
Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

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Old 08-15-2024, 04:12 PM   #1
mudtiger's Arena
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Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

I haven't played any football game since 2011 but the hype got me. I tried out AA and varsity and like the feel of varsity. Perhaps old age is slowing me down.

Goals - play offline dynasty as Air Force and see realistic results game to game and yearly stats. House recruiting rules - I can't offer a scholarship unless I am top 3 in interest for recruit. I can put any 1 or 2 * on my board. 3* has to have AF as top 10 school. 4* has to have AF in top 5 interest and have to be a 3 * program or better. 5* recruit has to have AF in top 3 and have to be be a 4* program or better.

Not sure if the patch changed things with the coverage/dline stuff or what, but the game became significantly easier after the patch for me. I had to lower human run block and lower human tkl in combination with raising cpu run block.

Started my dynasty over and I am 1-4 so far, but have moved the ball. Quite happy....hoping another update doesn't mess with the difficulty. Also went to 20 sec accel clock to get a few more plays in per game.

qb 10
pb 55
wrc 15
rb 0
fmb 50
pdr 45
int 15
pc 45
tkl 0

qb 25
pb 90
wrc 30
rb 100
fmb 50
pdr 50
pdr 50
int 25
tkl 70

Inj 56
fatigue 100
min speed 99

auto subs- need these a little higher so you see backups come in.

11 minutes, 20 sec accel clock
dynasty xp gain.....still not sure but 0 is too low

FGP 45
FGA 45
PP 50
PA 50
KDP 42

12/28/2024 - should be the final update.............

This should be the last update as I have gotten through to 2029 with these. Some slight tweaks were made. Notably Human WRC bumped up 1 which reduced the wide open drops. Settled on an xp gain for dyansty - 26....though if you want a little more gainz, 28 is fine.

Penalties also had small adjustments. ILB was getting called way too much.

11 Min
19 sec accl clock
XP - 28...or 26

QB 10
PB 55
WRC 16 (bumped up by because too many wide open drops)
RB 0
FMB 50
PDR 45
INT 15
PC 45

QB 25
PB 90
WRC 30
RB 100
FMB 50
PDR 50
INT 25
PC 45
TKL 70

FGP 45
FGA 45
PP 50
PA 50
KOP 42
INJ 56
FATG 100

Offsides 70
False Start 90
Hold 54
FM 88
DPI 95
ILB 50 - way to many over 50
Rough Passer 50

Last edited by mudtiger; 12-28-2024 at 11:22 PM.
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Old 08-15-2024, 04:30 PM   #2
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

Interesting take on the xp. Thanks for sharing these, I'll have to try them out later.
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Old 08-18-2024, 04:25 PM   #3
mudtiger's Arena
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

Handful of small updates to lower user WRC, raise user Pcov. Also cpu pass blocking raised, cpu WRC lowered, cpu RBlock raised.

Trying to decrease human sacks, nudge cpu completion % down, bump up cpu run game. Also trying to get a few more drops from human.
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Old 08-18-2024, 07:36 PM   #4
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

Originally Posted by mudtiger
Handful of small updates to lower user WRC, raise user Pcov. Also cpu pass blocking raised, cpu WRC lowered, cpu RBlock raised.

Trying to decrease human sacks, nudge cpu completion % down, bump up cpu run game. Also trying to get a few more drops from human.
What's up mudtiger

I would lower user tackle to 40 Or else your defense will be all over the CPU and suffocate their running game especially with your threshold at 100. Your pass rushers will get their QB fast as well.

Increase CPU Run Block to 70 (It could actually go up higher but that's just my preference)

also trust me if your leaving CPU QBA at 39 your pass coverage has to go up into the 70-75 range.

I use 40 CPU QBA myself on this level.

Good to see you around again

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Old 08-22-2024, 06:40 PM   #5
mudtiger's Arena
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

I'll look at lowering tkl. Could just be because I'm playing with air force, but other teams have run on me ok. I've finished with 8 wins first year and 9 next two years. 3rd year I almost played for conference championship and got ranked 18. I've been pretty happy with results.

Got 3700 yards rushing. Real af got 3600 last year with a decent year. Scored 30.8 f while real af had 28.

I gave up 1100 yards rushing. Real af gave up 1500. So you're right, probably could lower tkl some.

I gave up 2800 yards passing. Real af gave up 2400. So mostly happy with that. Teams ran for 400 less on me but threw for 400 more. Seems in the realm of possibility.


Upped injury and fatigue. Seeing guys get actual injuries and having to worry a bit about playing guys hurt. Might need to go up a little more though. Adjusted qb and wrc to lower completion some. Drops are ok but QBs a little too accurate. Pb changed to reduce my sacks.


Qb 36/36
Pb 51/53
Wrc 37/37
Rb 50//53
Fmbl 50/50
Pdef 50/40
Int 30/30
Pcov 62/35
Tkl 45/46

Fatigue up to 74
Injury up to 57
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Old 08-31-2024, 12:55 AM   #6
ComeAllWithin's Arena
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

Just played my first dynasty game with this set and I'm loving what I am seeing so far. The two teams were pretty evenly matched ratings-wise (Buffalo [me] @ N. Illinois [cpu]). I feel there was a good balance in the cpu's defensive and offensive playcalling and performance. With other varsity and even AA sets I feel like I can spam the power option out of the pistol formation and get 500+ rushing yards a game, but cannot run literally any other pass or run play with any sort of consistency. I'm a veteran of the old series and have been playing since the Bill Walsh College Football days. On NCAA 14 I was playing on Heisman with sliders but thus far I am nowhere near that level on this game. I currently have 6 concurrent dynasty modes going so I'm going to continue testing this set for the forseeable future. I have severe ocd so out of habit I keep screenshots of every game's final stats so I will be able to see how this set is trending since the latest update. I can provide these to the thread if need be. Thanks for the set, it's giving me a new hope where before there was only frustration. Cheers!
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Old 09-03-2024, 01:42 PM   #7
mudtiger's Arena
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

Made a few changes.

First went down to 12 minute quarters. At, 13, games could get a bit out of hand with number of plays.

Raised cpu pass block to lower my sack numbers. Lowered cpu qb and wrc some to counteract giving them more time.

12 min/15sec play clock
Dynasty xp sliders - all 0

atuo sub
qb 70/50
D Auto sub

qb 29
pb 53
wrc 37
rb 50
fmb 50
pdr 50
int 30
pcov 62
tkl 35

qb 25
pb 57
Wrc 35
rb 53
fmb 50
pdr 40
int 30
pcov 35
tkl 46

FGP 45
fga 45
pp 50
pa 50
kop 45

Inj 59 - you will see guys get dinged and possibly some longer injuries. I'd like to go higher than this but the injury stoppages start getting ridiculous. If a guy is just dinged, EA needs to not have injury timeout. Only more serious injuries should get the timeout.
Fatg - 78 Long drives should tire guys out.
Min speed 100

off 70
fs 90
hold 54
fm 85
dpi 95
ilb 52
roughing passer 50
I turned roughing the kicker back on. you can't select field goal block by default every time. Use it sparingly.

Last edited by mudtiger; 09-23-2024 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 09-04-2024, 12:43 PM   #8
iRepOklahoma's Arena
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Re: Mudtiger Varsity Sliders

I've had my most realistic games so far, using these sliders! Thanks for sharing.

Using Louisiana Tech. Struggled against FCS SE, but it didn't feel cheezy. Won 38-33
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