
Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

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Old 07-14-2015, 05:31 AM   #9
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I hope they have fixed the problem cfm where a superstar would end up on the free agency list and not get picked up that makes no sense at all to have julio jones still on the fa list goin into week one of the following season-also the amount of team switching between players because teams rarely let there best players go after 3 seasons my cfm started to look like as if i did a fantasy draft to star my cfm-really hope they fixed this
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Old 07-14-2015, 06:10 AM   #10
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by Iamloch
I hope they have fixed the problem cfm where a superstar would end up on the free agency list and not get picked up that makes no sense at all to have julio jones still on the fa list goin into week one of the following season-also the amount of team switching between players because teams rarely let there best players go after 3 seasons my cfm started to look like as if i did a fantasy draft to star my cfm-really hope they fixed this
The problem was teams would spend like crazy in free agency and not have any money to sign guys like those. And the spending was weird too, one team would invest $60 million on 3 top QB's. I once saw Drew Brees, Andrew Luck and Phillip Rivers all on the same team. By year 3 most teams were in salary cap hell. What needs to be tuned is the GM logic, also teams who just drafted a QB who draft another one the next year.
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Old 07-14-2015, 09:00 AM   #11
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by RandallB21
It's great that the cheese plays are being addressed. Play real football! Cracks me up that the competitive players were complaining about money plays not working. If you are so good you shouldn't have to rely on cheap plays that work no matter what.
Why can't an interviewer ask Clint, Kolbe...or whoever...why it is that the tourney "competitive" players seem to have such a voice in how the game is designed and coded? These guys are not football minds..they are video game players...very good at knowing how to exploit the engine and any shortcomings. They are found in every game - sports titles, COD, etc.

Why in the world would EA continue to cater to this crowd at all and take any input as valid? It only goes to make the game less realistic...less of a sim...and less enjoyable for the masses.

Can't somebody point blank ask these guys something like that?

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Old 07-14-2015, 09:54 AM   #12
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by capa
Why can't an interviewer ask Clint, Kolbe...or whoever...why it is that the tourney "competitive" players seem to have such a voice in how the game is designed and coded? These guys are not football minds..they are video game players...very good at knowing how to exploit the engine and any shortcomings. They are found in every game - sports titles, COD, etc.

Why in the world would EA continue to cater to this crowd at all and take any input as valid? It only goes to make the game less realistic...less of a sim...and less enjoyable for the masses.

Can't somebody point blank ask these guys something like that?

Easy answer, $100,000 tourneys are at stake. Nobody wants a fumbled snap from center with the game on the line in the 4th quarter with a 100 g's on the line.

Easier solution, set a few different options on the dial. Tourney, Sim and Casual mode.
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Old 07-14-2015, 10:27 AM   #13
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

I understand the stakes are high but there is something inherently wrong with the whole concept. May as well not allow fumbles or great ints by the defense since those can cause you to lose through no fault of your own either.

Not arguing with you...actually I agree. It is just such a stupid concept and the fact that the game has restrictions that are only now just starting to be looked at and reprogrammed is amazing. When did all this tourney stuff start? What edition of Madden?

Do they really need these tourneys to garner interest in the game?? I've seen the shows on NFL network or wherever a few years ago.

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Old 07-14-2015, 03:34 PM   #14
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by roadman
Easier solution, set a few different options on the dial. Tourney, Sim and Casual mode.
This is what kills me . Im fine if they want to cater to the casuals IF it dont force sim hands to play that same way. It really should already have been in the game. Give the options Roadman listed above! Its that simple to then cater to each crowd your trying to reach instead of trying to make modes that combines them all in one. Why cant EA see this and put it in .Great notion Roadman.... wish dreams really did come true.
Yup, i said it !

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Old 07-15-2015, 08:20 PM   #15
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by capa
I understand the stakes are high but there is something inherently wrong with the whole concept. May as well not allow fumbles or great ints by the defense since those can cause you to lose through no fault of your own either.

Not arguing with you...actually I agree. It is just such a stupid concept and the fact that the game has restrictions that are only now just starting to be looked at and reprogrammed is amazing. When did all this tourney stuff start? What edition of Madden?

Do they really need these tourneys to garner interest in the game?? I've seen the shows on NFL network or wherever a few years ago.

Because the tourney/casual crew outweighs the sim crew 10:1.
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Old 07-15-2015, 10:30 PM   #16
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Re: Madden NFL 16: E3 Recap, and What to Look for Next

Originally Posted by redsox4evur
Because the tourney/casual crew outweighs the sim crew 10:1.
I'd love to hear Clint or Kolbe say that in an interview and see how it goes over.
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