
How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

This is a discussion on How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years. within the Madden NFL Old Gen Rosters forums.

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Old 05-19-2016, 09:54 PM   #1
rplatypus's Arena
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How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

How to convert a M15/M16/M17 roster to M12/M13/M25:


Xbox 360 formatted flash drive with a M12, M13 or M25 roster loaded onto it
A M15, M16 or M17 roster or csv file
Xanathol’s Madden Editor – to import the roster and make edits
Microsoft Excel – to open and edit the csv file
HxD – to hex edit the roster
Modio – to move the roster file to and from your computer and your console

1. Create 2 folders, Edit and Default. Add an M16 roster to the edit folder and an M25 roster to both folders. Make sure you have the exact same number of players on both your m16 roster and m25 roster. Now export the entire roster of both your M16 and M25 rosters in your edit folder into csv files with Xanathol’s editor by going to Actions, All Players, Export. Name the csv files that you just created, m16 csv and m25 csv and save them. (You can name it whatever you want, it doesn’t matter)

2. Open the m16 csv and change PYCS to TRCS. Assign a value of 0-4 to all players. 0 is recommended based on the m25 default roster values for most roster players. You can change whoever you want after you have successfully converted your roster.

3. Change PYCF to TRCF in the m16 csv. Assign a value of 2 to all players.

4. Insert the header TCFM into the DD column in the m16 csv. Assign a value of 0 to all players.

5. Insert the header TCSM into the DI column in the m16 csv. Assign a value of 0-4. The better players will get a higher value but again I would leave all values at 0 until you have successfully converted the roster. Now save the M16 csv file and leave it open.

(Refer to a M25 roster that hasn't been modified to get an idea of what the default values should be.)

6. Open the m25 csv. Go back to the m16 csv and copy all the player values, everything except for the headers. Now paste the contents over the m25 csv and save.

7. Open the m25 roster in your edit folder with Xanathol's editor. Go to actions, all players, and import the m25 csv. Wait about 30 seconds for processing and you should now have the m16 roster showing up in your m25 roster file. Save the roster and close the program.

8. Open HxD and select your default roster and your edit roster. Copy the entire 2nd line of numbers from the default roster and paste it over the 2nd line of numbers on your edit roster. Save it and close the program.

9. Open Modio and replace your M25 roster with your new one and save it. Insert the flash drive into your console to confirm it works.


*Any default m25 player not on the roster will still appear in cfm and fantasy draft won't work unless you add the missing player ID's of the default m25 roster players to the newly added players.

*2047 is the audio code for all m12 and m13 players in the pcmt field. Change it in the csv file before importing your roster to m13.

*M25 has the same audio codes as m15/m16.

*All players have 99 potential on M15 and M16. Change the player’s potential in the csv or in the editor as you see fit.

*Prep your roster first by releasing a few players in game on each team with your M25 roster before loading it onto a flash drive to create additional main menu cap space. This allows you some space to sign players in game even if your team is actually over the cap.

*Most likely all or at least most teams will be over the salary cap in CFM. Reduce some big money player contracts as an easy fix. Take away about 25% of each player’s salary if you are using Spotrac to input correct salaries. The NFL salary cap for the 2015 season (M16) was $143.28 million. The NFL salary cap for 2013 (M25) was $123 million. A difference of $20.28 million or a 16.5% increase from M25.

*You can transfer a roster between PS3 and 360 consoles once a roster is in CSV format. Refer to a guide on the program Bruteforce on how to transfer PS3 rosters from your computer to your console.


How to convert a M12/M13/M25 roster to M15/M16/M17:


Xbox 360 formatted flash drive with a M15 or M16 roster loaded onto it
A M25 roster or csv file
Xanathol’s Madden Editor – to import the roster and make edits
Microsoft Excel – to open and edit the csv file
HxD – to hex edit the roster
Modio – to move the roster file to and from your computer and your console

1. Create 2 folders, Edit and Default. Add an M25 roster to the edit folder and an M16 roster to both folders. Make sure you have the exact same number of players on both your m16 roster and m25 roster. Now export the entire roster of both your M16 and M25 rosters in your edit folder into csv files with Xanathol’s editor by going to Actions, All Players, Export. Name the csv files that you just created, m16 csv and m25 csv and save them. (You can name it whatever you want, it doesn’t matter)

2. Open the m25 csv and change TRCS to PYCS (Player Consistency). Assign a value of 0-99 to all players. I sort the csv by POVR (Player Overall) and assign the top 100 players a 95, the next 100 players a 90 and so forth. I then sort it by PYRP (Player’s Years Pro) and try to give some of the future stars a higher consistency rating.

3. Change TRCF to PYCF (Player Confidence) in the m25 csv. Assign a value of 50 to all players.

4. Delete the the DI column TCSM in the m25 csv.

5. Delete the DD column TCFM in the m25 csv. Now save the m25 csv file and leave it open.

6. Open the m16 csv. Go back to the m25 csv and copy all the player values, everything except for the headers. Now paste the contents over the m16 csv and save.

7. Open the m16 roster in your edit folder with Xanathol's editor. Go to actions, all players, and import the m16 csv. Wait about 30 seconds for processing and you should now have the m25 roster showing up in your m16 roster file. Save the roster and close the program.

8. Open HxD and select your default roster and your edit roster. Copy the entire 2nd line of numbers from the default roster and paste it over the 2nd line of numbers on your edit roster. Save it and close the program.

