
EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disaster

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Old 06-24-2014, 11:58 AM   #17
brandon27's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

Originally Posted by Chairman7w
Oh Dear God that can't be real.

Please tell me this can't be real.
I don't mind fantasy courses that much, as long as they're realistic fantasy courses. A battleship crashing through a course is not that. I don't mind the courses that are in TW14, simply because they at least appear as "real" golf courses. That being said, I don't want them to be a part of career mode etc. etc. If they are there simply for me to play if I want a different kind of challenge, then I dont really care. I'd prefer real golf courses, real golfers, ya know... real PGA golf as the game's title suggests.

The screenshots do look really good though. This game has typically been a consistent by for me, but with what they're showing this year, it's become a wait and see for me. I'll need to see a complete course listing, see somewhere that the fantasy courses are nothing more than an option to play in regular game modes. If I'm forced to play them for whatever reason in career, I'm pretty sure I'm out.

I can handle fantasy courses, as long as they still resemble real golf courses, not carnival type environments. If I wanted that in my golf experience I'd go to the local mini-golf course that has one 9 holes pirate ship themed, and they other 9 themed around a volcano.

I can understand EA's approach to included both fantasy golf, and real golf together in the same title... but there's absolutely no reason for them to cross paths within the game... at least that's my opinion. Give me the real PGA tour part of the game, and leave it that way, and give me the option to play the fantasy courses if I choose to... but don't combine them into one mode.
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Old 06-26-2014, 06:58 AM   #18
woody2goody's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

I tell you what they really need to do. Create pretty much every golfer on Tour as playable characters. The power is there on next gen, and restricting us to 25 or so golfers I've always thought was a bit lazy.
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Old 06-27-2014, 10:14 AM   #19
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

I thought I saw Godzilla in the horizon ........Fooooore!

Last edited by bigmoe; 06-27-2014 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 06-27-2014, 11:11 AM   #20
brandon27's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

Originally Posted by woody2goody
I tell you what they really need to do. Create pretty much every golfer on Tour as playable characters. The power is there on next gen, and restricting us to 25 or so golfers I've always thought was a bit lazy.
I'm sure its more of a licensing issue than laziness or system capabilities. To use each golfers likeness and name, its going to cost money. Plus, there's an awful lot of golfers on tour. Hundreds really. I think we need to keep in mind there's costs to doing that, its not just a matter of sticking someone in the game and running with it. Plus, I'd imagine each license for each golfer would have to be done separately since there's no players/golfers union such as the NFLPA, or NHLPA. At least not that im aware of, unless the PGA itself can do that. Either way, I think its alot more difficult than we think. Similar to the NASCAR games... each driver has to be licensed, each manufacturer, each sponsor, each track etc. etc. etc.

I do agree though, there needs to be far more than the 15-20 they put into the game though.
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Old 07-03-2014, 01:23 AM   #21
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

I didn't like those latest screenshots at all. Those skies look like some post nuclear holocaust world to me.
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Old 07-05-2014, 11:55 PM   #22
MacDiiddy's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Screenshots and Why the Warship Course Crashing Isn't a Disast

I think these are great. If you dont like them, dont play them.

I remember years past playing fantasy courses that were absurdly difficult and great to play once you max out your Created Character. The one that comes to mind was Central Park some years back.

People find things to complain about. I may not think the premise of the single player in Battlefield 4 is absurd and dumb, luckly I don't have to play it, if all I really am buying the game for is Multiplayer.

If you are buying this game for simulation golf, then dont play the fantasy courses.....its pretty easy.
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