
Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

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Old 07-27-2024, 10:57 AM   #57
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Matt10's Arena
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

7/27/24 - My personal approach to having two difficulties is now I can play AA for home games and Heisman for away games. It's a bit of a makeshift homefield advantage in a way. Totally optional, but thought I'd mention it.

Thanks as always, take care, and stay tuned.

Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders | "Heisman Refined" - Version 2 || feat. MrHurriicane

Gameplay Settings

Key value: Player Speed Parity Scale = 48.
This is what holds the set together. Some say lowering this value makes the game more wide open, but it really just releases the players from each other a little bit sooner. This means less running into each other, less getting stuck in instant two-man animations, and more room to basically breathe and perform.

Values Explained: We are still working through the quarter length and play clock settings, but the current set up seems to be on the right track. The goal is to have 110-130 plays to match the amount of simmed plays. Injuries were increased a bit to get more injuries in game - simple enough.

Difficulty: Heisman
Quarter Length: 11 minutes
Accelerated Clock: On
Minimum Play Clock Time: 15 seconds
Injuries: 30 (Previous: 25)
Fatigue: 50
Player Speed Parity Scale: 48

Values Explained: The


Values Explained: The main adjustment here is lowering Roughing the Passer which is going to help with the aggression and directness towards the ball carrier. After that, Roughing the Kicker is turned off as it seems that penalty happens too often.

Roughing the Passer: 45 (Previous: 50)
Roughing the Kicker: Off (Previous: On)
All other penalties default 50 or On

Gameplay Sliders

Values Explained: The first goal was to get the pursuit angles and tackle quality a bit better, which was accomplished by raising the TAK value just slightly. Next was reducing the receiver's catching, but needs to be complimented with lowering the QBA so the location of throws are just as important. The goal with QBA wasn't to just make realistic incompletions (over-throws, under-throws, etc), it's to have QBs play more human like and error prone in regards to something as simple as leading a receiver and throwing behind him could be the difference between a first down or punt.

Dropping the interception value was important to get more brick-hands rather than soft, perfect, catching that tends to happen too often. The defending players can still intercept the ball, but not at the same rate is they were before.

The field goal values bring more pressure for both the User and CPU to time their kicks. A bit more power isn't necessarily always a good thing when a slight move to the right or left can throw the entire attempt wayward.

Pass Blocking was adjusted for Version 2, as was reducing the FG Power. Pass blocking was raised for the User as there just needed to be a bit more time, even half-a-second, in the pocket. The CPU's PBL drops a bit to balance out the OL/DL interactions, as the ratings weren't matching up where the CPU OL was playing 5pts higher than their OVR ratings (70 ovr OL dominating an 70 ovr DL for example).

FG Power was reduced to lessen those super long field goal attempts and conversions.

QB Accuracy: 45/45
Pass Blocking: 52/45 (Previous: 50/50)
WR Catch: 45/45
Run Blocking: 50/50
Fumbles: 50/50
Pass Defensive Reaction: 50/50
Interceptions: 35/35
Pass Coverage: 50/50
Tackling: 52/52

Special Teams

FG Power: 50/50 (Previous: 52/52)
FG Accuracy: 45/45
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50


Difficulty: All-American
Quarter Length: 11 minutes
Accelerated Clock: On
Minimum Play Clock Time: 15 seconds
Injuries: 30 (Previous: 25)
Fatigue: 50
Player Speed Parity Scale: 48


Values Explained: The main adjustment here is lowering Roughing the Passer which is going to help with the aggression and directness towards the ball carrier. After that, Roughing the Kicker is turned off as it seems that penalty happens too often.

Roughing the Passer: 45 (Previous: 50)
Roughing the Kicker: Off (Previous: On)
All other penalties default 50 or On

Gameplay Sliders

Values Explained: The approach with All-American was to determine where the issues were. The main issue I found was the ease of the OL push for the User. Along with that the pursuit angles by the CPU needed some help, so the TAK value was increased. As mentioned in the penalties, the Roughing the Passer value was used for the aggression, and for the AA set, this is paramount as it really cleans up the pursuit angles.