9. Open Modio and replace your M16 roster with your new one and save it. Insert the flash drive into your console to confirm it works.


*This also works for M12 and M13 but both of those games have an audio code (PCMT) of 2047 for all players. You need to change the audio code if you want working audio for M15-M17.

Last edited by rplatypus; 10-12-2016 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 05-20-2016, 09:11 AM   #2
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

Thanks for this. The big salary problem is one I need to deal with once I get all my contracts done... I was honestly thinking of doing the same thing as you said, just reducing those contracts by a percentage.. Thanks for figuring out which % to do that by, that helps a bunch
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Old 05-21-2016, 12:09 PM   #3
rplatypus's Arena
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

Originally Posted by paarman
Thanks for this. The big salary problem is one I need to deal with once I get all my contracts done... I was honestly thinking of doing the same thing as you said, just reducing those contracts by a percentage.. Thanks for figuring out which % to do that by, that helps a bunch
No problem. Doing the percentages is too tough for me. I try to back load the big money contracts. EA has a lot of contracts that have a 75% or so increase for the final year of the contract. All the other years are generally the same number. Many of those players will likely be cut in that final year to avoid the excessive cap hit but that won't be a problem for another 4 or more years.

Here's Cam Newton's official M16 contract:

Years: 6
Total: $118.4 million
Bonus: $22.5 million / $3.75 million per year
Yrs 1-5 salary: $17.6 million
Yr 6 salary: $30.4 million

Here's the contract I gave Josh Norman:

Years: 5
Total: $75 million
Bonus: $30 million / $6 million per year
Yrs 1-4 salary: $13 million
Yr 5 salary: $23 million

I'm not all that picky about contracts. I'm happy if they're just somewhere in the right ball park.

Last edited by rplatypus; 05-21-2016 at 01:42 PM.
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Old 10-12-2016, 03:09 PM   #4
RandallB21's Arena
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

I think I have this down now. Thank you so much for this thread. Time saver.
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Old 10-12-2016, 04:51 PM   #5
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

This may be a long shot, but you do know how you convert an older madden roster, i.e. Madden 08 to let's say Madden 12?

I found a thread where a person did this, but he hasn't been active in a few months: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ks-inside.html
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Old 10-12-2016, 09:26 PM   #6
rplatypus's Arena
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

Originally Posted by Brock
This may be a long shot, but you do know how you convert an older madden roster, i.e. Madden 08 to let's say Madden 12?

I found a thread where a person did this, but he hasn't been active in a few months: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ks-inside.html
There are different things to change for M06-M11. I don't know what they are because I haven't looked into it past M12 and I really don't have any plans to do so. Mainly because it will probably take me an hour or two to figure them out and post instructions and there are few people that would ever use that info. Basically what you would have to do is figure out how each of the column headers match up to M12 and copy and paste the columns over the corresponding column on an M12 CSV file. M06 and M07 would be the hardest to convert because you would have to add ratings to categories that didn't exist at the time. M08-M11 would be easier.

The further back you go the harder it is to convert them because of the new categories that were introduced in Madden over the years. Like in M07 they didn't have Short Accuracy, Medium Accuracy or Deep Accuracy for the QB's, they just had Throw Accuracy. While the column codes are similar, the same or fairly easy to figure out for most of them, there are also some column headers that are harder to figure out. There are also numerous categories that have a 0 rating that would have to be fixed and there were multiple head scans implemented over the years and some of the Player Id's changed as well.

To make it work in franchise mode without any current players or duplicate players appearing would be time consuming because you would have to change well over a thousand player Id's to match the M12 roster if you were porting M08 for instance. If you were porting M07 to M12, there are 13 categories that I saw that had a blank space or zero for ratings. Combine that with no birth dates, no hometowns, portrait changes, etc. There's just so much to change and fix, it just doesn't seem worth doing since I assume you would want to take the roster into franchise mode.

I checked out the link you provided and it looks like the OP of that thread already converted all of those files to M12/M13 based off of the audio codes all being 2047. He just imported them to a M25 roster. All you would have to do is create a M12 roster with the same number of players and import his roster into the M12 roster using Xanathol's editor. You would still need to correct the Player Id's if you wanted franchise mode to work accurately without current players or duplicates showing up on M12 though.

Last edited by rplatypus; 10-12-2016 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 10-12-2016, 11:23 PM   #7
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

Thanks for the response. Actually I was able to convert it... somewhat. I just wanted to try purely off nostalgia purposes, but I was able to convert my Madden 08 franchise into a roster, then was able (with some editing) convert it to Madden 12. But since the roster size is smaller, I just added a few real-life players to teams so I could actually import the csv with the madden editor. I didn't plan on using them for a franchise, just wanted to see what they would look like in an updated game.
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Old 10-12-2016, 11:31 PM   #8
rplatypus's Arena
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Re: How to convert M13-M16 rosters to different years.

Originally Posted by Brock
Thanks for the response. Actually I was able to convert it... somewhat. I just wanted to try purely off nostalgia purposes, but I was able to convert my Madden 08 franchise into a roster, then was able (with some editing) convert it to Madden 12. But since the roster size is smaller, I just added a few real-life players to teams so I could actually import the csv with the madden editor. I didn't plan on using them for a franchise, just wanted to see what they would look like in an updated game.
Good stuff. I did the same thing with a M12 roster that I ported to M15. But that was just so I could export individual players to another M15 roster.
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