he actually over complicated the two touch moves by giving you a command thats not needed...
to do the backhand one (it's easier than the forehand two touch move imo), hold the right stick on the backhand before hitting LB. Then quickly move the right stick to the forehand and back to the backhand (you have to do this quickly or else your guys will lose control of the puck).
If your guy does the windmill, it means your guy was skating towards his forehand side (aka left stick was on the forehand side... even if it was just slightly). That is wrong... you need the left stick on the backhand side when you start the move (again, it only has to be slightly, you dont actually have to push the left stick, just rotate it slightly so your guy starts skating towards his backhand just a bit as you go to do the move).
So skate straight, hold the right stick on the backhand, hold LB, then turn the left stick towards backhand, and quickly move the right stick forehand and then backhand... thats it
I'd say go into free skate practice and watch the replays w/ the sticks to see what you're doing wrong... learn to trigger the deke, and then after you get that down completing it is simply one more quick flick of the right stick