my opponent each week. (He takes forever to choose a team so we made an ultimatum).

My brother was up 35-31 with about 20 seconds left. He was at the goal line, but instead of kicking a FG, he tried to throw for a TD, but Sean Parker (our All-American strong safety) intercepted it (user controlled) and took it all the way bac to round their 15-yard line. With about 5 seconds left, I ran it in with Keith Price for the win in the apple cup
Seattle Mariners|Seattle Seahawks
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Old 08-01-2013, 10:32 AM   #47
Gopokes15's Arena
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

Originally Posted by allhailben7
Sorry for the length of this in advance... But it had so much backstory that I felt was necessary:

Another one: Super Bowl in Madden 13 on Heisman. It was one of the most brilliant games I have ever played and still leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

First off I'm in college and I got a job this summer to help build up money for next semester and possibly a new console, so I'm at home for now. My sister moved in with us this summer and she works until about 7 and my parents also work during the day. My summer job just finished, so I was at home that day and decided to play a game while my parents are out and before my sister got home.

In my fourth season with the Kansas City Chiefs, I am trying to repeat as Super Bowl champions after several good drive safe and good free agent moves. I finish the season 15-1 and made the playoffs, winning the NFC Championship Game and making Super Bowl against the now powerhouse Detroit Lions who went 14-2.

The game tonight to being at the back and forth battle with each of us fighting to score on each drive. At the end of the 3rd quarter in this close-fought battle, I am up 17-10.
In the 4th quarter, I score another TD with 4:30 to go to build myself a cushion, but I hear my sister (several months pregnant and short on patience) come through the door, so I--trying to be considerate--decide to Super Sim the mundane and skip through cutscenes, fastforwarding to get straight to defense.

They drive down the field on the ensuing possession and stall out on the 25 with just about 2:30 to play, settling for a field goal with 3 TOs left.

They kick it off and I almost take it to the house, being knocked out of bounds just past their 45. I can't manage a first down, so I kick it and go up by 2 touchdowns again.

On their next possession, they score with 27 sec to go on 4th down to pull within a TD.
I'm fine, right?
They get the onside kick, too!
After a quick out along the sidelines, Stafford hits Calvin Johnson for a TD with 15s to go...
So, I'm going to OT, right???
No. The first SUPERSIM play several paragraphs ago?? Missed PAT.

Like that, I lose by one in the single best, most competitive game I have played against the AI. Haven't played since.*
Wow I don't know if I could handle that one
Go Pokes!!

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Old 08-01-2013, 05:12 PM   #48
Snowcoog's Arena
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Re: Dumb decision that's costs you the game or injures star player

Back on NCAA 06 I had a dynasty going with LSU. My stud Running Back had gotten 2nd the year before for The Heisman, so I was bent on making sure he had a amazing year the next year.

The first Game of the year I'm playing some scrub team. I can't remember, I just remember scheduling someone weak to get my campaign going. At halftime I was winning big, so I decided to start the 2nd half that I would switch out to 2nd team. The thought was "Let's not have anyone injured to some scrub team I'm beating big".

Then though I remember my crusade to try to win the Heisman with my Running Back. So I slip him back in to build up some stats against a weak opponent. Well I remember that he had amazing stats for that game, until toward the end when he broke his leg and was lost to the season. My backup ended up being adequate at least. Nowhere near close though. That season, we focused a lot more on team than our stud RB. I felt like in Friday Night Light, when Boobie Miles went down.
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