
Pass completion rate

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Old 09-18-2010, 11:44 AM   #9
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Re: Pass completion rate

I play on All-star/Superstar right now and it's next to impossible to send a pass through the crease/slot area without it getting intercepted. You need to execute a perfect saucer pass to get it across. This is on the EA tuner as well. It's frustrating but at the same time, it's a nice challenge. When you do get one across for a tap-in, it's bliss.
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Old 09-18-2010, 03:36 PM   #10
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Re: Pass completion rate

Originally Posted by Bama83
I can make the computer make mistakes and put guys out of position, it's when I try to take advantage of it - the CPU goes warp speed to affect the play.

So, what was a beautiful, open play is instantly covered the moment I make the pass.
I know what you mean. I was playing the leafs in my BeAGM Mode and Kaberle made a play that was absolutely ridiculous; I was skating up the right wing with Pominville on a 3 on 2 odd man rush, and schenn was shadowing Vanek on the other wing, and I had a good step on Kaberle, I intentionally aimed the centering pass behind Kaberle to a trailing Roy. At that point, without turning around to face the play, Kaberle one-hands his stick backwards, mind you, the puck hits it like a magnet and then a split second later a laser pass to get the puck out of the zone. All of this while FACING THE WRONG DIRECTION.

Needless to say it was time to take a break after that one.

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Old 09-19-2010, 05:29 AM   #11
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Re: Pass completion rate

I am facing the same problem. Any tips?
Not only in the direction of tweaking,but maybe I just need to adjust my playstyle.
I am not that big into hockey (because the coverage here in germany is nearly zero) and maybe I just play in an unrealisticaly style ported from NHL 10

So...any tipps on how to cycle the puck effectively?
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Old 09-19-2010, 10:50 AM   #12
Hoos's Arena
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Re: Pass completion rate

Originally Posted by Hoos
I hear ya.....that could lead to other problems (i.e. too many human goals, cpu not getting enough puck possession time, etc.....).

I am struggling with same problem as it is near impossible to get any decent point blank shots on goal close in via passes. The AI really plays tight defense and cuts those passes off to near perfection against me. I've got my pass accuracy pretty high and their pass interception zeroed out and still can not get any passes to guys making cuts to the middle....SIGH!! The AI on the other hand has no problem doing this as my AI defensive team mates at every defensive pressure setting and fore check formation will let guys slip by them all game long receiving pin point perfection passes. Really annoying that the AI's defense gets so much more pressure than my team can muster and I'm playing with the Blackhawks.

When I am able to get a guy inside for a point blank shot on goal, The AI will have two or three guys converge on my puck carrier and body check him before I can shoot. That's something else I can't seem to get my team to do as well as the AI team. If there is contact made it's only because I've done so with my controlled player.....it's a real shame that team mates will not do this, but then again if they are too effective the AI will have unrealistictally low shots on goal......UGGH!!!

There's times I just want to give up on gaming altogether, Hahaha

(End of rant)
After much testing I have come up with some slider settings that has worked wonders for me. I have played 6 or 7 games straight now that has virtually fixed the issues I complained about here in this post.

I have been able to cut the CPU's passing % down while making it more balanced. There's some other issues that have been corrected as well (TOT is more balanced now with the CPU often out performing me, SOG play out fairly realistically as well)

At any rate, I'll be posting my sliders in a little bit so keep an eye out if any one would like to give them a go.
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:21 PM   #13
JaFFiTh's Arena
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Re: Pass completion rate

Originally Posted by Bama83
I can make the computer make mistakes and put guys out of position, it's when I try to take advantage of it - the CPU goes warp speed to affect the play.

So, what was a beautiful, open play is instantly covered the moment I make the pass.
Oh yeah I hear ya.. I've had 2 on 1 or even 2 on 0 so i thought i'd try and pass to the other player to get the goalie out of positon and hoping for a goal.. and the other team comes out of no where to intercept it
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