
The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

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Old 10-01-2014, 12:58 PM   #25
BL8001's Arena
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

If you compare 14 to 15 it's obvious.

In 14 your players stood closer to the CPU players. When the CPU passed the ball to another player and you hit RB to team mate contain that player only needed to step up maybe 2 or 3 steps.

In 15 they play so far off the man they are marking they have to take 6 or 7 steps to close them down. This allows the CPU to turn and face up just about any defender and once the CPU does that they have their unlimited cache of little fluid dink moves to beat the defender.

We also know that both A and RB were much more of a certainty in 14.

Here is where I wish ratings came into play. If a player has a high defensive rating they should mark tighter, and a player with a lower defensive rating would stay in his "zone" defense.
resident curmudgeon
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Old 10-01-2014, 05:06 PM   #26
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

Originally Posted by FluffyTonka
Mind you I've only really played this game in Championship Football league (the league below the BPL) ... so the attackers aren't super charged, which might be the difference between me loving this game and defending, and you hating it. lol

... maybe thats where the sweet spot is? Playing with lower quality teams with dumbed down and less talented (CPU) attackers?

Because I'm really, really enjoying it.
You might be on to something there. I played the intro FUT game with stacked teams and I was getting crushed.
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Old 10-01-2014, 07:40 PM   #27
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

Originally Posted by therizing02
Glad you're enjoying the game FT. I don't think you'll get too much of an argument from anyone that keeping the attacker in front of you is a must. However, no matter how focused you are on defending, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep a a CPU attacker in front of you on World Class or Legendary. They are quicker and more agile and when you throw in the delay that happens when you switch players, you are done.

What's happening here is that your thoughts on defending and tips are well received, but your settings are different than most people posting here. Most have SPD/ACC equal. You don't. While that may work as far as containing a CPU attacker, it opens up other issues.

I understand the point about playing with lower level teams and you may be right. Here's a challenge for you or anyone that would like to try: take on Bayern Munich at Allianz. Legendary or World Class, Slow, Speed 40 ACC 45 for user and CPU, Tactical defending. Let me know how that works out...
It's not impossible, at all really and I don't consider myself a stick wizard, not at 43. Over the last several days I've gone from allowing 20 to 30 shots per game down to allowing 10-15. It's possible, you just need to use all of the tools at your disposal. Example whereas last year tactics didn't mean a damn thing, this year they do, and when you're outgunned, you need to sell out on defense, park the bus, and play to counter. Under attack? Use the d-pad and go ultra defensive for a spell, it works!
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:37 PM   #28
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

Originally Posted by orion523
It's not impossible, at all really and I don't consider myself a stick wizard, not at 43. Over the last several days I've gone from allowing 20 to 30 shots per game down to allowing 10-15. It's possible, you just need to use all of the tools at your disposal. Example whereas last year tactics didn't mean a damn thing, this year they do, and when you're outgunned, you need to sell out on defense, park the bus, and play to counter. Under attack? Use the d-pad and go ultra defensive for a spell, it works!

This is all I needed to hear. That it is possible. I will say this though, I do adjust formations and tactics regularly throughout a match and I still think that the programmed CPU advantages at the higher levels are a bit over the top.

Just curious, why does there seem to be this prevailing thought that Legendary provides the most realistic type of game play? I've played matches on Pro, WC, and Legendary and have won and lost on all levels. This year the CPU seems to be a little "smarter" on Pro than in previous years.
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Old 10-01-2014, 09:17 PM   #29
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

Originally Posted by therizing02
This is all I needed to hear. That it is possible. I will say this though, I do adjust formations and tactics regularly throughout a match and I still think that the programmed CPU advantages at the higher levels are a bit over the top.

Just curious, why does there seem to be this prevailing thought that Legendary provides the most realistic type of game play? I've played matches on Pro, WC, and Legendary and have won and lost on all levels. This year the CPU seems to be a little "smarter" on Pro than in previous years.
Difficulty is a personal choice, play where you feel comfortable, don't sweat what anyone else says. I just wanted to let you know that defending, and good defending is possible, you will get there.
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Old 10-02-2014, 09:14 PM   #30
wordtobigbird's Arena
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

After finally getting the full game today and playing 8 matches online and losing my first game but then winning 7 in a row. 4 or 5 of those vs Real Madrid. I also played a few kick-off games, against CPU, with a friend earlier and got a feel for that too. Only against professional difficulty though so I know thats a lot lower than what you guys play.

Anyway, when it comes to this game I feel like you HAVE TO set your instructions for each individual player. Well, at least for certain positions like your attackers to get them engaged defensively. Also midfielders/wingers to get them to come back and defend and provide bodies behind the ball WITHOUT you having to do it. If you leave it on default we all see how they are in a lot of these videos. I noticed the same when I played without setting instructions and on "balanced" tempo. They just don't are not interested in defending. Coming from a football, american style, fan I HATE the thought that players think they don't have to defend haha. But when I watch on TV too that's how they play too, not every player is an active defender. If you set your instructions you can decide how active to you want them to at least attempt to be.

