
Madden NFL 17 Impressions

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Old 09-14-2016, 08:35 AM   #713
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

Originally Posted by kisstopher5
I agree with this. The challenge feature isn't very good to begin with in the game. Receiver will catch it and immediately get hit and drop the ball and it's a fumble. You can't even challenge it though like on Monday in the Steelers game.

Plus, the opposite of what you said. I was nearly sacked in a game last night and the QB's arm was DEFINITELY moving forward, yet it was a fumble returned for a TD. Not sure if a patch can fix this, but it needs to be overhauled in the future since replays are such a big part of the game now.
It's almost as if they have it backwards...I see arms going forward and it is called a fumble, and I see arms pinned back and magically the ball comes out as a spiral and it is called incomplete. You have to wonder what these guys are doing sometimes. It really is head spinning some of the stuff you see that just puts the game in a poor light...regardless of how many steps forward they have taken this year. The bloom is coming off the rose for me.

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Old 09-14-2016, 08:58 AM   #714
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

Originally Posted by kisstopher5
I agree with this. The challenge feature isn't very good to begin with in the game. Receiver will catch it and immediately get hit and drop the ball and it's a fumble. You can't even challenge it though like on Monday in the Steelers game.

Plus, the opposite of what you said. I was nearly sacked in a game last night and the QB's arm was DEFINITELY moving forward, yet it was a fumble returned for a TD. Not sure if a patch can fix this, but it needs to be overhauled in the future since replays are such a big part of the game now.
The only times I ever see challenges is when it's initiated by the refs. I don't think I've ever user challenged anything, although I've tried plenty of times.
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Old 09-14-2016, 01:36 PM   #715
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

Originally Posted by NYJin2011tm
Receivers don't really do a good job even trying to get their feet down on sidelines/back of endzones.

That actually depends upon the AWR of the receiver

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Old 09-14-2016, 02:16 PM   #716
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

Originally Posted by Fist Of Kings
They should take a page out of 2k and put in an emotion rating for each player. Seeing the great Jason Witten hip hopping is just wrong lol. Witten at most will spike the ball, or hands the ball to a ref like Barry Sanders instead of dancing.
Yeah this sadly makes creating Barry Sanders a no-go too, imo. Just a simple option for "expressive yes/no" would do.
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Old 09-14-2016, 11:53 PM   #717
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

I really, really hope that a complete offensive line (specifically pass blocking) overhaul is in store for M18 because I can't describe how atrocious it is in M17. It's far away the most glaring issue and biggest thing holding the game back at this point IMO and leads to by far the most WTF! moments. I mentioned it being a concern in one of my earlier impressions and I don't know if I just didn't pay as much attention to it then but it's becoming an every game thing for me now. Watching 300+ pound lineman just get thrown around like children or belly flop to the ground letting DL come in completely unabated is just ridiculous.

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Old 09-15-2016, 12:39 AM   #718
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

Originally Posted by capa
It's almost as if they have it backwards...I see arms going forward and it is called a fumble, and I see arms pinned back and magically the ball comes out as a spiral and it is called incomplete. You have to wonder what these guys are doing sometimes. It really is head spinning some of the stuff you see that just puts the game in a poor light...regardless of how many steps forward they have taken this year. The bloom is coming off the rose for me.

Just lost a challenge where my rb clearly crosses the goalline into the endzone, and before his knee hits the ground, pretty annoying.
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Old 09-15-2016, 05:50 AM   #719
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

I have been highly critical of EA and there approach to football games. But this is a very good game. Since Madden 08 I typically bought the game and played 30 hours...every year. Madden 25 I played a bit more because of historic rosters/playbooks.

I have played 3 ten hour sessions already with this game! The franchise mode is great now with all the editing allowed (fictional rosters for me).

Great game overall. Great feel to the game. Real NFL strategy of reading defenses. With some slider tweaks to increase D-Line pressure this game is really fun and challenging.

Props to the EA crew. I am really enjoying this game....only wish we had more extensive old school playbooks.
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Old 09-15-2016, 02:15 PM   #720
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Impressions

I have yet to encounter consistent glitchy or gameplay killer's that previous versions of madden had, that made me just abandon the game. I'm really liking this game, and wish there was more time between the release of this and NBA 2K17. I really want to spend a lot of my already minimal gaming time with one title.

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