QB Accuracy: 45/50
Pass Blocking: 45/50
WR Catch: 45/45
Run Blocking: 45/50
Fumbles: 50/50
Pass Defensive Reaction: 50/50
Interceptions: 35/35
Pass Coverage: 50/50
Tackling: 50/55

Special Teams

FG Power: 50/50
FG Accuracy: 45/45
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50

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Last edited by Matt10; 07-27-2024 at 04:10 PM.
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Old 07-27-2024, 11:33 AM   #58
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Join Date: Jul 2024
Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

15 sec playclock
Injuries 35
Fatigue 50
Speed scale 25

User/cpu are the same
QB Acc 45
Pass block 50
Wr catch 45
Run block 50
Ball security 50
Reaction time 52
Interceptions 35
Pass coverage 50
Tackling 54
Fg power 52
Fg acc 45
Punt power 50
Punt acc 50
Kickoff power 50

Penalties, all set to on

Offsides 75
False start 95
Off holding 55
Facemask 95
Illegal block in back 75
Rough passer 50
DPI 95

Give these a try. Most realistic gameplay I've seen so far.
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Old 07-27-2024, 11:38 AM   #59
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Speed scale at 25 is amazing. I'm seeing player animations I've never seen before. Movement and fluidity are so much better. I've played through 6 or so games with these sliders and haven't seen one bad pursuit angle or a defender stopping and watching the ball carrier go by them, which was a common issue before. Slower players on breakaways can be caught. Fast players, like Travis Hunter, are scoring if they get loose. Unless you've got a defender in close pursuit with similar or better speed.
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Old 07-27-2024, 11:51 AM   #60
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Apologies, CPU DL is where I was seeing the 3 or sometimes all 4 shedding blocks in sync. Assuming the update to PBL will alleviate this. Thanks as always!
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Old 07-27-2024, 01:24 PM   #61
Twitch/YouTube: Fiddy14
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
7/27/24 - My personal approach to having two difficulties is now I can play AA for home games and Heisman for away games. It's a bit of a makeshift homefield advantage in a way. Totally optional, but thought I'd mention it.

Thanks as always, take care, and stay tuned.

Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders | "Heisman Refined" - Version 2 || feat. MrHurriicane

Gameplay Settings

Key value: Player Speed Parity Scale = 48.
This is what holds the set together. Some say lowering this value makes the game more wide open, but it really just releases the players from each other a little bit sooner. This means less running into each other, less getting stuck in instant two-man animations, and more room to basically breathe and perform.

Values Explained: We are still working through the quarter length and play clock settings, but the current set up seems to be on the right track. The goal is to have 110-130 plays to match the amount of simmed plays. Injuries were increased a bit to get more injuries in game - simple enough.

Difficulty: Heisman
Quarter Length: 11 minutes
Accelerated Clock: On
Minimum Play Clock Time: 15 seconds
Injuries: 30 (Previous: 25)
Fatigue: 50
Player Speed Parity Scale: 48

Values Explained: The


Values Explained: The main adjustment here is lowering Roughing the Passer which is going to help with the aggression and directness towards the ball carrier. After that, Roughing the Kicker is turned off as it seems that penalty happens too often.

Roughing the Passer: 45 (Previous: 50)
Roughing the Kicker: Off (Previous: On)
All other penalties default 50 or On

Gameplay Sliders

Values Explained: The first goal was to get the pursuit angles and tackle quality a bit better, which was accomplished by raising the TAK value just slightly. Next was reducing the receiver's catching, but needs to be complimented with lowering the QBA so the location of throws are just as important. The goal with QBA wasn't to just make realistic incompletions (over-throws, under-throws, etc), it's to have QBs play more human like and error prone in regards to something as simple as leading a receiver and throwing behind him could be the difference between a first down or punt.

Dropping the interception value was important to get more brick-hands rather than soft, perfect, catching that tends to happen too often. The defending players can still intercept the ball, but not at the same rate is they were before.

