Excellent work sir, thanks for doing it you're awesome! Very kind of you to share your work, thanks. Good PAL rosters are hard to find. I think we really need some way to convert the save files from NTSC/PAL to make things so much easier, not to mention a proper editor (similar to the editing tools made for Madden 08 on the PC and Finn's excellent NFL 2K5 editor for PS2/Xbox).
I'm new to Madden 11 so please forgive me if I've missed something, but what surprised me is when I set-up a quick Superbowl XLV test game and saw Clay Mathews with long hair in your roster! Awesome!! So can you PLEASE tell me how you managed to edit that? Or was it say, an edit of some previously updated (official EA) roster?? The only other way I would guess you did that is via some kind of Hex editing (but as far as I know we can't edit saves yet?). I don't know of a Madden 11 editor we could use to do that?
Many thanks again for sharing your work. Maybe once the season gets started I'll upload my own edited rosters to help out the other PAL guys. But as I say, I'd really like to know how we can edit things like faces/hair, and adding new player photos with some kind of editor would be nice as well. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer and wouldn't know how to begin making a tool like that but I so wish I could.