For example, I run a 4-3-3 with a CDM, to CMs to both sides in front and a LW, ST, RW. That's what I feel comfortable with since I like having the dedicated defender in front of the back 4 and two guys next to him to put bodies in the midfield. They also at aligned in our half so they are defensively positioned. Fast breaks counter attacks kill me because I make bonehead passes a lot so I need this type of formation. Sometimes I even use ones with 2 CDMs and a CAM/LM/RM/ST. So to get my attackers to act like part of their crazy salaries are for defending I set my Striker to "Press back line" and all other attackers to "get back on defense". Makes a huge difference as they come back and try to get behind the ball when i lose possession. They also contain the dribbler on the other half of the field more often than just watching.

I also set my CDM to stay back while attacking, as well as both fullbacks. Now this doesn't work as well as I'd like actually because they will still be involved in the attack but its mostly because you've gotten out of formation. When things are settled they usually do a decent job of being back where they belong, for me at least. You can also set this for the other midfielders. Depending on who's in my lineup/how I feel like playing I usually set one to join the attack and one to stay back. I'm very defensive minded.

Another instruction for your CDM is going to be man marking or passing lanes. I always go for passing lanes and my CDM Ramsey will defend the players making runs. I haven't really tried man marking enough to have an opinion on it. There might be a couple of things I'm missing but really all I'm saying is go in and try it out because it's help me defend Real Madrid users very well. I do set instructions for every single player.

Even with the help of the instructions set I have to be REALLY engaged while defending. I love the intensity of it and it pays off when I'm focused and it shows when I'm not. The biggest thing I have to do though is control at least two defenders at the same time while playing. Like a post here already mentioned the teammate contain is a must. But it has a learning curve and is not as easy as least year, well last-gen for me. That's more because the momentum is a killer when guys are out of position. So what I do is switch players often and make sure when I'm using contain its the guy in the best position to attack the ball easily for the CPU. I also use it as kind of a tackle command for my teammates. If I see someone near the ball not going for it I will hold it down and they will go in. Works really will for when they are in good position but the CPU AI is just not aggressive enough to want it at that point.

I feel like I'm constantly pushing 2/3 buttons at the same time with Jockey/Sprint/Contain/TacklePushPull. I like to jockey with sprint while defending because you can cover a lot of ground and you can stay square and its muchhhh easier to change direction. Also when you let go of sprint, by still holding jockey you really slow down and helps for those cut backs. I really bait for the first cut back most of the time. If you attack fast enough, but in control, at one side they will almost always try to go wide until they can't anymore or turn inside on. If I sprint without jockey I will ALWAYS overrun completley and I am toast. If I jockey I can stay close to the dribbler and if I stay close enough the push/pull mechanic works wonders. I can pull the dribbler back just a bit or push my way in front of him to the ball. I use it on high rated players with lower rated players and it can still work. It's more of timing and positioning thing so its a great equalizer. Just because the dribbler is past you, don't switch and give up. Or if you want to switch and try again you have to hold the teammate contain and the player you switch from, who's now closest to the ball will come back and hassle that defender while you bring a 2nd player in to cut off the pass or double team.

I wish the "player sense" AI was improved for the human side but I kind of like that I have to control so much. It really keeps me into the game and I feel like the difficulty keeps it entertaining for me. To me its a video game and I'm suppose to be playing it more than watching AI play out anyway. Coming from Madden's AI FIFA's is lovely so I really can't complain. Hope my long *** post help someone lol
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Old 10-03-2014, 02:20 AM   #31
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

I'm currently playing friendlies to work on getting the gameplay and controls and I was maybe looking for some help. My build up play is ok, but whenever I get into the final 3rd I get kind of get lost. The defense always seems to be perfectly in formation with no space to do anything really. I understand it's generally hard to score in soccer but I feel like I'm missing something.
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Old 10-03-2014, 02:44 AM   #32
FluffyTonka's Arena
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Re: The Gameplay & Defensive Tips Thread

Try and get a few one-two's going. hold L1 when you pass to a player, the guy who just passed it will make a run into space from the pass then get creative with how you return it back to him triangle through ball, or L1 and throughball to loft it into some open space for him to run onto it with.

I have a big strong striker, and I often pass it into him while holding L2 and he'll shield the ball from the defender and hold the ball up. Sometimes he'll draw two defenders into him and then I try and through or pass into space or the hole created by the extra defender. Sometimes I'll try and take just one defender on with a spin and then flick it over to his right foot for a shot.

another way is just to apply pressure. I have a good leftback with an early crosser trait ... if I can get him into a little space once I pass halfway, a L1 & square button is the early cross option. That can creat chances or at the least a little bit of chaos in the box or a corner when the defender clears it.

all in all, it depends on your team and playing to their strengths. If you have fast wingers good with the ball at their feet, take on the defence, beat a man and then look to provide for your striker. I have a big strong striker who I try and get into one-on-ones with or cross it into the box for.
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