
LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

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Old 05-15-2018, 05:03 PM   #17
SUGATA's Arena
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by Blackman316
VF not only had the greatest meta... it IS the one true meta fighter... (if you look at its career ) It was also part of the appeal for me and the game treated itself seriously as a result.
You Suzuki, creator of VF, was travelling across the world (for ex Shaolin temples) to accumulate internal meta of fighting on himself, train them.
He said that
- learning/studying VF is LIKE learning the REAL MARTIAL ARTS, the same internal process and minding!

I hope to see someday the same thing in EA UFC.
Yu Suzuki interview to russian journalists in 2013:

Yu Suzuki and master of Bajiquan
Wu Lianzhi

Last edited by SUGATA; 05-15-2018 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 05-16-2018, 07:50 AM   #18
YourFatZebra's Arena
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3


I love this post, but I said a similar thing in less words and got ridiculed for it. The conversation got derailed into literal control schemes and ****, but this is what I was talking about.

I know people who can play this game fine offline, finish career and all that. But things like transition faking, combo spam, input delay, all the stuff you just named as well make the transition from offline to online near impossible without those aids you mentioned. Which should not be the case.

I'm okay at PUBG. I'm in the triple digits for the solo leaderboards on Xbox. I didn't have a tutorial to show me how to play PUBG, but I didn't need it. The mechanics of the game are simple enough and, this is key, STABLE AND PREDICTABLE enough to just learn from repetition. Not the same here, there are so many hiccups, glitches, and other inconsistencies that I'm always floored to see disregarded as someone's crying.
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Old 05-19-2018, 03:36 PM   #19
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

I totally agree. Information about the meta being in the game would be awesome!

In addition, a more fleshed out training mode might be even more important. Whether it's through a recorded action or some other kind of scripted training feature, we need to be able to practice specific scenarios (which by the way is how the best competitors ACTUALLY train in real life MMA or grappling or kickboxing).

A somewhat simple solution might be to allow players to choose what actions their AI sparring partners are allowed to use when looking at the movelist. That way you could have the AI only throwing headkicks and body kicks so you could practice recognizing the animation and blocking. Or you could practice defending either a combination or a takedown etc

The current recording feature is kind of wonky and unwieldy in my opinion.
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Old 10-03-2018, 05:30 PM   #20
SUGATA's Arena
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

Dear Devs, you are really suprising me by your post release game support - you are adding so MANY NEW game mechanics and features to the game so it becomes totally different game.

This is good.

Bad that we are forced to re-learn the game every patch, but this is for its best. Better to re-learn than to play not finalized game.


All your, Devs, energy and resources spended on new gameplay updates are going to be USELESS (or not effective enough). Why? - Because SO FEW people knows about all these new (aka "hidden") game mechanics > SO FEW people are using them > so boring and similar are the most matches in the game.

And that all is ONLY because of the LACK OF KNOWLEDGE of your post release innovations.

How many of you knows:
- How to perform Block counters properly and its usage?
- how to use pivot?
- Lunges properties?
- all vulnerability conditions and aspects?
- muscle modifiers?
- GA factors?
- Grapple strike counters?
- transition switches?
- momentums and how to cancel opponent's momentums?
- many "hidden" techniques came from prev UFC 2 and are not explained for new UFC 3 players...
- etc

The ONLY TRUE WAY to solve this problem - is an INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL:
Devs, when you will be close to the game final state as you think:
1. Find the dev from your team who need money
2. Tell him to make a theoretical Lesson for EVERY gameplay aspect
3. Then it follows by practical MINI GAME for experiment and training this element by the player
4. Then make CHALLENGES for several difficulties for this aspect - for gaining some rewards or Leaderboard.
5. Finally, SOLD IT as DLC!

Yes! I agree that some players may said that Tutorial must to be free for all. BUT, it is better for this to be a PAID DLC than to have not it at all!
Pay-to-win? No! because all this info can be found in devs blogs... theoretically, can be discovered on your own in practice... theoretically, can be learned from your friend, etc.
And the main "No" is because the PS 4Pro 60fps is a TRUE Pay-to-Win in this game (until standard PS4 owners will not get an option to select less graphics but 60fps).
But again, anyway, it is better to pay for Tutorial+Mini game + Challenges DLC, than nobody get it at all.

P.S. I am really ready to pay for this DLC up to 30$ (Notorious edition full price). And i think many others too.

Last edited by SUGATA; 10-03-2018 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 10-03-2018, 07:28 PM   #21
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

Originally Posted by SUGATA
Dear Devs, you are really suprising me by your post release game support - you are adding so MANY NEW game mechanics and features to the game so it becomes totally different game.

This is good.

