
NFL 2k5 Mobile Qb

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Old 06-29-2020, 08:37 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2020
NFL 2k5 Mobile Qb

Make sure you have all your cpu sliders set to zero in difficulty settings, this is very important cause it acts as second ratings against you in game but doesn't affect the cpu vs cpu. (Think large attributes that only apply to you in game)
By just moving Cpu pass or any one of those difficulty settings a few notches using the presets below you'll see what I mean, course when you find something you like and want more of a challenge just bump those difficulty sliders back up and adjust the player ratings to match.

Hey everyone
Today I'll be showing you how to get a mobile Qb in NFL 2k5, along with a few other things.
So the game does have certain thresholds some more concrete than others an example of this would be a running backs physical traits in correlational with pass blocking a defender who's weight might be greater than by just a pound but I do belief these are separate from each other and dynamic when it relates to the player skill ratings in NFl 2k5, say A running back with greater stats, encounters the same Line backer with lesser stats in separate occasions, it's wont always be 100% truck, juke or stiff arm as it should be but it is important to know they do exist in the game so that we can create a team or player around this.

Now before we get to the mobile Qb, lets run through a few presets I've found so far, allowing for different throws to occur from the Qb. First what you wanna do is, zero out everything except for pass read.
(Completely optional you can also zero out your D-line along with the O-line leaving just the stamina. This just to ensures everyone is on equal footing and were not getting any interference or manipulation from the defense but again not necessary.)
Once you've finished this, head on over to practice mode you'll want to Select Quads Y/A 50 swing from any playbook on offense and on any defense I've chosen to go with 3-4 3 man coverage just to highlight the mobile Qb later in the video.

(Raising or lowering any other values will cause different action to occur.)
Qb#23 Pass Read set to 23 and below (Left slot)
Qb#24 Pass Read set to 24 and above (Left down field)
Qb#48 Pass Read set to 48 and above(Right down field)
Between these Numbers using this method I couldn't find any difference, might be geared towards the middle of the field
Qb#88 Pass Read set to 88 a slightly above (Right slot)
Qb#95 Pass Read set to 95 (Right slot / Left down field)
(Pass read set to 96 Qb starts to call out, not sure if it changes anything)

Alright now Using the these numbers above let's add scramble and arm strength
Qb#1 Scramble 97 Pass Read 24 Arm 40 (Very aggressive Mobile Qb)

Although I didn't cover it in the video it's possible to get the Qb to just throw both down field throws using other stats along with both in field throws or one side of the field, you'll just have to experiment a little.

Mobile QB
Arm Strength + Pass Read + Scramble
--Lowering or raising arm strength will cause Qb to run more or less
--Pass read and Scramble are what causes a mobile Qb.
Think of Pass read as a bulls eye, it's what triggers the CPU, to high a value and the cpu will more often then not just throw downfield, to low a value it will not trigger the Qb to want to run
Also to get the most out of this, you'll find that capping the D-line along with the Lb's in speed help the CPU find more open space. Unless you're using the large attributes 30 for De's and 50 for Lb's is good but that's just my opinion then but of course bump em up how you see fit

Slot throw inside
Arm strength + speed
--Arm strength set high and speed set low no higher than say 16 will allow the Cpu to throw those cut off slot throws were the Wr cuts back inside, raising the speed to high will cause Qb to always over throw that route(Could be used for pocket passers)

Weight difference
--O-Line vs any Defensive player with a difference of 76 pounds will cause the O-line player dive at feet of the defensive player(Might be a way to help the Cpu to block kicks and punts, work in progress)
--HB vs any Defensive player with a difference of 41 pounds will cause the running back to dive at the feet of the defensive player(My thinking for this, you could implement this into your roster to create a little more diversity with small backs vs larger ones)

Last edited by wxcv; 06-29-2020 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 06-29-2020, 10:44 AM   #2
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jun 2020
Re: NFL 2k5 Mobile Qb

I've also noticed that when you turn performance EQ the Qb tends to throw to their best receivers regardless of those preset player ratings, so you'll have to fool around with that if you decide to have that on.

Last edited by wxcv; 06-29-2020 at 10:58 AM.
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