05-26-2019, 11:13 PM
Re: We’ve Been Ignored!!!
You guys have presented even more good reasons why this game should be brought to PC. I was smoking the giggle bush when I wrote that so I was an idiot and forgot that fighting games are locked at 60 FPS on PC (I know MK is and I still said it lmao).
The cross play idea is something I really don’t see why it isn’t used more often. Fortnite does this and it is a MASSIVE success. I play with my nephews on my PC and they play on their playstations. This allows me to play the game how I want and also be able to play with my family and spend time with my nephews since I don’t live in the same city as them.
Anti-cheat could easily be implemented into this game and I don’t see why bringing it to PC is an issue. Battlefield is an EA produced title and that’s on PC so what gives? Hell, Battlefield STARTED on PC. These games are developed on PC architecture so I really don’t see why there is no PC version.
The PC version of this game would without a doubt be the definitive one and think of the developer approved mods? Crazy customization and community mods to add things to the game. This may actually work out better for the devs because the community may propose better solutions to issues that none of us may have thought of before. Look at Watch Dogs. PC community literally went into the game and made it look BETTER. Look at GTA, Battlefield, Fortnite, etc. All of these games have huge PC communities and these games thrive on PC.
We may not be seen as much as the console guys, but we are HUGE in numbers. If the game gets pirated, so what? They weren’t missing the PC sales before so if they miss out on them now, what real difference would it make? The people that would buy it would make up for those that don’t so at the least you get more sales on sheer volume and ratio of legit copies to pirated. You still get more money from this game than if it were just on console.
I really love this game but there are a lot of issues that really annoy me and I think a lot of them would be solved by having it on PC and not being limited by hardware.