
EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

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Old 04-08-2023, 04:00 AM   #617
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by scagwi
Yah ... people are like "use the putting line"..
No.. "fix the grid" - LOL

(I hate that putting line thing -- takes the skill out of it totally, in my view)

Amazing that after decades of making golf games, EA can somehow release one where "the grid doesn't always work right"

Man...it must have been quite the fire drill to pump this thing out before the Masters
To your point, and being completely straightforward and honest here...It's just mind blowing and inexcusable how broken this game is. Brain melting level broken the more you play it.

But Cor Darn' it, isn't it a pretty scene.
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Old 04-08-2023, 04:03 AM   #618
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Career mode only impressions.
After a few practice rounds during the trial I'm quite surprised by all the settings I turned to hard or off, I'm a pretty average video game golfer and would typically have things set to around the pro settings in 2K. Like others mentioned the rough/ bad lie shots need to be fixed.
Doing some house rules to make rough and bunker shots harder to simulate what the shot difficulty should be has helped a bit. Like no spin control, no zooming in on pin (I use the scorecard layout of the hole when pressing the pad on ps5).

Not adding any skills to my golfer at this time since he already feels overpowered for the current game.

As I played the US Amateur I had a lot of fun and though I never contended for the win I was in the mix for top 40 thanks to being able to adjust the ai difficulty after starting the event. I was still tweaking the settings while playing. I finished +3 for the 4 rounds but had several holes where I thought I was going to birdie but messed up. I also had some nice putts go in and it was overall a fun experience that I didn't think I was going to have when I first played during the trial.

Biggest question is will it get too easy even for me as I continue to make my way to the PGA tour?
The graphics, commentary, real PGA players on leader boards is more than I hoped for and when you get the feeling of can't wait to play another tournament you know the game has done something right.
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Old 04-08-2023, 09:43 AM   #619
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by Dawgfan1
Got the game today and played a couple of rounds and tested some things, first with Tony Finau at Augusta on the hardest settings (Sim + shot meter off + no green grid) and forcing shaping on every shot and I went +10. I've since gone to just no beads and only shape driver, wood, hybrid shots and shots just off the green. Been having fun so far, shaping all my drives gives me a good variety of results that don't feel unfair even with the assumed randomness, and shaping pitches and such makes up and downs a bit harder. I had to stop shaping iron shots because it feels like they go too far offline when my swing plane is off and they need some tuning. We'll see how hard things stay for me, but at the start it feels nice.

The game is gorgeous, commentary is good from what I've heard, crowd dynamics are awesome, the number of challenges we get is crazy deep, career mode looks good minus no rotation majors. Also maybe my standards are low but I think the camera options are fine as is? I don't think they're good or anything, just passable and it'd be nice to be able to customize them a lot more, but they've never hindered my experience.

The same criticisms I've gathered from videos still stick: we should be allowed to turn off the putting meter cause it's too easy to two-putt as is (to be fair, as someone with hundreds of hours in TW14 that game has the same problem for different reasons), the triple-bogey pick up and ball above/below your feet not mattering are atrocious, the lie penalty is just not enough (mainly for short-mid irons and wedges), and though I'm more okay with the swing it would still be good to provide players with a faster tempo option (and add the pro swings to the swing customization!). There is some annoying end lag to the swing, I'm guessing due to the 30 FPS on consoles. The swing is kinda clunky overall but I think it's okay at worst on its own. The randomness I get why it's there from a design standpoint and I'm okay with it, but for online competitive and tournaments it doesn't feel right to have RNG be such a factor there and I think a left/right tempo system would work better. Last thing, it feels like sometimes the ball is moved from a bad position just to make things less hard when the character model could totally be generated there (i.e. the front of a bunker). I'd like to be able to have the option to take that shot, I want it to be harder on me! But for all the negatives (and bugs), I feel like as long as I can find difficulty in this game it'll be one I play for a long time, the negatives I have I think are either minor or things I can look past.
This is one of the best posts I have read and am definitely make sure it is seen by others. Your issues are mostly on the exact same page as what I have been saying.

