
Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

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Old 06-24-2018, 09:19 PM   #1
mannyonelover's Arena
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Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Really haven’t been playing this game so I decided to see if the game has improved I noticed ranked only has about 5000 players same O same O so I’m trying to get back into ultimate team which are used to love in UFC 2 however I just can’t seem to get into it is there something I’m missing?
The mode seems to tedious and I’m really trying to like it but maybe I’m just playing it wrong, i’m trying to squeeze the mode for everything it has it just doesn’t seem worth it any advice on how to approach it?
If not will this mode get any love in future patches?

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Old 06-24-2018, 10:13 PM   #2
FerdBrown's Arena
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

It’s more like Connor Connor Connor game.
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Old 06-24-2018, 10:44 PM   #3
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Without trying to sound triggered..

UT this year is.. the cancer of the game.
It's harsh but damned if its not true.

They added 'real fighters' skins as a way to boost their card count by 250, which completely destroyed the one kinda cool aspect of It, building your own CAFs up as you went.

UT is about the only reason that Punch/Kick Speed/Power were combined.
To make the card balancing easier and remove an exploit that only applied to UT.

So in essence, UT this year not only said F*** you to whatever playerbase it had, but it also brought down the quality of the rest of the game.

If combing strike speeds and power makes balancing UT great, just don't make it so that ONE mode affects the NINE others.

I love these Devs so I tell myself "It was an EA suits idea" but hot damn I HATE it. I hate it. And I enjoyed UT in UFC2.

Edit: .. I still sounded triggered. Lol.
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:13 AM   #4
chia's Arena
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Don't forget when playing UT once you work your way up in the division you end up playing the same handful of people over and over and over because a) the player base is so low and b) the matchmaking system is silly.
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:14 AM   #5
FerdBrown's Arena
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Just... forget about this mode. Play offline with no hud. AI throws quite a punch.
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:58 AM   #6
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Originally Posted by FerdBrown
It’s more like Connor Connor Connor game.

Lol, at least in UFC 2 it was CAF VS CAF.

I mean I understand the thinking behind it, let them build up any fighter they want.

But in reality - ranked Conor x 20 times in a row. UT Conor x 20 times in a row - so much fun to play.

My main guy is Connor in Ultimate Team but thats because he was literally the best guy I had. I tried grinding it out for a few months, I wanted to build others fighters mainly my CAF but he was balls.

I gave up and I have no idea what the playerbase is like but from what I've read its not worth revisiting. Oh well, onwards and upwards.
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Old 06-25-2018, 12:15 PM   #7
Counter Punch's Arena
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Originally Posted by AeroZeppelin27
Without trying to sound triggered..

UT this year is.. the cancer of the game.
It's harsh but damned if its not true.

They added 'real fighters' skins as a way to boost their card count by 250, which completely destroyed the one kinda cool aspect of It, building your own CAFs up as you went.

UT is about the only reason that Punch/Kick Speed/Power were combined.
To make the card balancing easier and remove an exploit that only applied to UT.

So in essence, UT this year not only said F*** you to whatever playerbase it had, but it also brought down the quality of the rest of the game.

If combing strike speeds and power makes balancing UT great, just don't make it so that ONE mode affects the NINE others.

I love these Devs so I tell myself "It was an EA suits idea" but hot damn I HATE it. I hate it. And I enjoyed UT in UFC2.

Edit: .. I still sounded triggered. Lol.
Right on dude.

Its frustrating because UT isn’t even remotely balanced anyway, so it was pointless.
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Old 06-25-2018, 01:21 PM   #8
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Re: Help.. is anybody playing ultimate team?

Originally Posted by AeroZeppelin27
Without trying to sound triggered..

UT this year is.. the cancer of the game.
It's harsh but damned if its not true.

They added 'real fighters' skins as a way to boost their card count by 250, which completely destroyed the one kinda cool aspect of It, building your own CAFs up as you went.

UT is about the only reason that Punch/Kick Speed/Power were combined.
To make the card balancing easier and remove an exploit that only applied to UT.

So in essence, UT this year not only said F*** you to whatever playerbase it had, but it also brought down the quality of the rest of the game.

If combing strike speeds and power makes balancing UT great, just don't make it so that ONE mode affects the NINE others.

I love these Devs so I tell myself "It was an EA suits idea" but hot damn I HATE it. I hate it. And I enjoyed UT in UFC2.

Edit: .. I still sounded triggered. Lol.

UT in EA UFC 3 says a lot about how EA viewed their playerbase. I'm not lumping all the devs but the one's in charge of the decisionmaking for this. Basically, EA UFC 3's UT happened shortly after the Star Wars Battlefront 2 debacle that went mainstream regarding microtransactions. They never had time to change their ways, they were trying to monetize the heck out of everyone. it is clear that they were not interested at all in the playerbase and instead looked at us as cash bags, trying to liquidate any cent they can get.

Let me describe what a REAL UT looks like.

First, you can design your own fighter using a set of skill points (limited) and can modify height + reach. Each fight in UT gives you experience, which allows you to train what you specifically want to train, rather than a slot machine style. So you can train boxing and takedown defense, but naturally people who become very good at the clinch might still be your weakness. Each person will have weaknesses and strengths as a result.

You are limited into the max amount you can put into a character by your divison, so you can't have beast characters crushing low ranked guys. Microtransactions are limited to cosmetics, such as hair, tattoos, body types and skins (this is where you could have UFC fighter skins) and titles (some which can be earned in game). Lastly, there could be unique event tournaments where multiple cafs can compete to be number 1.
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