
Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

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Old 07-10-2018, 04:04 PM   #17
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Originally Posted by Phillyboi207
That’s not true tho

Damage is the most important criteria but not the only one. If you do more damage on the feet for 30 seconds and I take you down and keep you in dominant positions the rest of the round then I’d win the round.

Big John even says it. Damage, Dominance, Duration are what are considered.

If you have 2-3 you can have a10-8( Yes Devs a 10-8 can be had without a lot of damage)

There’s a detailed video of him talking about it.
When are we getting hired?
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Old 07-10-2018, 04:06 PM   #18
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Originally Posted by RomeroXVII
Skynet's reason as to why they are no draws:

Part 1 - The How:
So! Draws have actually been a part of the judging system since UFC 1, and we've had to do extra work to account for the fact that we can't allow them. Draws can be scored by individual judges just fine, however, the overall outcome of the fight cannot be a draw. When the judges do end up scoring a fight as such (which does happen) we have to modify the scores by a single point to cause the end result not to draw.

We do this as fairly as we think possible.

For example, if you have a fight where two judges pick one fighter but the third ties them for the second fight as in Aero's example, we award it to the fighter who got 2/3 judges. If it's a clean draw with one judge split, and the other two perfectly opposite, then it's a 50% random chance.

The actual criteria to cause a draw is incredibly rare, as the fight has to be suuuper close. This is nearly impossible by chance, and even difficult if you're trying to cause it while still having an actual fight.

Part 2 - The Why:
Budget, yo. Originally, back in the UFC 1 erra, it was mostly bang-for-buck cost analysis. The time it would have taken us to add all the presentation, screens, stats, animation, logic, etc. for draws was not worth it compared to other features. Ideally, draws happen super rarely if ever (Aero's 3/4000 anecdote shows this), and even when they do, many people hate getting them. A lot of fighting game fans would rather have a loss than a draw.

We would have been pouring a bunch of resources into a feature that most people would intentionally never see, some would dislike when they did come across it, and it would have been taking away from other things that everyone could enjoy instead. I stand by this decision, and think it quite reasonable.

Fast-forward to the UFC 3 erra, and the stakes haven't changed a whooole lot. Essentially, it will now cost us more to add them than it would have during UFC 1, but we're less averse to the proposition itself. This still leaves us in a stale-mate of not doing it.

For completeness and authenticity's sake, we'd like to add draws. However, they'd have to get integrated into soo many things. People really underestimate the amount of work this involves. Potentially weeks/months of man-hours across relevant disciples. We'd likely have to still keep them disabled in competitive modes, but not elsewhere, as has been noted.

Basically, it's still too much work given the current payoff, compared to other tasks that could use those resources.

I do honestly hope that they get in at some point, and I think they will. But not right now.

This concludes the story of the missing draw.
I've had about 3-4 split decisions this season with no score cards, that's what he's talking about being a draw right?

I remember the no score splits were in UFC 2 as well.
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Old 07-10-2018, 04:14 PM   #19
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Originally Posted by RomeroXVII
Skynet's reason as to why they are no draws:

Part 1 - The How:
So! Draws have actually been a part of the judging system since UFC 1, and we've had to do extra work to account for the fact that we can't allow them. Draws can be scored by individual judges just fine, however, the overall outcome of the fight cannot be a draw. When the judges do end up scoring a fight as such (which does happen) we have to modify the scores by a single point to cause the end result not to draw.

We do this as fairly as we think possible.

For example, if you have a fight where two judges pick one fighter but the third ties them for the second fight as in Aero's example, we award it to the fighter who got 2/3 judges. If it's a clean draw with one judge split, and the other two perfectly opposite, then it's a 50% random chance.

The actual criteria to cause a draw is incredibly rare, as the fight has to be suuuper close. This is nearly impossible by chance, and even difficult if you're trying to cause it while still having an actual fight.

Part 2 - The Why:
Budget, yo. Originally, back in the UFC 1 erra, it was mostly bang-for-buck cost analysis. The time it would have taken us to add all the presentation, screens, stats, animation, logic, etc. for draws was not worth it compared to other features. Ideally, draws happen super rarely if ever (Aero's 3/4000 anecdote shows this), and even when they do, many people hate getting them. A lot of fighting game fans would rather have a loss than a draw.

We would have been pouring a bunch of resources into a feature that most people would intentionally never see, some would dislike when they did come across it, and it would have been taking away from other things that everyone could enjoy instead. I stand by this decision, and think it quite reasonable.

Fast-forward to the UFC 3 erra, and the stakes haven't changed a whooole lot. Essentially, it will now cost us more to add them than it would have during UFC 1, but we're less averse to the proposition itself. This still leaves us in a stale-mate of not doing it.

For completeness and authenticity's sake, we'd like to add draws. However, they'd have to get integrated into soo many things. People really underestimate the amount of work this involves. Potentially weeks/months of man-hours across relevant disciples. We'd likely have to still keep them disabled in competitive modes, but not elsewhere, as has been noted.

Basically, it's still too much work given the current payoff, compared to other tasks that could use those resources.

I do honestly hope that they get in at some point, and I think they will. But not right now.

This concludes the story of the missing draw.
If its budget, ok. Nor should we care though, we are the consumers.
Would you like to mention one of the many players that, according to you, like losing more than getting a draw? LOL
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Old 07-11-2018, 03:33 PM   #20
Pax_Vision's Arena
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Judging has been broken for two straight series. I've given up on it.
Gaming ain't easy, but someone gotta do it.

PSN: Pax_Vision
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Old 07-11-2018, 03:59 PM   #21
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Originally Posted by Pax_Vision
Judging has been broken for two straight series. I've given up on it.
Judging is “broken” in real life. Most accurate part of the game lol
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Old 07-12-2018, 03:58 AM   #22
RomeroXVII's Arena
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Re: Judging on UFC 3 is pretty broken

Originally Posted by BARIK_
If its budget, ok. Nor should we care though, we are the consumers.
Would you like to mention one of the many players that, according to you, like losing more than getting a draw? LOL
I don't know, ask Skynet not me lol. I would prefer to get draws if I earned it.
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