
The Ratings Matter Slider Project

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Old 09-03-2024, 11:53 PM   #25
MassChaos's Arena
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

Originally Posted by honkylips
I just saw the currently testing post. Seems like you’re seeing some of the same stuff I noted. Most fun I've had on defense and running so far. If I can figure out my pass game I'll be stoked
Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, pass coverage is the main issue atm for sure.

I think lowering INT to 23 has helped make the DBs attempt swats slightly more often. But you’re still punished for throwing into double coverage.

Do whatever works for you, but do remember that even with Classic passing, you can use Left Trigger to modify the throw. It really helps with corner routes. As well as LB(L1) to throw high.
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Old 09-04-2024, 01:13 AM   #26
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

Originally Posted by MassChaos
Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, pass coverage is the main issue atm for sure.

I think lowering INT to 23 has helped make the DBs attempt swats slightly more often. But you’re still punished for throwing into double coverage.

Do whatever works for you, but do remember that even with Classic passing, you can use Left Trigger to modify the throw. It really helps with corner routes. As well as LB(L1) to throw high.
Sounds good. I'm gonna try the revamped with your in testing settings tomorrow. I'm so enamored with the way the players play with your settings. Some of the catches and attempted catches were beautiful. The fight for yardage when they run. If we can narrow down the fundamentals and all I gotta worry about is which style passing I choose it'll be a huge win. It's like you opened up a new tab that makes their individual skills shine on top of the measurable. They have more personality like real life players. The star players really stand out more too I noticed.
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Old 09-04-2024, 01:37 AM   #27
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

This set is really intriguing. Will give it a try tomorrow. Have been playing on Heisman with Matts sliders and the first three quarters are great but the 4th quarter rubber banding stuff every single game is really irritating. So noticeable when the CPU goes into nothing you can do to stop them mode. I literally had a CPU LB covering my star WR on a slant all the way across the field tonight. Thinking a "difficult" AA set like this is the way to go.
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Old 09-04-2024, 02:20 AM   #28
bDoddleS's Arena
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

I've tried the OG set you posted and I really like them. I do have Revamped Passing on with a pass lead, so I have USER QB Acc at 40. My reasoning is I feel I found a good way to test my user skill with still having ratings matter depending on what QB I'm using.

But everything else I really like, I love the lower tackling, I'm seeing so many new animations around tacking and break tackles I haven't seen in this or any recent football game. Love it.

So far 36 CPU QB acc is playing well with the lowered WR catching. Seeing more off passes, seeing more drops by both the User and CPU. Note that with the fatigue at 90 I had my 4th string WR on my 1* Charlotte squad and he dropped an easy pass, I look at his catching was at 76, so having a drop like that is realistic and so far haven't been to many of them.

Also loving being back on AA, game doesn't feel easier but also haven't seen any EA "cheating" stuff that I started to see on Heisman when I started my 1* Dynasty.

Oddly enough the tweaks I was thinking of making you were already thinking that, so I did change to your "test" set and will give feedback.
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Old 09-04-2024, 03:04 AM   #29
bDoddleS's Arena
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

First game with the updated sliders with Charlotte against Mizzu. At halftime there are 11 drops combined in the 1st half 6 by Charlotte and 5 by Mizzu.

I know it's really small sample but I'm not happy seeing so many.
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Old 09-04-2024, 03:51 AM   #30
bDoddleS's Arena
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

Originally Posted by bDoddleS
First game with the updated sliders with Charlotte against Mizzu. At halftime there are 11 drops combined in the 1st half 6 by Charlotte and 5 by Mizzu.

I know it's really small sample but I'm not happy seeing so many.
What a game I just had. I was down with Charlotte 34-9 at start of the 4th and I put up 29 in the 4th to win it as they MISS a game winning 53 yarder at the end of the game.

I was okay with losing if I lost because Charlotte losing to a SEC team at their place is good for immersion.

Oddly enough I didn't have a drop in the 2nd half, while Mizzu ended up with 8 total so they had 3 drops in the 2nd half. So drops ended up 14 drops between both teams.

However the QB stats looked fine even with those drops.

Sam Horn for Mizzu was 28-44 - 63% - 394 - 2 TD - 1 INT
Max Brown for Charlotte was 27-45 - 60% - 360 - 3 TD - 1 INT

Everything else felt great, love the tackle slider. Still don't LOVE all the holding calls but I'm used to that with most slider sets here. I really wanna try like 53 or 54 and see if the line play is still solid while cutting down some insta holds on some RPO's.

I wonder if fatigue could be causing some extra drops due to being tired more? Overall I'm really liking fatigue where it is for rotations.
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Old 09-04-2024, 07:14 AM   #31
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

FSU (87 OVR, 89 OFF, 87 DEF) vs. GA Tech (81 OVR, 80 OFF, 82 DEF)

GA Tech........0.......3.......0......11......14

First Downs
FSU- 23
GA Tech - 11

Total Offense
FSU- 336
GA Tech- 195

FSU- 42/181/1
GA Tech- 21/89/0

FSU- 20/42/1/2
GA Tech- 11/29/0/1

Yards Per Pass
FSU- 3.7
Ga Tech- 3.6

Passing Yards
FSU- 155
GA Tech- 106

3rd Down Conv
FSU- 7/18
GA Tech- 1/11

4th Down Conv
FSU- 1/3
GA Tech- 0/1

Thoughts: Rushing seems about right. Even saw an injury in the game which was good to see. My only concern is that pass defense is way to hard right now for both user and CPU. I had to check down ALOT of passes because coverage was way too tight across the board. CPU had the same problem. This was using the sliders you are testing with the classic passing settings you have.

EDIT: I also want to say that the first game after inputting sliders can be a bit wonky, so I wouldn't take these results seriously.
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Last edited by PeoplesChampGB; 09-04-2024 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 09-04-2024, 07:49 AM   #32
MassChaos's Arena
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Re: The Ratings Matter Slider Project

Originally Posted by bDoddleS
What a game I just had. I was down with Charlotte 34-9 at start of the 4th and I put up 29 in the 4th to win it as they MISS a game winning 53 yarder at the end of the game.

I was okay with losing if I lost because Charlotte losing to a SEC team at their place is good for immersion.

Oddly enough I didn't have a drop in the 2nd half, while Mizzu ended up with 8 total so they had 3 drops in the 2nd half. So drops ended up 14 drops between both teams.

However the QB stats looked fine even with those drops.

Sam Horn for Mizzu was 28-44 - 63% - 394 - 2 TD - 1 INT
Max Brown for Charlotte was 27-45 - 60% - 360 - 3 TD - 1 INT

Everything else felt great, love the tackle slider. Still don't LOVE all the holding calls but I'm used to that with most slider sets here. I really wanna try like 53 or 54 and see if the line play is still solid while cutting down some insta holds on some RPO's.

I wonder if fatigue could be causing some extra drops due to being tired more? Overall I'm really liking fatigue where it is for rotations.
Thanks for the feedback! It’s definitely possible that fatigue/wear and tear is lowering catching for some players. I haven’t really looked at that at all. I’d say give the “testing set” a few more games. I played a couple first halves with a variety of teams last night and was seeing 1-3 drops (so 2-6 if they kept that pace.) I’m happy with that honestly, but maybe 29/31 or 30/32 will be better. I want slightly more drops for the cpu because I’m not seeing quite as many miss throws by them.

Nice upset.. though I think it was possible because the user pass defense is still a little too good as a bad team even on the testing set. He should be in the 70% range and throwing down field more against a team like that.
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