
Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

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Old 09-27-2011, 07:30 AM   #1
JezFranco's Arena
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Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

Hi all,

We will be doing a server restart at 1am Pacific/4am Eastern to release a new tuner update - V1.01

V1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)
-Small adjustment to goalie hug post to reduce vulnerability to far side goals coming around the net
-Small adjustment to guard the near post on shots
-Increase skating friction while doing protect puck (pretty small amount)
-Reduce stick lift penalties (hitting the hands is not a penalty now)

OTP Specific Changes:
-Disable hip checks (only in OTP/EASHL for now, but want input on this before we change it for Versus as well) The change makes hip check ineffective, but a proper fix will come in our 2nd patch

-Call interference on medium hits more strictly (0.4 to 1.0 – NOTE: not necessarily 100% because other factors are involved)
-Make poke check radius bigger (scale from 1.0 to 1.1)

Please play a few games and get a feel for the changes. The most noticeable being the poke check and the disabled hip checks in OTP.

Thank you EA - This game is officially better than sex
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Old 09-27-2011, 08:19 AM   #2
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

ha "reduces penalties"?!

wont be touching this..more is what we need not less

pass reception ease needs the biggest fix
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Old 09-27-2011, 08:27 AM   #3
Rogie Vachon's Arena
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

Played one game,offline, using it.

So far so good,....I did drop my stick lift effectiveness to 0/0 from 1/1 because of it though.....everything looked and played good so far.

The good thing,....v1.01 isn`t too much different from v1.00,....the stick lift is no big deal,but the short side goal scoring would be if that was now tuned out too much.
At least with v1.00 being very similar for offline,except for these biggest changes,....if there is an issue,I can always go back to it.....I was getting great game play from it,aside from the hip checks(although not a big problem with my offline slider tuning)and the penalties needing to be called with better variety and tuning.
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Old 09-27-2011, 08:45 AM   #4
FBeaule04's Arena
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

You can have two type of reactions about the move they made with the hipckeck.

1- EA goes Shanahan and makes a strong statement saying it's inadequate and hipcheck is a game killer. They disable it and will work on it. Good job EA, you had the balls to make the move even if some will cry a river because their only way to defend is now gone!

2- EA shows again that Online is their prime mode and they'll do almost anything to make it work. Strong answer while some things hardcore gamers asked for years always get shoved to a corner. Another proof that this game is build toward online and the offline modes are just there as appetizer.

As for myself, I'm between both reaction. I'm really happy with the hipcheck getting away since I wasn't using it that much and the way some used it was ruining the game. It's a proof to me that EA is listening and understood people playing their game. The fact they even ask for retroaction is wonderful.

But, like in reaction #2, I would like EA to listen more about the offline modes and showed us a little respect. We like your game EA, but we would like to love it. Just make it easier for us liking it by giving offline players a bit of respect.
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Old 09-27-2011, 08:56 AM   #5
JezFranco's Arena
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

EA_HLT wrote on EA forum;
-"You can still go into the hip check animation but you will only be able to nudge the other player and not knock him over. It's the best we can do until the patch".

So hopefully it will be fixed properly, not to soon.

Thank you EA - This game is officially better than sex
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Old 09-27-2011, 09:12 AM   #6
nVschultz1325's Arena
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

Gay. Stick lifts that hit the hands are not penalties? So people will be Slamming that button all the way done the ice. And They didn't adress the diving? Gay. EA is terrible.
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Old 09-27-2011, 09:23 AM   #7
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

nice, hip checks removed, will be fixed in 2nd patch. so, that means a first patch eh, drops in lets say 3 to 4 weeks. thats the end of October. patch 2? sheesh, thats the end of November. i hope im wrong, but it looks like a 2 month wait to get a feature they advertise to work proper. sigh..

also, stick lifting.. no more penalty's for slashing the hands eh? good grief..

they didnt even touch on the diving faster than players skate..

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Old 09-27-2011, 09:41 AM   #8
Rogie Vachon's Arena
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Re: Tuner set 1.01 (effects all modes, except offline with V1.00)

Originally Posted by nVschultz1325
Gay. Stick lifts that hit the hands are not penalties? So people will be Slamming that button all the way done the ice. And They didn't adress the diving? Gay. EA is terrible.
You still get penalties from the stick lift,it seems like the penalty causing,stickwork animations and the ratio where they are called penalties has been adjusted.

I still turned my stick lift slider down to 0/0,....and it`s acceptable the way it is now,IMO.
I`m sure one won`t be able to spam it all day long without getting a penalty.

Diving isn`t a problem area,it looks pretty realistic...(if you are skating with speed,a player in real life can slide 25-30 feet easily,and with only a little lost momentum,try it.)... with my offline sliders,and I haven`t seen too many in the defensive zone on breakaways,etc that didn`t end up with a tripping penalty or penalty shot being called...more due to me not being in the perfect postion to do it clean,....this really isn`t a problem,just as poke checking hasn`t been....yes,there`s a collision detection issue,..deal with it,...it isn`t as bad as the collision detection between puck and pads,or catching glove,or blocker.....where the puck goes through and it`s in the net......the poke checking isn`t that bad now is it?
Sweep checking also works 100%,....you just have to know how to do it,and you have to accept it isn`t 100% effective,...just as it isn`t in real life.,nor is the normal poke check,..nothing is ever 100% effective in real hockey,..nothing....so why people expect it here in the video game,when they cry for realism in the minute details of a team`s arena,or even the stupid goal horns.

What,realism is all fine and dandy,except when it comes to game play?

I`d rather see a crowd full of stick figures,and uber realistic game play,if we are going to sacrifice anything...when it comes to realism.
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