Career Mode? Jump on it. Especially if you've been away since 2022.
For one thing, the new startup options let you make your toon almost any sort of player you can think of. The standard, Clean Slate start is still there, but you also have options that can make you OP right from your debut, if that's what you want.
Agent system is new since 22, and while most of the agent's message traffic is repetitive and pro forma, the Team Recommendations and Objectives do give you some tasks to aim for during the season, if you want a big payday and/or a better team. (Note, however, that some of those can get aggravating.). You are free to select your own Target Team if you want, or you can go with a Recommended club from the Agent. I would STRONGLY suggest putting in a bit of your own virtual shoe-leather each season.
Presentation is much better, if you're in a big enough league, but not much worse in the smaller ones. If you start at the bottom, you will EARN your fancy fly-ins.
Menus have gotten a facelift, and now all the important actions are on one page. The full system is still there, if you need all the details. But if you're an in-game news junkie like me, you no longer have to tab over, open calendar, Sim to Date, Confirm, close calendar, tab back over to Central, check news, rinse and repeat. Now you can advance one day at a time, and check for updates, all without leaving the hub.
In general, lots of QOL improvements since '22 for Player Career, so jumping back in now isn't a bad idea.