The field goal values bring more pressure for both the User and CPU to time their kicks. A bit more power isn't necessarily always a good thing when a slight move to the right or left can throw the entire attempt wayward.

Pass Blocking was adjusted for Version 2, as was reducing the FG Power. Pass blocking was raised for the User as there just needed to be a bit more time, even half-a-second, in the pocket. The CPU's PBL drops a bit to balance out the OL/DL interactions, as the ratings weren't matching up where the CPU OL was playing 5pts higher than their OVR ratings (70 ovr OL dominating an 70 ovr DL for example).

FG Power was reduced to lessen those super long field goal attempts and conversions.

QB Accuracy: 45/45
Pass Blocking: 52/45 (Previous: 50/50)
WR Catch: 45/45
Run Blocking: 50/50
Fumbles: 50/50
Pass Defensive Reaction: 50/50
Interceptions: 35/35
Pass Coverage: 50/50
Tackling: 52/52

Special Teams

FG Power: 50/50 (Previous: 52/52)
FG Accuracy: 45/45
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50


Difficulty: All-American
Quarter Length: 11 minutes
Accelerated Clock: On
Minimum Play Clock Time: 15 seconds
Injuries: 30 (Previous: 25)
Fatigue: 50
Player Speed Parity Scale: 48


Values Explained: The main adjustment here is lowering Roughing the Passer which is going to help with the aggression and directness towards the ball carrier. After that, Roughing the Kicker is turned off as it seems that penalty happens too often.

Roughing the Passer: 45 (Previous: 50)
Roughing the Kicker: Off (Previous: On)
All other penalties default 50 or On

Gameplay Sliders

Values Explained: The approach with All-American was to determine where the issues were. The main issue I found was the ease of the OL push for the User. Along with that the pursuit angles by the CPU needed some help, so the TAK value was increased. As mentioned in the penalties, the Roughing the Passer value was used for the aggression, and for the AA set, this is paramount as it really cleans up the pursuit angles.

QB Accuracy: 45/50
Pass Blocking: 52/45
WR Catch: 45/45
Run Blocking: 50/50
Fumbles: 50/50
Pass Defensive Reaction: 50/50
Interceptions: 35/35
Pass Coverage: 50/50
Tackling: 52/52

Special Teams

FG Power: 50/50
FG Accuracy: 45/45
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50

Looks like pass block and tackling have different values from the picture and what was posted below the picture for the All American Set.

Which values should we use?

Thanks for the updates.

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Old 07-27-2024, 04:09 PM   #62
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Originally Posted by Fiddy
Looks like pass block and tackling have different values from the picture and what was posted below the picture for the All American Set.

Which values should we use?

Thanks for the updates.
Oh I'll correct that in the text. The picture is updated. Sorry sometimes all the HTML on here is all over the place. I really need to put it in my editor next time.
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Old 07-27-2024, 04:28 PM   #63
Twitch/YouTube: Fiddy14
Fiddy's Arena
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
Oh I'll correct that in the text. The picture is updated. Sorry sometimes all the HTML on here is all over the place. I really need to put it in my editor next time.
No worries at all. You have a lot going on in that 1st post lol.

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Old 07-27-2024, 05:37 PM   #64
DynastyDaddy's Arena
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Re: Matt10's CFB 25 Sliders

Overall the sliders are great, Matt. Thank you for all your work and willingness to share. Two things I will share:

CPU QB Accuracy:
I am currently a bit frustrated with the cpu passing game. CPU QBs are simply too accurate for my liking. The passes are rarely thrown high/low no matter which QB I am playing against. I really dislike that and I hate to say it, but it feels very much like Madden’s dreaded robo QB issue.

CPU WR Catching:
The user catch attempt will often get knocked out if there is a strong hit at the catch point and rightfully so! Having said that, in almost identical scenarios, the CPU receivers almost never drop the ball.

I am using these sliders as a base for now because I love almost everything else, but I am currently dropping those two values and by quite a bit too.

I currently have CPU accuracy set to 40 and WR catching at 38. I haven’t tested it enough yet, but hoping for more balance. We will see!
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