Bad that we are forced to re-learn the game every patch, but this is for its best. Better to re-learn than to play not finalized game.


All your, Devs, energy and resources spended on new gameplay updates are going to be USELESS (or not effective enough). Why? - Because SO FEW people knows about all these new (aka "hidden") game mechanics > SO FEW people are using them > so boring and similar are the most matches in the game.

And that all is ONLY because of the LACK OF KNOWLEDGE of your post release innovations.

How many of you knows:
- How to perform Block counters properly and its usage?
- how to use pivot?
- Lunges properties?
- all vulnerability conditions and aspects?
- muscle modifiers?
- GA factors?
- Grapple strike counters?
- transition switches?
- momentums and how to cancel opponent's momentums?
- many "hidden" techniques came from prev UFC 2 and are not explained for new UFC 3 players...
- etc

The ONLY TRUE WAY to solve this problem - is an INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL:
When you will be close to the game final state as you think:
1. Find the dev from your team who need money
2. Tell him to make a theoretical Lesson for EVERY gameplay aspect
3. Then it follows by practical MINI GAME for experiment and training this element by the player
4. Then make CHALLENGES for several difficulties for this aspect - for gaining some rewards or Leaderboard.
5. Finally, SOLD IT as DLC!

Yes! I agree that some players may said that Tutorial must to be free for all. BUT, it is better for this to be a PAID DLC than to have not it at all!
Pay-to-win? No! because all this info can be found in devs blogs... theoretically, can be discovered by your own in practice... theoretically, can be learned from your friend, etc.
And the main "No" is because the PS 4Pro 60fps is a TRUE Pay-to-Win in this game (until standard PS4 owners will not get an option to select less graphics but 60fps).
But again, anyway, it is better to pay for Tutorial+Mini game + Challenges DLC, then nobody get it at all.

P.S. I am really ready to pay for this DLC up to 30$ (Notorious edition full price). And i think many others too.
i think this would solve so many issues for alot of people. most are incompetant how to play the game this is a serious. oversight. it would make it more fun#sugata4gamechanger
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Old 10-03-2018, 11:49 PM   #22
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

Not only is the OP 100% spot on but I will expand on the reason why

If they had a tutorial explaining the various meta it would not make sense. It would expose a bunch of design flaws

Here is HOW they could implement it.
UFC Classsix mode-similar to the opening of the last two games. You play classic fights you pperuodically will get prompts to do certain things. Expand the icon fighters so you can go further back. Want to learn every aspect of MT clinch - Franklin vs Silva

Want to learn GA Maia vs Condit.
Cage wrestling Cormier vs Hendo
I could keep going
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Old 10-04-2018, 12:41 AM   #23
TheGentlemanGhost's Arena
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

Man, I just started to realize this problem when debating with aholbert about casuals. There are far too many secrets and tricks to perform certain things successfully, esp on the ground.

I don't think most of it is necessary or adds realism, and it also takes away some unpredictability.

Do we really need to deny a transition or block a strike from clinch to basically freeze the opponent for an extra second so we can advance? I'd prefer just speeding up the strikes and having freeflowing grappling & transitions. The meters really slow things down and make the devs have to add elements that make fighters unresponsive.

Grappling shouldn't really feel like a mini-game you have to find answers for on the internet. It's already a complicated sport with many layers, all the extra secrets you have to find online just makes it that much harder to get people really involved.

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Old 10-04-2018, 04:57 AM   #24
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Re: LACK of TRUE TUTORIAL and HIDDEN Meta is the MAIN problem of EA UFC 3

The thing is, the new additions are being pulled from real life but the way it plays out in game is not exactly the same. There's like a buffer / transformation that occurs to make it fit into the game's mechanics.

So players have to learn both the real life function of the move for example an outside pivot, to properly understand when to use it. (Well you don't have to actually understand it but at least have to know what happens and where you end up and why).

Then learn the version of it ingame, and whatever restrictions are in place as the move is modified to fit within the confines of the game.

Head movement is a prime example of this. In theory, move your head away from where their fist is, even if it you're on the same side as the punch.

But then ingame, the game mechanics dictate differently and that you must move away.

These gameplay elements are the things that take time to figure out.

Another example, the moving back stiff arm retreat. Ingame it blocks everything to the head. IRL, you are going to eat straights till kingdom come.

IRL, an uppercut would not save your arse vs a takedown but ingame it is a go to mechanic.

These are what need to be shown / detailed fully. Especially for the ground and positions you seldom find yourself in anyway.

So if there is a tutorial, I think they should pull a few clips from real life, so people can see it being used. Then talk about how to use it ingame and against which moves. Then transition into a practise session where you get to drill it.
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