
12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Included

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Old 05-29-2015, 03:00 PM   #113
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats a copout. Explain to me how adding teams takes away from gameplay improvements, franchise improvements and Be A Pro improvements when they are worked on by different teams.
Or how it's a "marketing disaster."

How many people who wouldn't have bought the game before will now buy the game because they can play with women's teams? Probably not a huge number, I'm guessing, but a meaningful number of people for sure.

How many people were planning on buying this game and now won't because there are women's teams in the game? No one.
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Old 05-29-2015, 03:03 PM   #114
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by TheLetterZ
Or how it's a "marketing disaster."

How many people who wouldn't have bought the game before will now buy the game because they can play with women's teams? Probably not a huge number, I'm guessing, but a meaningful number of people for sure.

How many people were planning on buying this game and now won't because there are women's teams in the game? No one.
Exactly. I remember people saying similar things when the Dream Team was added to 2k. "There are so many bugs in the game, why are thy focusing on this!" "Who cares about this, where are the franchise improvements". Its the same thing and its ridiculous.
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Old 05-29-2015, 05:54 PM   #115
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

This question needs to be brought up AGAIN, Where does it say that this took away from manager improvements or anything of the like? It doesn't because you don't have one team working on the game. You have a team for each part of the game. So there's a team exclusively for manager/bapro, gameplay, fut, etc. So let's not knock them and wait for more info to be released before we make conclusions.
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Old 05-29-2015, 06:49 PM   #116
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by orion523
No what I did was make a point that not everything we say can be taken 100% literally. You can choose to believe that the joke I made had some sort of intentional undertone meant to demean women. I know better, and those that know me know better. I do apologize if you feel it was a low blow. Truthfully this whole thing has gotten out of hand. As men we can agree to disagree, move on, and have more friendly debates later on. Again I want to reiterate to you I am in now way a sexist, and from the beginning my issue was more related to EA's resource allocation as opposed to the actual content added. It could have been "indoor soccer" and my response would have been the same. Doesn't mean I'm biased against indoor soccer or its fans, I Just feel that the dev team should shore up the foundation before adding. Again, I apologize if I offended you in any way as it was not my intention.
I assure you, in no uncertain terms, that when you take time to point out how women aren't gamers, and that maybe it will be appeal to the girls in the nail salon in your argument against the inclusion of the women's teams, that undertones are not the issue. If you can can look at those statements and defend them, they you really are a male chauvinist. Enjoy your privilege.

Because that's the thing. The statements you made are worse when taken in context. What you tried to imply about me made no sense, with or without context. So, also enjoy your false equivalence, too.
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Old 05-29-2015, 08:25 PM   #117
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by zoom zoom
I assure you, in no uncertain terms, that when you take time to point out how women aren't gamers, and that maybe it will be appeal to the girls in the nail salon in your argument against the inclusion of the women's teams, that undertones are not the issue. If you can can look at those statements and defend them, they you really are a male chauvinist. Enjoy your privilege.

Because that's the thing. The statements you made are worse when taken in context. What you tried to imply about me made no sense, with or without context. So, also enjoy your false equivalence, too.
Can we just let it go? You're a bit much right now zoom zoom.
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Old 05-29-2015, 09:02 PM   #118
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by sportsfan8812
Can we just let it go? You're a bit much right now zoom zoom.
Agreed. Zeesh. It's like a bunch of women in here.

Er.....I had to, I just had to. Too soon? Hope I don't get a yellow card
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Old 05-30-2015, 09:41 AM   #119
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by orion523
That said, as I said in my original post, as a GENDER girls/women are rarely gamers. That's a fact. How many women are here at OS? Not many it seems.

It is not a fact.

You are wrong.

Actual studies — FACTS, not your "facts" — say differently.

48 percent of the 190 million gamers in the United States are women.

Millions and millions of women play video games.

And before you respond with a lame joke about them playing cell phone games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush, look at the actual data that shows more than 13 million women play games on Sony and Microsoft consoles at least five days a week — nearly as much as men do.

Furthermore, millions of women play even the most stereotypically masculine games like Madden, Call of Duty, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto despite those games and communities making little effort to make women feel included.

So get your "facts" right before purporting that what you say actually holds any water.
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Old 05-30-2015, 09:47 AM   #120
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Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu

Originally Posted by TheLetterZ

It is not a fact.

You are wrong.

Actual studies — FACTS, not your "facts" — say differently.

48 percent of the 190 million gamers in the United States are women.

Millions and millions of women play video games.

And before you respond with a lame joke about them playing cell phone games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush, look at the actual data that shows more than 13 million women play games on Sony and Microsoft consoles at least five days a week — nearly as much as men do.

Furthermore, millions of women play even the most stereotypically masculine games like Madden, Call of Duty, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto despite those games and communities making little effort to make women feel included.

So get your "facts" right before purporting that what you say actually holds any water.
You're a little late to the party mate. The facts surprised me I admit, but it does look as if they're the facts. I'm a big boy, I can admit when I'm wrong, and I was here.
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