On the ball moving...a great example is front-siding a pot bunker at St Andrews. Where I am expecting to pay for my mistake I am put middle of the bunker and can usually high loft it to advance the ball. I believe they are in a tough spot where if those obstruction lies would cause the golfer animation to put their foot into their ear or something that looks ridiculous they opted for what you see. Can you imagine everyone posting crazy pics of golfers and what that would bring? Hopefully they can figure out a way to make it work but there are so many possible scenarios it may be difficult.

There is certainly too much hand-holding at the moment so I hope others that feel the same will voice their concerns on forums/social media/discord/etc. If only a couple of us are posting then EA may not understand how widespread particular concerns are.

Thanks again Dawgfan1, really great observations!
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Old 04-08-2023, 10:00 AM   #620
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by ShivasIrons
Hello, hello Oblong,

Can you give me a “cheat sheet” on what settings to play this game, as I am fairly certain I will like playing like you have your settings (I’m fairly certain that you will have more sim-like settings) or very similar to you.

What are your recommendations?
SHIVAS!!! Great to see you! I need to fire up my Xbox version and hook up with some of the Country Clubbers assuming they are still around like you. I have been playing on PS5 as my Xbox is on our family TV. Leveling up CAG's on each system is going to be a grind, I'm only a 76 OVR on PS5 at the moment as I got a slow start. To level up fastest I've been hitting Arcade just to expedite the process.

But for the actual settings I will be playing on, I am hoping it bee some settings that aren't currently available at the moment. For now though I am running pretty close to what Dawgfan1 just posted in my last quoted reply. Pretty much all the handholding turned off EXCEPT putt grid. I refuse to just guess on breaks as it just seems like you a flipping a coin. Shot shaping needs some tuning and ball lie (both lie angle and rough penalty) needs to be realistically penal and unknown/larger % gaps). With those settings I am currently shooting pretty close to realistic PGA scores that would win real tourneys and/or challenge real course records. Turn up the wind a bit and it gets even better (meaning worse scores).

I have said this before to others...I didn't love the game at first but the more I play the more I now appreciate and understand EA's vision. The tweaks I would love to see, are very doable without any major overhauls necessary.
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Old 04-08-2023, 11:54 AM   #621
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Sounds like I may enjoy this game since I haven’t played a golf game in years and have nothing to compare it to.

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Old 04-08-2023, 12:15 PM   #622
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by dubplate
Sounds like I may enjoy this game since I haven’t played a golf game in years and have nothing to compare it to.

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If you haven’t played any golf games in awhile I’m very confident you would enjoy it. It has a lot going for it and with nothing to compare it to it would be quite entertaining.

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Old 04-08-2023, 12:22 PM   #623
tcnumba10's Arena
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by dubplate
Sounds like I may enjoy this game since I haven’t played a golf game in years and have nothing to compare it to.

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I’m in the same boat and leaning on purchasing. Haven’t played a golf game in years so I have zero expectations.
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Old 04-08-2023, 12:26 PM   #624
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console) PART 2

Originally Posted by dubplate
Sounds like I may enjoy this game since I haven’t played a golf game in years and have nothing to compare it to.
Well, if it helps, that's me. And I enjoy it quite a bit. There are some mind-numbingly awful choices they made, that are so obviously wrong it's super frustrating. Like the pickup at triple bogey. How is that not a toggled setting? And something between quick and full is clearly needed. Something where we play all the holes, but the game removes the cutscenes. I'm sure the lack of rotating majors will be a problem when I get there in career mode, but I assume it will be a little bit for that (there's time to patch it). But the good far outweighs the bad.

Anyone know if there's a way to play in a pairing with the CPU in career mode? If not, add that to the list of awful choices.
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