
The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

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Old 11-22-2015, 06:34 PM   #313
Junior Moe's Arena
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Good morning,

Currently looking for assistance with two issues/questions.

The first is a repeat question that was asked by myself and another gentlemen earlier, but seemed to get buried and received no response.

1. Any visual cues to let me know if I actually have the new patch? I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and received no indication that a patch downloaded. The game also loaded up all of my previous settings like I never uninstalled. I was under the impression that I'd have to redo sliders, settings, etc.

2. Anyone know the difference between the Pass Coverage and Reaction sliders? I've been setting them under the assumption that Pass Coverage=Zone Coverage while Reaction=Man Coverage?


Edit: I just went into my settings/files and there's nothing under "tuner" or "franchise tuning". Thats conflicting with previous statements saying that the tuner is automatically downloaded with the new patch, and as stated before, I received no type of prompt to download the tuner or the patch.
I would like to know the answer to this as well. I haven't played M16 much this year, but I want to see what the patch did. I was able to start an online game today so I'm guessing I have it. But, I'd like some confirmation if possible.
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Old 11-23-2015, 06:55 AM   #314
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Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! Huge shout out to Kolbe and the CFM team for pushing hard to get all those fixes in.

Also wanted to say thanks to everyone in the OS community who helped drive this patch list via the feedback threads on this site. The OS mods do a fantastic job keeping the feedback constructive and that has allowed the development team to embrace the site as a primary source of user feedback. I hope you all have a sense of how your participation on OS is helping push the franchise forward.

Hope you all enjoy the changes!

- Rex
Rex Big Wish for the next installment. Is there any way to make draft rosters editable? It would be great to have real names of players coming into the league 4 yrs on. As we see in college. With no NCAA rosters to import, we lose out on the authentic feel in franchise mode year after year. I'd love to see where McCaffery would end up in a draft.

Also, with innovation and diving in, for us who love the GM side of things I'd like to see a mode where players we are scouting can be seen in action. A mini mode where we see highlights and based off of the potential and pressure to perform the rookie meets, exceeds, or flops under the lights making his draft stock be affected. In addition to this mode within the franchise it would be great to have owners and GM meetings that affect the league, free agency, trades and expansion. Player movement ramps up after the super bowl, and players get released during the season, I'd like to see something similar to madden 05 where the radio updated happenings on a weekly schedule. This way, players with sporadic moods will act similar in the game and play a part on their movement.

Lastly, is there anyway to incorporate a free platform movement to the game. When you watch the games from a wire cam, and let's use the LOB for example, their DB'S fly around so quick, there is no string on them, they'reso unpredictable. I'd like to see this ability of unpredictable movement for all players, and only assignments affect their movement; along with IQ, competitiveness and awareness.
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Old 11-23-2015, 08:24 AM   #315
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Had one of the best games I've ever had against the CPU in years this morning on AM\Default....

Haven't put in Madden in months but it looks like a lot of the changes were for the better
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Old 11-23-2015, 01:22 PM   #316
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Good morning,

Currently looking for assistance with two issues/questions.

The first is a repeat question that was asked by myself and another gentlemen earlier, but seemed to get buried and received no response.

1. Any visual cues to let me know if I actually have the new patch? I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and received no indication that a patch downloaded. The game also loaded up all of my previous settings like I never uninstalled. I was under the impression that I'd have to redo sliders, settings, etc.

2. Anyone know the difference between the Pass Coverage and Reaction sliders? I've been setting them under the assumption that Pass Coverage=Zone Coverage while Reaction=Man Coverage?


Edit: I just went into my settings/files and there's nothing under "tuner" or "franchise tuning". Thats conflicting with previous statements saying that the tuner is automatically downloaded with the new patch, and as stated before, I received no type of prompt to download the tuner or the patch.
Originally Posted by Junior Moe
I would like to know the answer to this as well. I haven't played M16 much this year, but I want to see what the patch did. I was able to start an online game today so I'm guessing I have it. But, I'd like some confirmation if possible.

At the load screen put the cursor over the game, but don't load it...

Hit the "Options" button (on PS4 it's also the "Pause" button") and it'll give you a list of options, one of them being "Check for Latest Update" (or similar wording)...

Hit that and it'll tell you if you have the latest Update / Patch...

You won't see anything for the Tuner in your files...the supposition is that the tuner was folded into the patch in some form and is no longer an individual entity...

As far as the "Man versus Zone" issue, I refer you to this thread:

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Old 11-23-2015, 04:14 PM   #317
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by KingV2k3
At the load screen put the cursor over the game, but don't load it...

Hit the "Options" button (on PS4 it's also the "Pause" button") and it'll give you a list of options, one of them being "Check for Latest Update" (or similar wording)...

Hit that and it'll tell you if you have the latest Update / Patch...

You won't see anything for the Tuner in your files...the supposition is that the tuner was folded into the patch in some form and is no longer an individual entity...

As far as the "Man versus Zone" issue, I refer you to this thread:

Thanks for the info!
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Old 11-23-2015, 05:45 PM   #318
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Thanks for the info!
To piggy back...if on xb1, make sure you delete your profile game data as well. I did that. So to recap, delete the madden game install, and then you should also see the profile icon that is you game data. Delete that and it's as if it never played on your console
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Old 11-23-2015, 09:58 PM   #319
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

I've been meaning to post about this, but post-patch, I'm now noticing that plays like reverses, WR screens, and wildcat runs are now better tuned for HUM-CPU play.

Before the patch, I never called these plays because they never worked, like ever, at least for me on All Pro.

Now, I can call a reverse a couple times a game and actually get positive yardage more often than not. Same for WR screens, which are now receiving better blocking than before--enough to make them good for a consistent 3-5 yards, like they often function in real life.

It's a subtle change on these plays, but it's noticeable, as now I use the entire playbook.

Also, read option and triple option keeps are slightly better blocked and thus are more effective, but they play out very sim to me now. The perfect balance of effectiveness when called vs. the right fronts and managed well, as compared to before, when for me the QB keeper runs wound up always getting shut down.

Very happy with these adjustments.
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Old 11-24-2015, 08:20 AM   #320
Junior Moe's Arena
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Re: The Biggest Madden Patch Ever Arrives Today, New Mode and Various Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Thanks for the info!
Ditto. I have it. Thanks man!
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